Did your girlfriend actually see that or is it some kind of anomaly? Sorry, but your post doesn't explain that - eg. urban legend that she's bought into etc.
However, the "suicide is selfish" standpoint is held by the many and is, largely, the definition of ignorance. Suicidal people need much more than that - those who have gone through with it didn't get it and have been labelled "selfish"; the UTTER crescendo of society's inability to associate with the illness.
I've posted many times about this (from first hand experience) throughout my time on this forum - including when one guy jumped to his death in Derby (or Mansfield - sorry, I can't exactly remember) - while the public urged him to do it, and I can't be bothered going through it all again. If you think suicidal people are cowards, you have much to learn.
Yeah, sorry I should have clarified, she saw it.
I said it is a selfish action because it is that - an action that is occupied with self interest. It is about the suffering of the self - not others. It is that person's suffering, they want an end to their suffering, their pain, it is about them, their inability to deal with whatever issue they are facing - or at least, the feeling that they're unable to.
A suicidal person jumping off a building down into a crowd of people below is hardly thinking about the people who are going to be traumatised by watching someone throw themselves to their death, or about the people who will feel pain from losing that person - no, they are preoccupied with the thought that the only way to escape, or the only way to deal with whatever it is that is troubling them.
For the most part, it is a selfish act, with the emphasis being on the person who is suffering and not the people who may suffer the consequences.
I do agree that people urging someone to jump, or to stand by and filming the incident are probably more troubled than the person themselves, and those people should be wracked with guilt.
Suicide could be considered a cowardly action - it is in the grand scheme of things - but them, it is not just the easy way out, it is often the ONLY way out - that they can see.
What they need(ed) is/was help before getting to that point. People close by should have, instead of being apathetic, done something about it. Those are the criminals in all of this.