Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Probably both Fox, I know I would be proud of what I'd caught if I managed to hook Krootons woman. :D



Just found out a girl I've been talking to for about two months has gone awol on me. She got back with her ex after we started chatting but that was over a month ago and we've been talking every day on MSN and a few times a week on the phone (she'd call me). I knew it was kinda wrong, but what's a man gonna do?

Anyway, haven't heard from her for a week so I assume she's blocked me and is ignoring my texts. A friend has confirmed she's not on holiday (I thought she might have been but she leaves next weekend). Strange... we never met (because of her bf), but we got on so well and even though I knew she wasn't my type when it comes to relationship material she did make me smile.

Wouldn't have been bothered if she'd have just told me she wanted to stop so it didn't damage her relationship but didn't hear anything. Just one day, silence. Kinda miffed and also a tad upset right now! Oh well, there's in the sea :rolleyes:.
[TW]Fox;15275853 said:
Genuine question: Do you actually like her or is she just there for you to brag about constantly on the internet? :p

Actually posting the label from her bra... seriously?!

Srsly! :D

Was actually already on my webspace from months ago owing to a thread about bra size differences throughout the world on a global forum I am on.

I need sleep. :(
Right I figure I'm going to give this a shot after falling into the perils of the friend zone once again. Can any of you connoisseurs give me some guidance as to which is the best site to use? I guess you would class me as a young professional (graduated 2 years ago and working full time) so I can afford to pay for somewhere if need be - but I don't really know whether it's worthwhile or not?

PlentyofFish was the one I've heard banded about quite a lot. I signed up a couple of weeks ago and have sent some e-mails but haven't received any responses - been contacted by one girl who seemed nice enough but not really what I'm looking for. I've not heard great things about this site (mainly that it's free and full to the brim of guys) - is it really worth paying for something like

I've got a mate who has used several sites over the past year or so and he seems to have had some success - I think his current girlfriend he met through MySingleFriend.
Okcupid is a decent free one, but the choices get stale after a while, not a new selection that often :p

Match is probably the most popular one so you'll be more likely to find something on there, and as it's a pay site, the people on there will be more serious/desperate, but definitely looking for dates etc
I only use Plenty of Fish and OkCupid as I'm still not prepared to pay for a dating site really. I was on MySingleFriend but you have to pay to do anything on that as well, so I stopped using it.

There's a lot more people on PoF, but I've had a lot more success on OkC. Make of that what you will!
Dudes, OkC is getting ridiculously stale... there must be another similar site?!

(Not quite "ready" to jump back down to the level of PoF :p)
Without wanting to tempt fate, I've just started talking to amazing girl from OkC. At first I had my doubts - was classic too good to be true, thought she was a guy etc - but just spoken on the phone so wahoo :D.
Without wanting to tempt fate, I've just started talking to amazing girl from OkC. At first I had my doubts - was classic too good to be true, thought she was a guy etc - but just spoken on the phone so wahoo :D.

maybe it's a guy with a high pitched/soft voice? ask for hovis pics ;)
Is it just me or around 90% of the women on PoF ugly as sin?

They seem to fall into one of the follow catagories within an instant of opening their profile:

  • Overweight
  • Looks like a man
  • Relationship/confidence issues
  • They're an idiot.
  • They're generic and boring.
  • Preggers/Have kids.
  • Divorced.

The one thing I'd be looking for is a sane, pretty girl who's intelligent, not vacant, not 'generic' (I lyk getin smashd wit ma m8s / music is my life!!!111), has not been knocked up six ways from Sunday, and is both uncomplicated and strong (but not in the feminazi misandric sense).

I want an equal I can respect. Not some failed human being where any bonding will be an awkward mix of base emotion that most of these cretins seem to think it should be.

Needle in a sodding haystack. Standards really are the curse of the idealist. :/

Seriously, where the hell is she?
Is it just me or around 90% of the women on PoF ugly as sin?

They seem to fall into one of the follow catagories within an instant of opening their profile:

  • Overweight
  • Looks like a man
  • Relationship/confidence issues
  • They're an idiot.
  • They're generic and boring.
  • Preggers/Have kids.
  • Divorced.

The one thing I'd be looking for is a sane, pretty girl who's intelligent, not vacant, not 'generic' (I lyk getin smashd wit ma m8s / music is my life!!!111), has not been knocked up six ways from Sunday, and is both uncomplicated and strong (but not in the feminazi misandric sense).

I want an equal I can respect. Not some failed human being where any bonding will be an awkward mix of base emotion that most of these cretins seem to think it should be.

Needle in a sodding haystack. Standards really are the curse of the idealist. :/

Seriously, where the hell is she?

Less likely to be on POF. POF requires you to be in a high 'catchment' area like London to stand a better chance of finding a decent quality of women. I'm guessing the paid for sites are better for other areas of the country, but even then in no way guaranteed.
Is this quite common? Kinda ****ing weird for people to pretend they're "hot chicks" and mess with your head right?! :( :confused:

Yup, or at least seems to be. I've had two fakers so far, out of about 20 women. Usually they fall into the too-good-to-be-true category.

Is it just me or around 90% of the women on PoF ugly as sin?

Correct, if not more :p.
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