Finally beths main brain scan results

Thanks guys

This has put me into tears reading how some of you would donate/send money for the scan it really has you have no idea how much that means - But I have never and dont think I could ask for anything from anyone as it doesnt feel right in my eyes , I would put it on the credit card but there is nothing left on it . We just didnt think of asking how much one would be at the time as we didnt know this would be an option
Hi Skywalker, never spoken to you before but i've read all the posts on Bethany. Really sorry to hear about this, but like the others have said if you find out how much a private scan is I'll contribute anything I can. About a month ago our seven year old had a fit, it scared the living hell out of me and while I was rushing to the hospital I thought about you and Bethany and wondered how you coped.

I'll keep you both in my prayers.

Give them a call and find out how much it will cost to fast track a scan, and when the next appointment would be.

I'll make a donation. If you could maybe a few more people willing to do so, we might as a collective be able to get your daughter in for a scan sooner.
Best of luck Skywalker, I remember your original Bethany thread, its been a long journey for her and you. Keep us informed what you decide re: that private scan, I and many others I'm sure would be willing to contribute.

Give them a call and find out how much it will cost to fast track a scan, and when the next appointment would be.

I'll make a donation. If you could maybe a few more people willing to do so, we might as a collective be able to get your daughter in for a scan sooner.


Give them a call and find out how much it will cost to fast track a scan, and when the next appointment would be.

I'll make a donation. If you could maybe a few more people willing to do so, we might as a collective be able to get your daughter in for a scan sooner.

Poor little girl, she's been dealt a rough hand.

Stay positive, yes ok it's not great news but also it could so easily have been even worse news.

You have no choice but to deal with this, so get focused on what you need to do.
I have had your family in my thoughts for some time now, and I'm sorry that you are having to wait for this scan. Having been at the mercy of the NHS many times with regards to the children, I can empathise.

I hope that this helps, but I am friends with a lady who has no use of her right arm and she gets along very well. In fact, it's not until you meet her a couple of times that you're aware of it as she has adapted so well having been like this for most of her life.

I know that no-one wants their children to suffer in any way, and would not hesitate to change places with them in an instant, so the best that you can do for your family now is to bite the bullet and accept the offers coming from your friends here on the forum. I know that during these times when you're waiting all you do is go over and over all the possibilities and this must be having a bad effect on your family life. Anything that you can do to reduce this would be for the best.

Good luck to you all and don't forget that we're here for you.
I really feel for you Skywalker. My daughter is a similar age (will be 3 in August) and just experiencing one fit through a fever was terrifying - I've never been so scared in my life. I think you're incredibly brave - as must be your wife and your beautiful daughter. I wish the family, and particularly Beth all the best.
If the nerve runs through the toumour then its a very high possibility that once removed she will be completly paralyzed from her left shoulder down for the rest of her life

That is as much as i want to say at the moment as im feeling very sad at the moment after writting this

My heart really goes out to you and your family.

Paralysis is hard to cope with if your older, however if she is young then she will adapt, not knowing any difference. I know this sounds like a cold hearted statement - it's a harsh, unfair situation perhaps but it's amazing how resilient the little nippers are in the long term. :)

Again - please keep us up to date :)
If it helps in any way I was told by BUPA that an MRI would cost about £500 privately, although this was in london.

I can't understand why they can't fast track your daughter, after all this is affecting her quality of life far more than people with dodgy knees etc who also have to wait the standard 3 months.

Good luck and I hope it all goes well for you.

Ive torn part of my cruciate in my left knee in october and i am still waiting for an MRI.

My thoughts are with Bethany, i wish her all the luck i have. Good Luck and God Bless her
There is nothing that I can say that hasn't already been said.

As I said in your previous post I kind of know what your going through, but Bethany's position is a lot more serious that mine, all I can say is that you need to be strong and make her life as easy as possible (not that you won't be doing this already).

When anyone is ill and you are powerless to help its a horrible feeling, but when it is one so young it is a hundred times worse. I respect people like you, and hearing the story so far makes me feel Bethany is one of the bravest people I know.

Again, like everyone else, find out the cost of a private Scan. I would be more than willing to contribute.
Its not just the price of the scan at the moment to be honest , its the fact that I have to take a month off work which will also be costing me £500 (im an uber earner you see :rolleyes:) in a months wages as work will not pay me for having the time off (thanks Tesco) and I havent saved that up yet to pay the mortgage for that month if I can

Sometimes it really makes me think that people that just get together and have kids then get a council house and live on the dole have it figured out while there are people like myself and wife that try and do things the right way that end up with the raw deal and struggle , But atleast I feel like a man and have my pride that I pay for my house and I think this is why I would feel bad about asking for money for the scan if you understand
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