Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
Also US ships don't sail alone as seems to be common for Russian ships. They sail in combined groups, which makes picking one off much harder for the enemy and much easier to defend. When Russia lost its flagship Moskva, she was sitting off the Ukranian coast all alone and it took hours for backup to arrive. The US strategy is one learned in WW2, where German subs would find it easy to destroy lone ships in the middle of nowhere but when ships grouped up and defended eachother, the Germans found it much harder to attack and 75% of German submarine crews ended up dying for it

Basically if it's a ship on it's own it's only got the resources on board (including the crew) to deal with everything at once, including full 360 watch and cover which is incredibly hard, especially over a longer period of time as you can't have the crew resting as normal or doing a lot of maintenance without your ability to protect yourself affected.
A group of ships working together have far more redundancy and duplication in their protective abilities as they'll be able to have overlapping watches of the same area and overlapping coverage for their protective weapon systems so something like a torpedo or a small boat lying low in the water that might be missed (both by the watch and weapons) of one boat is far more likely to be seen and be able to be engaged by another.

You also have the ability to have ships designed specifically to excel in one role such as anti sub/anti air protecting the larger ones that might have some capacity for that, but are really meant to be doing something else.

I can quite see the likes of the current ships that are used as part of the missile defence role getting new equipment or updates to improve their ability to deal with smaller targets as they're already designed to spot small, hard to detect fast moving objects such as see skimming missiles, so potentially additional fast firing small calibre weapons could be the cheap and effective way to deal with a lot of the drones rather than relying on large anti missile/anti air weapons (which you run out of fast).
I can think of a a few ways that potentially something like a frigate could possibly improve it's ability to detect incoming drones involving taking ideas from WW1 and 2 and updating them with modern tech, and do so without making the ship itself an easier target for anti radar missiles.
10 May 2012
Maybe Germany and France could start by meeting their commitment to NATO defence spending, which is what Trump has asked them to do, and what they themselves ought to be doing anyway. For a country the size of Germany with their economy to have a smaller Army than the UK, an island nation with a smaller population, is an insult to the members of the alliance like the US and Poland who are meeting their agreed defence spending.
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4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Maybe Germany and France could start by meeting their commitment to NATO defence spending, which is what Trump has asked them to do, and what they themselves ought to be doing anyway. For a country the size of Germany with their economy to have a smaller Army than the UK, an island nation with a small population, is an insult to the members of the alliance like the US and Poland who are meeting their agreed defence spending.

Their armed forces are larger than the UK so its not exactly a slam dunk.
Their actual expenditure is higher than ours despite being a lower %. God knows how the UK has managed to cripple our economy so badly the last 7-8 years or so ;)

It wasn't up to Trump, but anyway it was already agreed. He just asked them to do something they already were working towards.

Funny thing is go back a few years and certain demographics would have been frothing over their newspaper if the Germans were spending almost twice as much as the UK on their military, but suddenly when Trump mentioned it the position changed. ;)
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
I watched a video on YouTube recently of a cruise ship turning around mid ocean to take a look at a life raft they'd spotted. Just watching that made me realise how difficult it is to see anything small like that at sea even with the high visibility markings on it.

No wonder these small drones are able to go unnoticed for so long.
I was reading something a while back that made the point that IIRC most of the better/regulation modern life rafts actually have to have a mylar foil sewn or glued in places to give them a radar signature that radar has a better chance of picking up, apparently early ones and some of the cheaper ones that don't meet proper modern standards don't, meaning there is effectively no radar signature as the materials they are otherwise made off don't give anything for the signal to bounce off.
27 Dec 2009
Their armed forces are larger than the UK so its not exactly a slam dunk.
Their actual expenditure is higher than ours despite being a lower %. God knows how the UK has managed to cripple our economy so badly the last 7-8 years or so ;)

It wasn't up to Trump, but anyway it was already agreed. He just asked them to do something they already were working towards.

Funny thing is go back a few years and certain demographics would have been frothing over their newspaper if the Germans were spending almost twice as much as the UK on their military, but suddenly when Trump mentioned it the position changed. ;)

Some people literally demanded Brexit because they didn't want UK armed forces to be in any way committed to acting as part of a possible combined European defence union. "No EU Army!" etc. I wonder what threat European nations would most likely want such a coordinated force to defend against?
10 May 2012
Their armed forces are larger than the UK so its not exactly a slam dunk.

The UK Armed Forces consists of just the Army, Airforce and Navy.

Germany is including all of the following into their numbers:
German Army
German Navy
German Air Force
Joint Support Service
Joint Medical Service
Cyber and Information Domain Service

Where as we don't include GCGQ, etc in ours. They're a much larger country, their Army is only 62,800, ours is 76,000. Part of our budget as well is dedicated to maintaining our nuclear weapons, Germany doesn't even have that expenditure yet still manages to have a smaller Army than us.

Their actual expenditure is higher than ours despite being a lower %. God knows how the UK has managed to cripple our economy so badly the last 7-8 years or so ;)

Fantastic and completely irrelavant, the target is 2% of their GDP. Not "more than the UK".

It wasn't up to Trump, but anyway it was already agreed. He just asked them to do something they already were working towards.

Well, when they meet the target, at their own leisure of course, perhaps Trump will agree that to send the exceptionally well funded US military to their aid in the event of an attack.

Funny thing is go back a few years and certain demographics would have been frothing over their newspaper if the Germans were spending almost twice as much as the UK on their military, but suddenly when Trump mentioned it the position changed. ;)

Are these winky faces supposed to mean something? At no point in the past 20 years has anyone taken an issue with Germany meeting it's NATO contributions rather than letting other countries effectively subsidise them, while they buy lots of cheap Russian oil indirectly funding this war we're now all paying for.
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18 Oct 2002
Sandwich, Kent
Some people literally demanded Brexit because they didn't want UK armed forces to be in any way committed to acting as part of a possible combined European defence union. "No EU Army!" etc. I wonder what threat European nations would most likely want such a coordinated force to defend against?
I know Brexit pain seems to run deep into some people's psyche. But I think you're misunderstanding the difference between not wanting to head down a path where UK forces operate under the direct command of an EU superstate, and working in combined operations with our NATO allies as we do now.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Some people literally demanded Brexit because they didn't want UK armed forces to be in any way committed to acting as part of a possible combined European defence union. "No EU Army!" etc. I wonder what threat European nations would most likely want such a coordinated force to defend against?

Indeed. But you got the usual drivel about EUSSR as opposed to a force somewhat like the way NATO operates which was far more logical.

Edit, see above.
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4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
The UK Armed Forces consists of just the Army, Airforce and Navy.

Germany is including all of the following into their numbers:
German Army
German Navy
German Air Force
Joint Support Service
Joint Medical Service
Cyber and Information Domain Service

Where as we don't include GCGQ, etc in ours. They're a much larger country, their Army is only 62,800, ours is 76,000. Part of our budget as well is dedicated to maintaining our nuclear weapons, Germany doesn't even have that expenditure yet still manages to have a smaller Army than us.

Fantastic and completely irrelavant, the target is 2% of their GDP. Not "more than the UK".

Well, when they meet the target, at their own leisure of course, perhaps Trump will agree that to send the exceptionally well funded US military to their aid in the event of an attack.

Are these winky faces supposed to mean something? At no point in the past 20 years has anyone taken an issue with Germany meeting it's NATO contributions rather than letting other countries effectively subsidise them, while they buy lots of cheap Russian oil indirectly funding this war we're now all paying for.

Precisely, the numbers do not equate.
You seem very certain in regards GCHQ when I have not seen a clear number listed, everyone, including MPs struggle to understand precisely whats included and not. At any level than high level categories.

The point of NATO is to build on each others strengths not to replicate the same structure across all nations.

Its funny I know loads of people who have stated that Germany shouldnt even be allowed a military after starting two world wars.
Typically older people who saw (like my grandparents) or indirectly saw the consequences of the war (WW2) however, (eg many at my local C&UP club.)
Last edited:
29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
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