Donald Trump

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The post stated they stopped the payments a few years ago which they didn't.

a few years ago? Bending the truth again are we?

And the direct quote (that you responded to with "Just another fake news CT!!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:")

I read somewhere it’s been a year or so since they stopped contributing to the WHO. Obviously that’s on Trump and his admin, just like they said there wasn’t pandemic playbook left by the previous administration, there was. And just like he cut funding to the CDC last year or early this year.
That’s all on him but nope he just blames Obama :confused:

A year or so... So, this year and most of last year's money has not been paid. Sounds about right to me.
A year or so... So, this year and most of last year's money has not been paid. Sounds about right to me.
and that is how trump fans will always be right. the rewrite history even when it's all written down for everyone to see. we can see Yas said "a year or so". Trump fans then claim Yas said few years and claim victory. Great. The funny thing is these trump fans are admitting it was a year or so, while arguing by themselves it wasn't a few years. How more of a failure can you get. Admit your god is late on payments, and then make up stuff as the same time, while ironically claiming fake news.
The post stated they stopped the payments a few years ago which they didn't.
I said a yr or so ago, you need to go back to school for basic reading comprehension...but do carry on mis quoting me like you do with others and articles that you post up every so often.
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Oh, and I love that after what Pelosi said the other day, President Plump and The Girther Movement were trending.

But isn't she terrible for calling him morbidly obese, Trump would never say that. I don't think he'd be able to say the proper medical term. He'd just go straight back to calling a former Miss Universe Miss Piggy, or call others horseface or fat pigs, as it is the proper way to insult someone. ;)
Sigh, this again.....


He was interviewed, gave an answer and was then asked later did you lie.

He said yes and that is all that mattered. He could have been a good honest person and just told the truth the first time but no just like Trump Flynn lied, but then admitted to it. There for he is guilty of the crime. The evidence was there to confirm. Doesn't matter how it happen or what led up to it. He lied and was caugh making that the crime he was charged with.
"Coronavirus: Hydroxychloroquine trial begins in the UK"

Thanks Trump for thinking outside the box ;)

I don't think he came up with the idea that hydroxychloroquine "might" have some impact on COVID19, the medical community are trying lots of different combinations, antivirals/drugs that had previously been used for HIV/Ebola/SARS) etc.

There are studies going on all over the world, I'm sure they aren't all down to Trump.

In fact I believe studies have shown it has no impact.

In this observational study involving patients with Covid-19 who had been admitted to the hospital, hydroxychloroquine administration was not associated with either a greatly lowered or an increased risk of the composite end point of intubation or death. Randomized, controlled trials of hydroxychloroquine in patients with Covid-19 are needed. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health.)

or no proved benefit:

but I welcome more research but it would proably have been worth waiting for that before telling everybody to take it?

Interesting to see there has been no studies into injecting disinfectant?
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I don't think he came up with the idea that hydroxychloroquine "might" have some impact on COVID19, the medical community are trying lots of different combinations, antivirals/drugs that had previously been used for HIV/Ebola/SARS) etc.

There are studies going on all over the world, I'm sure they aren't all down to Trump.

In fact I believe studies have shown it has no impact.

or no proved benefit:

but I welcome more research but it would proably have been worth waiting for that before telling everybody to take it?

Interesting to see there has been no studies into injecting disinfectant?

He took the drug and made sure people knew about it.

And the libs of this world called him names for doing it.
Can't wait for the name calling of the NHS ;)


What a Lady
But studies into it predate Trumps interest, the medical community already knew about it, hence why there are studies currently showing no benefit.

And he was right....:)

What was he right about? (studies have shown no benefit, there is no proof)

NHS is doing further studies, I’m sure they are doing many studies into other treatments as well.

She makes a great sidekick for Trump as she’s nearly as obnoxious and ignorant as him, nearly!

Maybe not great to use Christine Cuomo as she also states:

On top of this is homeopathy, which works according to the symptom picture.

Which has also be debunked as just “snake oil”, oh my ;) :)

A previous idea was injecting disinfectant could be good, why no studies into that?
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"Coronavirus: Hydroxychloroquine trial begins in the UK"

Thanks Trump for thinking outside the box ;)
I'm not sure I'd call taking random drugs because you've heard good things about them and think you have nothing to lose would be consider thinking outside the box, in fact, once again, the article you linked to sort of proves the point everyone has been making since this whole Hydroxychloroquine became a thing, it says...
Laboratory evidence shows that these well-established drugs might be effective in preventing or treating COVID-19 but there is no conclusive proof. Despite the lack of strong evidence these drugs are being widely recommended, and they are being widely used in some countries
I mean you can't be suggesting that people should follow the POTUS lead and just start taking random drugs because they heard good things about them even though there's no conclusive proof.
And the libs of this world called him names for doing it.
The "libs" of this world weren't calling him names, people with more than two brain cells to rub together were saying you shouldn't be taking random drugs simply because you heard good things about them, that you should wait until there's conclusive proof that a particular drug has the desired effect, that taking the drug doesn't do more harm than good, that you shouldn't go putting drugs into your body unless the benefits outweigh the harm.
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But studies into it predate Trumps interest, the medical community already knew about it, hence why there are studies currently showing no benefit.

What was he right about? (studies have shown no benefit, there is no proof)

NHS is doing further studies, I’m sure they are doing many studies into other treatments as well.

She makes a great sidekick for Trump as she’s nearly as obnoxious and ignorant as him, nearly!

Maybe not great to use Christine Cuomo as she also states:

Which has also be debunked as just “snake oil”, oh my ;) :)

A previous idea was injecting disinfectant could be good, why no studies into that?

You did not read the whole link or watched the video...oh hum..
But if you did you would know.....

So we now have world wide trials of this drug you all talked down :)
So we now have world wide trials of this drug you all talked down :)

I did read the whole link and watched the video, she was using Christine Cuomo deflection (surprise, surprise).

World Wide trials were happening before Trump mentioned it, currently their conclusions have been it has no impact but as I posted above I welcome more research, I don't think I've ever talked it down.

Why would you talk up a medicine that has shown no efficacy?
I'm not sure I'd call taking random drugs because you've heard good things about them and think you have nothing to lose would be consider thinking outside the box, in fact, once again, the article you linked to sort of proves the point everyone has been making since this whole Hydroxychloroquine became a thing, it says...

I mean you can't be suggesting that people should follow the POTUS lead and just start taking random drugs because they heard good things about them even though there's no conclusive proof.

The "libs" of this world weren't calling him names, people with more than two brain cells to rub together were saying you shouldn't be taking random drugs simply because you heard good things about them, that you should wait until there's conclusive proof that a particular drug has the desired effect, that taking the drug doesn't do more harm than good, that you shouldn't go putting drugs into your body unless the benefits outweigh the harm.

That's why the NHS and around the world are testing the drug....
Jesus H Christ.....

I just have to say a BIG thank you Ronald Dion DeSantis.
Not only was FL the only state to get it right.
The other states are following.... ;)
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