Finally beths main brain scan results

I have every admiration for the strength that you show, and wish your daughter and everyone in your family the absolute best.

I don't know what else to say. My thoughts are with you all.

this is why I would feel bad about asking for money for the scan if you understand

I don't think you should feel bad as you're not asking for the money. Lots of people here, myself included, appear to be more than willing to donate simply because they really want to help if they can :)

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Thanks guys

This has put me into tears reading how some of you would donate/send money for the scan it really has you have no idea how much that means - But I have never and dont think I could ask for anything from anyone as it doesnt feel right in my eyes , I would put it on the credit card but there is nothing left on it . We just didnt think of asking how much one would be at the time as we didnt know this would be an option

You aren't asking mate. We're offering (and I'd contribute as well), and there's a huge difference between the two.
You aren't asking mate. We're offering (and I'd contribute as well), and there's a huge difference between the two.

Yeah, Skywalker - get on the phone and find out the cost ASAP so we can get the ball rolling. :D

Would any of the Dons be prepared to act as treasurer or will we all be able to donate via PayPal direct to Skywalker?
Its just reminds me of the guy that made the blog called lend me your life for a day begging on here :rolleyes:

I can find out about the scan etc but the wifes having an operation to remove a lump in a weeks times aswell :( and shes out of action for a month aswell so as you can see there are other things to do with time scale etc - I think its offical I hate hospitals
Do it Skywalker.

I cant help bethany. I'm not a doctor. I cant contribute to the grand scheme of her illness. Unfortunately that's your test, with you and your wife having to do whatever you can. Thing is, as much as it might feel you are, you are not alone. Perhaps we can't help your daughter get better, but we can shave 2 or 3 months off her treatment time. I mean this from the bottom of my heart, if i could go back and get 3 months longer during my sister's illness things would be a lot different now. I can't do that, but i can pass that those 3 months to Bethany.

The worst thing about being ill is waiting to see if someone can fix you.
We want to help.
Someone go set up a paypal account. Im in!

Skywalker, think of it as a present for Bethany. Trust me I know how frustrating it is having to wait for hospital appointments, and if we can take the pressure off that, and where the mortgage money is going to come from then thats the least we can do.

The sooner she gets the next round of treatment the better.
Hugs and kisses to you all again
best of luck skywalker.

really is nice to see how close this forum is, really all the nice posts offers etc.

you really should get on the phone, im sure it would be sorted within days with the donations offered :)

you've seen how many people are behind you and you really have come across so strong in all the threads regarding your family! :)

everyone is willing to help out
You aren't asking mate. We're offering (and I'd contribute as well), and there's a huge difference between the two.

Agreed, though tbh a fund could be started and then Skywalker and his partner can decide what is best to do with any monies received. I seriously doubt we would raise enough for a scan, but something that can make life even a little easier for the whole family would be more than beneficial :]

Skywalker, my best wishes to you and your family at a very hard time

I can find out about the scan etc but the wifes having an operation to remove a lump in a weeks times aswell :( and shes out of action for a month aswell so as you can see there are other things to do with time scale etc - I think its offical I hate hospitals

Just read this one! Sometimes it doesn't rain eh!!

Honestly, people here are offering help, even if it amounts to a meal out or the equivalent of a days wages, lots of people would like to help :]
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All my thoughts and best wishes are with you and your wife and especially little Bethany.

Mate don't even think about the donations from ocuk, just get a paypal account up and running and post the email here. This is your daughters quality of life were talking about, the most precious thing in your life. In 2-3 months things can change and it might affect the out come of the operation if the tumour has grown or anything. I know you have other worrys but if your getting money coming in and your both off work it can only be a good thing and help you.

So sit down tonight open an account and lets help your daughter out, I am more than happy to donate.
I've been waiting for an update on Beth's situation for a while now since your last post. Her story has really touched a lot of people here.

I really can't begin to think what you're all going through. It must feel like the deepest depths of hell. Did the guy say what the probability of the fits stopping was if that one tumour was removed? I guess from a quality of life argument, you'll still be doing the best for your daughter by having the operation done and you can find some peace of mind in the knowledge that you couldn't have done anything else.

This forum is very close-knit and I know that lots of people here would be more than willing to donate to a good cause. If all of the active members on the forum gave just 10p, there'd be over £700. I'd definitely throw something in the pot.
I've read all of your posts on this subject and I can't tell you how much I hope things work out for the best. I have two godsons around Beth's age and can't imagine the pain you must be feeling.

I would happily offer a contribution to any fund which will help your family.
Agreed, though tbh a fund could be started and then Skywalker and his partner can decide what is best to do with any monies received. I seriously doubt we would raise enough for a scan, but something that can make life even a little easier for the whole family would be more than beneficial :]

Skywalker, my best wishes to you and your family at a very hard time

Just read this one! Sometimes it doesn't rain eh!!

Honestly, people here are offering help, even if it amounts to a meal out or the equivalent of a days wages, lots of people would like to help :]

I understand what your saying and agree somewhat that you put it that way

Regards to the wifes operation she has put it off enough and I have told her she has to get it done as the lump is just getting bigger - Its on her ball joint of her wrist but again work dont pay me for the time I have to take off to look after Bethany as the wife wouldnt be able to carry her down the stairs or even change her as shes still in nappies

I've been waiting for an update on Beth's situation for a while now since your last post. Her story has really touched a lot of people here.

I really can't begin to think what you're all going through. It must feel like the deepest depths of hell. Did the guy say what the probability of the fits stopping was if that one tumour was removed? I guess from a quality of life argument, you'll still be doing the best for your daughter by having the operation done and you can find some peace of mind in the knowledge that you couldn't have done anything else.

This forum is very close-knit and I know that lots of people here would be more than willing to donate to a good cause. If all of the active members on the forum gave just 10p, there'd be over £700. I'd definitely throw something in the pot.

He said he can stop this one causing the fits but there is nothing to say one of the many others will not be causing some of them either and this is why the next MRI and the Mapping is needed to do what he can while hes in there

I also forgot I normally put a little picture up of her aswell so here goes the messy hair one from just now - Any women fancy coming round and doing it as I cant - I make her cry when I brush her hair :eek: I think its just something women do a lot better :D

certainly attainable. We could have that amount raised pretty quickly imho.

I'll throw in half my Saturday's overtime which will definitely help :)

Has this sort of thing been done before? Did a Don hold the funds - we need someone in a position of trust to do this and keep a running total etc and to arrange handover/transfer....
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