Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Is it just me or around 90% of the women on PoF ugly as sin?

They seem to fall into one of the follow catagories within an instant of opening their profile:

  • Overweight
  • Looks like a man
  • Relationship/confidence issues
  • They're an idiot.
  • They're generic and boring.
  • Preggers/Have kids.
  • Divorced.

The one thing I'd be looking for is a sane, pretty girl who's intelligent, not vacant, not 'generic' (I lyk getin smashd wit ma m8s / music is my life!!!111), has not been knocked up six ways from Sunday, and is both uncomplicated and strong (but not in the feminazi misandric sense).

I want an equal I can respect. Not some failed human being where any bonding will be an awkward mix of base emotion that most of these cretins seem to think it should be.

Needle in a sodding haystack. Standards really are the curse of the idealist. :/

Seriously, where the hell is she?

Genius! You've summed up my exact feelings on internet dating and in a more articulate fashion than I ever could. I'm going to send this to my "friends" who keep telling me to try online dating!
How can you tell though? For definite?


Could be one or more of many things:

  • Talk far too openly about sex/sexual things
  • Are way too good looking and supposedly outgoing/fun to be on a dating site
  • Don't have a camera of any kind, be it webcam, digicam or phone camera (who's phone doesn't have a camera nowadays and what self respecting 20ish year old hot/cute girl doesn't like taking pictures of themselves)
  • Have very few pictures of themselves, all of which aren't particularly 'natural' looking
  • Don't have Facebook
  • Send you a picture of 'themselves' that you later see on a "Top 25 Sexiest Halloween Costumes" blog posting two weeks later
  • They then block you when you paste them the URL of said blog posting

Genius! You've summed up my exact feelings on internet dating and in a more articulate fashion than I ever could. I'm going to send this to my "friends" who keep telling me to try online dating!

I'd give it the chance. Even if that is exactly correct, that still means that 10% of the girls on there are good looking, intelligent, funny etc, and to be honest I've met more than enough to make it worthwhile carrying on.
I'd give it the chance. Even if that is exactly correct, that still means that 10% of the girls on there are good looking, intelligent, funny etc, and to be honest I've met more than enough to make it worthwhile carrying on.

The male to female ratio on internet dating sties is something like 6 to 1 (not sure if that's entirely accurate) so that 10% have their pick of the litter. That said I still have a look now and then just in case ;)
Could be one or more of many things:

  • Don't have Facebook

You what? :confused:

Facebook is a steaming pile of crap that spams your mailbox to no end with friend requests from people you haven't seen since your school days.

If you dont see them now why would you want FB to add people you never socialise with in the real world.

FB = Internet dating, a worlds first for me.

You what? :confused:

Facebook is a steaming pile of crap that spams your mailbox to no end with friend requests from people you haven't seen since your school days.

Turn off email notifications and... don't add them as friends? :rolleyes:

It's a wild stab in the dark but I reckon 90% of 16-23 year olds have Facebook, especially those that went to/are at uni. Obviously it's not a "omg you don't have FB, you're a bloke", it's just a tell-tale sign when combined with my other points.

I don't know a single person in real life that isn't on Facebook. If you just use it for sharing photos, keeping in touch with friends from far away etc and not much else then it's great. You don't *have* to become a fan of "Sleeping on your side" and play Bejeweled/Farmville all day to be a member.
Had some nice success wiht a girl this week :) been talking a lot, texting throughout the day, shes a proper stunner too :)

and no i'm not putting up pics :P

Maybe it isn't a waste of time :D
Turn off email notifications and... don't add them as friends? :rolleyes:

Right and once you set all these restrictions and narrow it down you realise the mobile phone in your pocket has been perfectly fine all these years.

Maybe its because I'm 27 and FAR out of touch with this. I use to think online journals were pathetic and still do, in my opinion this is just a glorified version of that with extra tools added in.

Even if it was to add pictures there are websites suited to just viewing pictures so I don't see why FB is a OMG UR NOT ON FB.

Must be a teen thing ;)
Right and once you set all these restrictions and narrow it down you realise the mobile phone in your pocket has been perfectly fine all these years.

Maybe its because I'm 27 and FAR out of touch with this. I use to think online journals were pathetic and still do, in my opinion this is just a glorified version of that with extra tools added in.

Even if it was to add pictures there are websites suited to just viewing pictures so I don't see why FB is a OMG UR NOT ON FB.

Must be a teen thing ;)

All my friends (23-35) are on FB, hell, even my mom is (easier to keep in touch with her being in South Africa). You seem bitter towards it.
All my friends (23-35) are on FB, hell, even my mom is (easier to keep in touch with her being in South Africa). You seem bitter towards it.

Probably, I was getting asked quite often to join - which I eventually did and I ended up getting heaps of emails.

I see that turning on notifications and such would stop that but in the end most of the people wanting to add me I never kept in touch with, I didn't see the point in it all.
Probably, I was getting asked quite often to join - which I eventually did and I ended up getting heaps of emails.

I see that turning on notifications and such would stop that but in the end most of the people wanting to add me I never kept in touch with, I didn't see the point in it all.

It's easier for my friends and I to have joint conversations at work without group emails. Sharing photos is centralised and simple. I can promote my mixing.

Yes apps and friend-hoarders can be annoying, but easily dealt with.
well I am quite happy with my internet date which is now my girlfriend :) and she's awesome too.

Good looking, fun and outgoing, from canada and really gets me. It's great.
Had some nice success wiht a girl this week :) been talking a lot, texting throughout the day, shes a proper stunner too :)

and no i'm not putting up pics :P

Maybe it isn't a waste of time :D

woot, i have a date (kinda...2 people, meeting up for lunch and coffee and may be a movie) in 20mins !

Double yay :D. Let us know how it goes guys.

Even if it was to add pictures there are websites suited to just viewing pictures so I don't see why FB is a OMG UR NOT ON FB.

It's more the fact that it's VERY easy to collate pictures from all your friends of you/of the same event. And, like I say, everybody has a Facebook account. Yes you can upload photos to things like Flickr, but not everybody's on there and it's not easy to instantly see and keep a record of things for the future.

I joined while at university because on nights out, 10 maybe even 20 people would all have cameras/phone cameras and be taking pictures. Pre-Facebook, it was an absolute *nightmare*, nigh on impossible, seeing them all.
woot, i have a date (kinda...2 people, meeting up for lunch and coffee and may be a movie) in 20mins !

don't go to the movies, you'll sit in silence with each other and not talk, at the end of it you'll both leave thinking you should've used more time to get to know each other better, wander round the shops or something, it'll give a better idea of what she's like/what she likes and you get to laugh at stupid stuff too, like leggings made from cling film :p
All my life I'd been joking that my ideal girl was a slim attractive brunette who is a trainee doctor. I signed up for PoF mainly as a joke and after getting messages from multiple moose I decided it was a waste of time.

Anyway so I got a message from this girl yesterday who's a slim attractive brunette training to become a doctor. I don't know if fate exists or if it was just my lucky day.
Well I hope its a winner. I was talking to some lass whom seemed ideal for me. She binned off the pof profile and sent a message to me to add her on Bookface. Did that, had a few mails and then it went dead. Annoying bint. Maybe she looked at the photos im in that have been tagged and thought... er, no!

Grrr :(
don't go to the movies, you'll sit in silence with each other and not talk, at the end of it you'll both leave thinking you should've used more time to get to know each other better, wander round the shops or something, it'll give a better idea of what she's like/what she likes and you get to laugh at stupid stuff too, like leggings made from cling film :p

Not a good start, been standing here for 20 min and she's late, did get a text 10 min ago to say she'll be a min....
woot, i have a date (kinda...2 people, meeting up for lunch and coffee and may be a movie) in 20mins !

good luck, god speed!

keep frosty dude, I waited like 3 hours for mine to turn up and we're living together 2 years down the line!
admittedly she was delayed on london underground.
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