At the very least amd is catching up with intels performance crown and only at the very least we will have to see but what i have been reading maybe matching intel's 8 series processor or maybe intel's 9 series processor regarding ipc and performance of the new amd processors.
Anyways mate i have been researching and for ryzen 3000 series 3600 mhz ram is the sweet spot and is no longer 3000/3200mhz which is the case with ryzen 1 and 2 so i will be buying this below.
Reason why i go for 8 pack ram is a guaranteed compatibility with amd motherboards and the like.
My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £158.69 (includes shipping: £8.70)

Correct me if wrong but yeah.
I have 8 pack ram and it has a nice xmp profile that i can use you see so yep with my motherboard, so people moving from intel just to let you know for me i have the xmp menu so no need to worry about getting the guaranteed speed of the ram or no need to mess about with manual tuning of the ram.
Just unsure if every amd motherboard support xmp so i don't know but with mine it does.
If anybody is going to get the same motherboard as me just to let you know this is where you switch the computer on, so the power button on the pc case is not used at all from what i have found out, unless there is one but for me mine maybe isn't connected so yeah.
Below is my disco computer, i like the lights though.