Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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pld dude!
can we all fully expect a "zomg I've got a strange STD" thread next week or this just a social call?
Not a good start, been standing here for 20 min and she's late, did get a text 10 min ago to say she'll be a min....

Well maybe she was just taking too long to make herself pretty for you ;) good luck

good luck, god speed!

keep frosty dude, I waited like 3 hours for mine to turn up and we're living together 2 years down the line!
admittedly she was delayed on london underground.

3 hours?! how long were you waiting before you found it was the underground's fault :p
This little hottie just messaged me, can't believe my luck!


The best bit is she can actually write decent English and she actually put some thought into her message, there is a god!

Haha i expect by now you already have! Im going to bomb clifton to eleminiate my competition :P

Haha, she's just replied (eventually) and given me her number. It is ooon! :p
What's your age limits guys?

I'm 28 and I usually search 18-35 but in reality I don't think I would attempt to even chat to an 18 year old. That's a bit creepy, no? It's all the young'uns that are hotties though. :D

Could maybe go to 20. No teenagers.

What d'ya reckon?
Never been on that plenty of fish site. Do you have to pay for it ?

In relation to the other question im 27 and set a min age of 21 and max age of 33 on other sites ive used in the past. Good gap there.
I'm 27 as well but I don't look as high as 33. Women at that age are usually ready to have one of those... you know, "b-words" and I'm not ready for that yet :eek:
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