*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Quite Jelly of this. Although a few things make mine worse, I'm going for a stealth build which means a silencer which comes with a debuff to damage, and also non-lethal mod which means I can slot one less crit damage mod. Otherwise I feel it would be quite close :D
It'll go a lot higher if you use the right cyberware and clothing mods. I've got a load of Armadillo mods to up my armour to over 3000 instead.
Well just finished the Nomad V ending after 120hrs in - Still got the Silverhands and the Arasaka ones left to do (Silverhands I think I know what'll happen but Araska seems interesting)..

Just finished the Silverhand ending - Wow it's awful :D I don't mean the last few minutes, I mean virtually the entire thing from the time to make your decision split to the last scene, it was all just bad and nowhere near as good as the action involved in the Panam ending - getting into the facility, what happens inside etc - is way more intense than the Silverhand version of "get into the facility", which was virtually a 5 min cutscene more than anything else for "The Most Heavily Guarded Building In The City!!!".

As for the post climax Epilogue, it was just as bad as the "getting into the facility" stuff, just so poor compared to the epilogue of the Panam storyline.

Next up is the Arasaka ending which I'm hoping will be a better story, although I doubt the ending will be a happy one :D

Meet a fully upgraded Crash :cool:

This is my Crash doing 870k headshots even with a Rare silencer (only 15% damage drop) due to it's 3x 8hp extra damage mods, a +20% headshot damage mod and whole bunch of Stealth Perks - kind of makes the game a little pointless by then (put in spoiler due to image size)


and it consistently gets 800k+ headshots and I've heard on Reddit that there's a YT vid with over 1 million damage from a sniper (Overwatch IIRC) :eek:



My finally current dude V -

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i think this very much builds a case for what I was saying before, because GTA V is a masterpiece, but it's a game that has been developed continuously over 20 years with many iterations built on top of the previous games.

This might make sense except GTA 3 has better police AI than Cyberpunk and probably better features in other areas.

Technological regression or people just not learning from past games?
In many respects the game is GTA 3 with better visuals and some mechanics modernised but in some ways lacking in implementation vs GTA 3 even. It is definitely not GTA V territory but a big caveat there for me on a personal note is that I can't play GTA V due to the mouse implementation and the clunkiness of some mechanics - it just completely destroys my enjoyment of the game - where Cyberpunk for a miracle actually has a mouse input setup which matches my requirements - though probably could do with a further couple of customisation options for other people's needs.

On another note they really missed an opportunity with Judy's storyline (which is a good one) - the game would have been so much better if you had the choice of either protecting her from the consequences of events, the path as per is in the game or alternative making her more involved and acting more or less like a friend to her depending on how you wanted to play it and the consequences of that. There are a couple of bits where you can influence things between letting certain things go or taking revenge but it doesn't really change much - in fact a couple of times it ignores what option you choose at those junctures anyhow later.

EDIT: LOL just noticed if you are carrying a body the body is in reflections slumped in mid-air moving around but the player character is not shown.
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This is getting quite annoying even though it takes ~2 hours to happen:

Happily playing at ~60 FPS then suddenly takes a dump to ~45 FPS (usually it is almost exactly a 20 FPS drop) until I restart the game.



It isn't v-sync multis even though the numbers are close to that. For some reason the game plays like that for some people all the time.
It'll go a lot higher if you use the right cyberware and clothing mods. I've got a load of Armadillo mods to up my armour to over 3000 instead.

The Spiffing Brit has made some videos in which he gleefully abuses the wildly unbalanced mechanics, with the most recent one ("Stacking Infinite Armor For Immortality In Cyberpunk 2077 A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits") being a character immune to all ranged damage and with a pistol that does 250K hits. So far. He thinks he can get a pistol to 1M damage.

By the way...with those Armadillo mods how much protection you get doesn't necessarily reflect what the description says. You sometimes find that removing an Armadillo mod increases the AC of the armour. You can also sometimes find that saving, exiting and reloading changes the armour class of one or more items. Why? Who knows? Nobody tested anything and nobody knows what's going on.

I'll buy this game when it's finished.
Now I’m out of the interlude I’m overwhelmed by all the messages and missions. I need to stop walking everywhere, I’ll never finish.
I spent 30+ hours clearing all that up. Now I only get new gigs pop up as I do new main story missions. As soon as new gigs pop up I like to do them. Nearing 50 hours played and level 40 now, maxed out street cred ages ago due to doing tons of blue icons :p

Seems to me the more I play the better the side missions get. Loving the game.

Just a shame they did not do it so choices made mattered and there were consequences for going in a particular direction where you missed out on stuff. Would have been a 10/10 for me had they nailed that, the ai and did a better job of the loot system where there was less variety and it mattered more when you found a new gun that was a nice upgrade over what you had. That and a bit of conspiracy in the story or at least in a major side mission would have made it into my all time number one :)

Can’t complain too much though. Still better than any other game I have played in a while and it will only get better.
This is my biggest issue with CD projekt red games, their level scaling in every game they have made just sucks. Had to just go fashion build in CP2077 as armour stacking etc just ruins the gameplay experience.


And Witcher 3 gets GOTY etc, but this is how bad the combat really was


Isn't that relatively the same in every open world action RPG?

I think they needed to cap the max level you can get to, and cap weapon damage etc. Anything over level 20~ just breaks the game. As Angilion says, even a basic weapon with zero mods can now one shot pretty much any enemy in the in game.

Simply not true. Even with mods, depending on the build, not every weapon can one shot someone that is at least the same level as you or higher - probably on easy may work or on lower level enemies, but for sure it doesn't work on any enemy.

I'm at level 43, 3k+ armor, 500 something health. On difficult setting, a handful of enemies, even lower level ones, can give you a hard time if you're out in the open. Except a revolver and a shotgun (at relatively close range), which are a bit OP with mods, no other weapon can one shot enemies. And even those OP I don't think they can one shot cyberpsycos or high level enemies at distance.

One option would be to just take a more logical, natural approach - ArmA style. Anything that is level based just doesn't work outside of a narrow window the developers think the average Joe will take throughtout the game.

Just a shame they did not do it so choices made mattered and there were consequences for going in a particular direction where you missed out on stuff.

They are, just not as obvious or as many as we would like (or probably as important). For instance, there is a certain situation with a certain girl. On the first play through I've went along with a plan B she had and in the end ended up sharing a bed (just sleeping :D ). On the 2nd playthrough I've said no, so she order a room just for herself and, from what other NPC said, it may also have repercussions later down the storyline.
I spent 30+ hours clearing all that up. Now I only get new gigs pop up as I do new main story missions. As soon as new gigs pop up I like to do them. Nearing 50 hours played and level 40 now, maxed out street cred ages ago due to doing tons of blue icons :p

Seems to me the more I play the better the side missions get. Loving the game.

Just a shame they did not do it so choices made mattered and there were consequences for going in a particular direction where you missed out on stuff. Would have been a 10/10 for me had they nailed that, the ai and did a better job of the loot system where there was less variety and it mattered more when you found a new gun that was a nice upgrade over what you had. That and a bit of conspiracy in the story or at least in a major side mission would have made it into my all time number one :)

Can’t complain too much though. Still better than any other game I have played in a while and it will only get better.

I keep doing all the blue icons too. I don’t look at the map much, I just tackle what I come across. At some point I’ll need to make a push on the main story.
Gah, at some point I've had a bug with the inventory where during inventory management of moving, upgrading, crafting etc, I've ended up with dupe iconic items. It happened first with Johnny's shoes crafting them from rare to epic and then epic to legendary left behind the old variants (when they should be destroyed as part of the crafting) and now I can't remove the old ones from my inventory, they can't be dropped or deconstructed. Annoying but for me not much of a problem.

However the same has happened again with the Iconic Overture pistol called Crash. This is the pistol I'm min maxing with my upgrade stats to get ridiculous headshot damage. I think I had the same problem with this pistol, crafting it up to legendary left behind the epic variant, and the game worked fine for a while but then when I finally managed to somehow get rid of the epic variant, I think I maybe dismantled it *somehow* the legendary variant of it has become like a non-item. It's listed in the inventory and I can equip it as normal, but it's not listed in the upgrade tree, nor can I drop it or deconstruct it, nor can I transfer it to any other stash in the game.
Just finished the Silverhand ending - Wow it's awful :D I don't mean the last few minutes, I mean virtually the entire thing from the time to make your decision split to the last scene, it was all just bad and nowhere near as good as the action involved in the Panam ending - getting into the facility, what happens inside etc - is way more intense than the Silverhand version of "get into the facility", which was virtually a 5 min cutscene more than anything else for "The Most Heavily Guarded Building In The City!!!".

As for the post climax Epilogue, it was just as bad as the "getting into the facility" stuff, just so poor compared to the epilogue of the Panam storyline.

Next up is the Arasaka ending which I'm hoping will be a better story, although I doubt the ending will be a happy one :D

Just finished the Arasaka ending and, while the action was better than the Silverhand ending it still wasn't as good as the Panam action scenes. I completely guessed wrong on how the post-action dialogue/story would go though, really blind-sided me but not in a good way, I thought the ending I put in spoilers would have been what happened but even this actual ending, as bad as it was, is still way better than the Silverhand ending, although in none of the 3 ending have I stayed in the cyberworld as a construct so I'll give Silverhands another go I think.

I thought that the son would die and V's body would be taken over by the father - I didn't see the son "giving up" his body ending coming. Also the repetitive testing did start to annoy me IRL :D

It's listed in the inventory and I can equip it as normal, but it's not listed in the upgrade tree, nor can I drop it or deconstruct it, nor can I transfer it to any other stash in the game.

The exclamation mark in the top right means the item is a "story" item and these can't be dropped, disassembled, stashed etc - it's not a "bug" as such but a way to make sure you can't accidentally lose an item that the story *needs* at some point. However it is extremely annoying as I also have 3 copies Johnnies clothing, 2 copies of Crash etc that I can't get rid of.

If you look in you backback under the "everything" item you'll see your actual inventory is made up of dozens of these "story" items, even Johnnies robotic left arm (which you can attach BTW) like keycards, objects given to you by story characters etc.
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There's a channel on YouTube doing comparisons of the physics in CP2077 versus various games, including RDR2, Far Cry 5 and GTAV and none of the videos reflect particularly well on CP2077:

The more I play this the more I think CDPR have dropped the ball. Take away the pretty visuals and some of the decent main and side quests and you're left with a bad game imo.
There's a channel on YouTube doing comparisons of the physics in CP2077 versus various games, including RDR2, Far Cry 5 and GTAV and none of the videos reflect particularly well on CP2077:

The more I play this the more I think CDPR have dropped the ball. Take away the pretty visuals and some of the decent main and side quests and you're left with a bad game imo.

Sure, it has some huge flaws. I would however say that the city they’ve built and the immersion of the story is far above any other game.
Take away the gunplay mechanics from cod, bf.... what makes them good?

Take away the story and characters from rdr 2.... what makes it good?

Take away the open world aspect of gta 5.... what makes it good?

Could apply the same logic to anything out there.

The game as a whole is great.

The visuals and design of the city etc. just adds to what is a pretty solid story for an action adventure game with "some" RPG elements, really likeable characters etc.

Is cyberpunk as good as the hype? Nope and anyone who was expecting that is a fool tbh :p

I've been having an absolute blast, which is a nice change as quite frankly, gaming has been complete **** for me for the last year or 2 now, nothing has held my attention.
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