It's a topic of conversation that comes up all the time, as individuals they're mostly decent people, however as a society things are deeply broken and American society in general is very unhappy and very angry.
Basically exactly what I said, not only "mostly decent" but actually in general very friendly and polite, more so than people are over here.
Most are aware of how ridiculous their behavior is to outsiders, and the outside world in general - they're totally aware that they have very serious problems that need solving. But these problems are not for individuals to solve, they're complex societal problems that need serious solutions, and that's going to be very difficult to get when you have a society that's geared solely around making money.
For example, look at how the NRA has basically purchased (with pure cash) control of US senators, so that they can control and push their own agendas that suit them, rather than the interests of society. Most Americans want common sense gun legislation, but they're prevented because the NRA pay money to prevent it from happening - which I think most people will agree is a very broken and dysfunctional way to run things.
Essentially; rather than argue and debate on how things should operate - merely pay money to stop any opposing viewpoint from even being heard, let alone argued.
The NRA isn't the only problem, lobbying in American politics is just a massive problem in general, most people agree with that. There is support for the 2nd amendment in America too though.
You are basically saying that trump has nothing to do with divisions being reinforced and amplified in America?
It's the Cathy Newman vs Jordan Peterson interview here, "so what you're saying is...". No, what he's saying in his post.