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The thread which sometimes talks about RDNA2

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12 Nov 2020
If you’re willing to pay a scalper, you’re better off buy a new 3070 (better than the 2080ti) while you wait for your MSRP 6900XT. Will cost the same and you won’t support scum.

I agree about scalpers and thus I may end up stretching for 3090. I'm exploring the option. Still, a ridiculous amount to pay for a card but needs must as I play at 4K on C9 and I want to push as many frames as I can.

better until it runs out of vram playing watch dogs legion at 1080p :D

Quite. Not enough vram at 4K in some games, unfortunately.
12 Jul 2007
I will let the youngsters have their toys for Christmas, will be looking to pick up a card in April once all the AIB cards have been tested side by side and EK have all their blocks announced.

Same here!

I think is bloody atrocious that all these "paper launches" from Nvidia, AMD & XBox etc aren't being punished heavily by the stock market, as the customer base is furious right now with the total lack of stock available to actually buy. Creating "artificial" hype in this way is disgusting!
8 Jun 2018
The 2000 series will be entering planned obsolescence now the 3000 series are available.
Very true yet unfortunate for those who didn't plan on upgrading with that hardware.

If you look at the chart from TPU, from the post you replied to earlier, it uses an Intel Testbed using a 9900k. The difference between a 3070 and 5700xt is about 10 FPS. However, the results of Guru3d, which using a AMD testbed, shows that gap narrowing in Valhalla 5 FPS. Now it's not an absolute. However, it does show that, to me, using an AMD build with a Radeon GPU can improve performance.

I also found a video using a 5600x showing, at times, better then 60 fps.
1440p start at 1:30 mark. And this is with a 5700xt. We all know it's not a high end card. But can get you roughly 60 fps at 2K (ultra w/med. aa) from an engine that is notoriously referred as a "bad port" is no slouch IMO.

It does appear that even with the 5700xt (and higher: RDNA 2) using Zen 3 should be advantageous when looking to eek out that little bit more in performance in games. Without having to worry about fine tuning your PC for OC'ing, allegedly.

I do have a even handed expectation of the overall performance of the 6800xt. Be it that it can OC to 2500Mhz is still a rumor right now, IMO. Based on this insight the 6800xt 'should' do exceptionally well for this game.
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26 Apr 2017
6800xt pushing 2.5ghz+ beats the 3080ti and competes with a 3090. (as I said months ago)
Looks good for amd and the 6800 Big dog navi :D
Not to say the 6900xt :eek:
21 May 2018
If you’re willing to pay a scalper, you’re better off buy a new 3070 (better than the 2080ti) while you wait for your MSRP 6900XT. Will cost the same and you won’t support scum.
3070 is NOT better than 2080ti, 2080ti have more often higher FPS, it has more memory and can OC more in which case it beat 3070 even more, unless you talk about RT.
8 Oct 2020
3070 is NOT better than 2080ti, 2080ti have more often higher FPS, it has more memory and can OC more in which case it beat 3070 even more, unless you talk about RT.

It’ll give him a close enough experience to his 2080ti as a short term solution, and hold resale. Nobody in their right mind would move from a 2080ti to a 3070.
2 Sep 2017
Because he wants to see a GPU not designed for 4K get smashed by a GPU designed by 4k :rolleyes::confused:

GPUs have never been "designed" for a particular resolution. It's not the cause but a consequence of the number of transistors and corresponding process node.
Historically, GPUs increase their performance linearly from generation to generation.

Also, RX 6000 haven't got the best performance at 4K, they are better at 1440p.
29 Jul 2016
Damn. Just sold my 2080 Ti, I was hoping - and still am - to nab one on the 8th of December. Looks like I'll be mashing the F5 key or paying through my nose to some scalper.
Please don't purchase from them and if you do, try get RRP or just wait. The more we all do this, the less they will do this and hopefully all loose money.
12 Nov 2020
Please don't purchase from them and if you do, try get RRP or just wait. The more we all do this, the less they will do this and hopefully all loose money.
I completely get you buddy. I hate myself for contemplating doing it. Hopefully I'll be able to find something on December 8th. Getting a card off scalpers is the very last resort.
6 Feb 2019
As I predicted SAM is not something that only RDNA2 can do. Nvidia have confirmed that they already have SAM working on Ampere GPUs and are getting the same performance improvements AMD showed off - the feature will be released in a new driver
8 Jun 2018
As I predicted SAM is not something that only RDNA2 can do. Nvidia have confirmed that they already have SAM working on Ampere GPUs and are getting the same performance improvements AMD showed off - the feature will be released in a new driver
You are blaming the wrong company. Smart Access Memory (It is resizeable BAR support) was capable in Linux for years. The problem is that it's relatively new in win10.
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