*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

:D I have had finger guns before, you don't actually shoot anything sadly!

I've had it a couple of times but it only lasted for a few moments - mostly seems to happen around elevators.

Yeah does seem to have its ups and downs.
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:D I have had finger guns before, you don't actually shoot anything sadly!

Yeah does seem to have its ups and downs.

Am I correct in saying that weapons with an orange / yellow background are one of a kind?

Yep, if you hover over the item in the inventory you'll see at the top right it says "iconic" to indicate it's one of a kind. They can only be found in specific points in the game. The major benefit of iconic weapons is that they can be crafted into higher tiers where as other guns cannot. So if you have a rare (blue) iconic gun, you can upgrade that to an epic (purple) variant, and then again into a legendary (orange) variant. Each upgrade gives it significant stat increases and more mod slots. You can't do this with normal weapons which make the iconic guns worth keeping. Don't dismantle them or sell them, if you don't need it right away put it into your stash instead as you can't get these back later.
Yep, if you hover over the item in the inventory you'll see at the top right it says "iconic" to indicate it's one of a kind. They can only be found in specific points in the game. The major benefit of iconic weapons is that they can be crafted into higher tiers where as other guns cannot. So if you have a rare (blue) iconic gun, you can upgrade that to an epic (purple) variant, and then again into a legendary (orange) variant. Each upgrade gives it significant stat increases and more mod slots. You can't do this with normal weapons which make the iconic guns worth keeping. Don't dismantle them or sell them, if you don't need it right away put it into your stash instead as you can't get these back later.

Ah nice. Cheers:)
Anyone know if there is a mod or some way of disabling the red outlines from things/people when interacting? I find it hurts immersion a bit.
Yep, if you hover over the item in the inventory you'll see at the top right it says "iconic" to indicate it's one of a kind. They can only be found in specific points in the game. The major benefit of iconic weapons is that they can be crafted into higher tiers where as other guns cannot. So if you have a rare (blue) iconic gun, you can upgrade that to an epic (purple) variant, and then again into a legendary (orange) variant. Each upgrade gives it significant stat increases and more mod slots. You can't do this with normal weapons which make the iconic guns worth keeping. Don't dismantle them or sell them, if you don't need it right away put it into your stash instead as you can't get these back later.

I wondered why it kept asking me whether I was sure I wanted to sell those.
They could have put a lot more into the visual customisation.

Being able to have a skin appearance of clothes over whatever you're actually wearing would have been nice. Unlock the appearances by collecting the clothing you want the look of etc.

Been stuck with stupid cowboy hat with sequins for ages because it has max mod slots.
Finished this last night.

Sticking with my 5 out of 10.

Last act just encountered too many bugs had to reload multiple times which just killed it for me. Up to that point I was mostly bug free.

Story itself is good, I feel I got what was a good ending for my character

Ai is dumb though through out, never any need to hack enemies as can just gun em down easy enough, the bosses are same no strategy needed with them what so ever.

The Adam smasher fight was most disappointing expected more with it.

I actually prefer Dues Ex to this tbh

Cop system in the game is terrible, they literally pop in no build up half the time, hit 4 stars and thats it just pop to you and bang.

Least in gta that cop system has a build up it doesn't feel instant.

Besides Judy, Jackie, panam, river and silverhand didn't care for the other characters that much, the way new fixers get introduced in new areas is also dull as just a phone call.

Speaking of the phone it never shuts up!
Anyone know what a yellow Exclamation mark on the top right corner of a iconic weapon icon means?

It means it's a "story" item, so something either a character gives you for future use or something you need to advance the story. It can appear on things as eclectic as a datashard to a box of rice or to weapons and clothes. You can't sell, stash or disassemble these items as the game needs you to have these in your inventory for a reason.

The Adam smasher fight was most disappointing expected more with it.

It was supposed to last upto 5 minutes, with Smasher having 3 distinct phases during the battle (full health Smasher, 2/3 health and 1/3 health) and each of those phases having 3 different ways that Smasher attacks so a total of 9 sections and with 3 different looks as he slowly gets more damaged. However by the time of the Smasher fight most people will have uber armour and very OP weapons so, for me at least, in my 5 fights with him he's never lasted more than 30 seconds which means his "9 attacks" don't happen as there's just not enough time and, other than once, I've not lost more than 100 health because he just doesn't have enough time to really damage you that much. The various boxing matches have been genuinely harder to win than the "big bad boss" fight for me which is a shame.
I've never been so happy to have my scepticism for this game proved so wrong. After all the bad hype I wasen't going to bother until at least summer. I caved after a few beers (and boredom) and picked it up, 13 hours in now and having a ball. Sure it's got bugs that really shouldn't be there but will hopefully get patched out, and some npc gameplay and narrative that is pretty crap but that just blurs after a while. Well happy now.
Yup exactly, people can keep making videos comparing the physics etc. on things where you run around bashing lampposts with a stick etc. but lets be honest, do people actually do this? :p :o :D

Now, if this where a game like the division for example, when it comes to you having gun fights in the middle of streets and using cars as cover etc. (core gameplay mechanics) then the physics here for tires blowing out, windows being shot to hell gradually etc. are important to the gameplay and immersion. All of the gunplay etc. that I have done so far on CP has been in buildings, of street areas, nothing in the middle of the city/roads.

When I play Star wars games and I'm using a lightsabre, I would love it if I could actually slice through the majority of the game world items, not to mention, one hit with a sabre anywhere would leave bodies in half, limbs cut off, decapitating people etc. given that I am using a lightsabre.... But just because I can't doesn't make the likes of fallen order a bad game.
Im glad i was proved right with this game being a buggy mess for at least 6 months, happy i avoided it.
I spent 1 hour creating my character and now my female V looks like a bum since I'm forced to wear items with good stats but awful looks.

I hate this so much.

You're not forced to do anything. You can choose your equipment based solely on looks if you want to. Decide which matters more to you.

Although it might be a good idea for the game to have some specialists who can pay to do some alterations to your clothing, to some extent. Bespoke clothiers would be plausible in the gameworld because there would be people willing to pay for their skills. In that gameworld, if there's money to be made from something there'll be someone doing it. For a price, of course.

I've never been so happy to have my scepticism for this game proved so wrong. After all the bad hype I wasen't going to bother until at least summer. I caved after a few beers (and boredom) and picked it up, 13 hours in now and having a ball. Sure it's got bugs that really shouldn't be there but will hopefully get patched out, and some npc gameplay and narrative that is pretty crap but that just blurs after a while. Well happy now.

I'm going to hold off until it's patched to a genuine release state. Although maybe I'll also cave if I have a few beers. Or maybe not. I've still got plenty of games I've bought and never played. I don't even know how many. I found Pillars Of Eternity in my GOG library a few days ago and I'm playing that now. No idea when I bought that.
The cloths matter less and less later on in the game as most bonuses come from the mods you slot into them, the base armour differences are very small by that point. They're also irrelevant for stealth.
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