New Asus 5 Day Turn Around For RMA!

The company name is Scan I won’t buy from them ever again,
Im not surprised at this, im in the middle of an rma with this lot for a graphics card, my gtx 280 failed after almost 1 years use, after negotiating with them for a new card instead of a paltry £123.11 refund, the replacement gtx 275 card failed after 4 hours use.
Hi All

Roughly 8 weeks ago Asus Uk implemented a completely new RMA service via all of our distributors for every UK Reseller selling Asus Motherboards.

The New policy Allows for a maximum turn around time of 5 days for all In warranty RMA's from the day the MB is sent off to the distributor from the reseller.

This is being monitored each week and so far has a 99.5% Success rate and average turn around of 3 Days only.

It has taken some weeks to clear the backlog but from talking with all the Key resellers the RMA problems have been put to bed!

I Hope this helps to saisfy our customers requirements.

Of course if you have any other suggestions as to how we can help you further I am more than happy to hear from you!


Sent a mobo off in september and it took 3 months! At least you're trying to do something about it, thanks asus.
Ok, so I'm not going to be able to address every point individually, but let me address a couple:

Nemesis - It's unfortunate that you blame this on ASUS. Whilst I understand your frustrations at dealing with said reseller, that really is on a reseller level and not ASUS's. Point taken however, on your feelings that RMA should be direct. All boards that get sent back from RMA, should be brand new and complete packages - I'd suggest asking to speak to the customer services manager.

By the time I speak to all these people I could have bought me a new board with all the call charges, but I take your point.

As a side note I got a brand new replacement board, but the downside it has the same fault as the first board "Initializing USB Controllers" so about 10 mins ago city link just picked it up and are taking it back to be tested, so here I go again board number 3, two same fault and one second hand.

There is defiantly a fault with this motherboard range, I did buy one for the shop pc I built and its fine but the ones I had for home are faulty, I just really would like to not play this game with scan because its stressful and sooner return it direct myself to Asus.

Asus must allow this or you’re going to lose sales, I have bought Asus boards for a good 3 years now, and have on the house network 3 computers all with Asus motherboards, but I am now looking to buy a Gigabyte board I do not want to go through this again.

Btw I have at the shop 4 computers running Asus boards, two of which running 24/7 for the last three years, I like the Asus motherboards I am sold on them, I am not at to give you guys a bad name but I am saying I feel forced to move to another manufacture because there after sales is highly respected.
-VK-, sorry if this has already been brought up, but I've just went and got myself an Asus board, and I was wondering if the full 3 years warranty is dealt with by the retailer, or if it's only the first year?

Also, what is likely to happen if say my board dies, and the product is no longer available?

Take setter as an example for instance, his GTX280 died, and they are no longer available, so the place he purchased it for offered him £120 back when he paid something like £280 for the card.

Is this what would happen if I had to send my Asus board back within the 3 year warranty period, or would I be entitled to a board of the same equivalent without any hassles at all?
I got royally shafted by asus a while back. I had the x38 maximus formula and after about a year it started developing problems with the memory, sometimes it would boot with 4 dimms in sometimes not, i had to swap and change to get it booted. Even a change of memory didn't help. I had a look on google and seen a ton of people with exactly the same issue.

So i ended up rmaing the board, got it back about a week later saying ther was "damage" to the board, they managed to find 1 or 2 little marks on the bottom of it that for all i know was on it when i bought the damn thing. Apparently all the people i found with exactly the same issue must have also had marks on their board as well. gg asus. £250 or thereabouts down the crapper after a year.

Nemesis - So it seems that the 5 day turn around is working, which is a positive. However, the board not working is definitely not good. Would you be able to provide your system specification and further details? Of course you're welcome to mail me via Trust and I'll do my best to help. :)

DavyBoy - The full 3 years is dealt with by the retailer. Under the terms of the sales of goods act - Source:

The Sale of Goods Act makes reference to ‘the seller’, this is the shop, the retailer, or the individual you bought it from, and is who you made the contract with. It is not the manufacturer, and don’t let the shop tell you otherwise! If there is an obvious fault with the item at any time within the first 6 months and it has not been caused by wear and tear or misuse, your first port of call must be the shop you bought it from. They have the responsibility to put the matter right, and should not evade this responsibility by referring you to the manufacturer in the context of a guarantee or warranty. Even after this 6 month period, if the item breaks down prematurely , you should always go back to the shop or retailer in the first instance.

Your statutory rights under the Sale of Goods Act take precedence over and above any warranty or guarantee you may have with either the retailer or manufacturer. It is misleading for a shop to tell you they can do nothing simply because their warranty or guarantee has run out, because you will still have your statutory rights. See our section on guarantees and extended warranties for more info.

In the case of the product no longer being available, I'll have to double check the details and let you know.
Just to let everyone know - since I contacted VK my RMA has been swiftly dealt with, got a phonecall from OCUK yesterday and a brand new :eek: board in the post this morning. So thankyou VK, although perhaps this could go to show that an indirect RMA service doesn't work, seeing as how I only received my replacement after speaking to someone at ASUS? Anyway it seems like the 5 day service is still a relatively new implementation and so we should probably hold fire until any bugs have been ironed out.
Just to let everyone know - since I contacted VK my RMA has been swiftly dealt with, got a phonecall from OCUK yesterday and a brand new :eek: board in the post this morning. So thankyou VK, although perhaps this could go to show that an indirect RMA service doesn't work, seeing as how I only received my replacement after speaking to someone at ASUS? Anyway it seems like the 5 day service is still a relatively new implementation and so we should probably hold fire until any bugs have been ironed out.

Pretty much the same with me, so big credit goes to VK for all his work. Mine hasn't turned up yet but the retailer I've had to deal with has been useless so far so I'm not suprised.

Initially they offered me £20.00 in replacement for my board, after I asked VK to have a look (thanks again!) they have come back offering me a replacement. It's a shame that it had to come to this, but it's nice to know there is still some goodwill about! Oh and my comments will be known to the retailer once this mess has been sorted.
Sure my Spec for this build.

Asus P5Q Pro Turbo

Nvidia 9800 GTX+

Creative SB X-FI

QuadCore Intel Q6600

Corsair Dominator Memory

Corsair 650w PSU

All I wanted to do was swap the motherboard from Asu P5N32-E to the Asus P5Q Pro Turbo.
Nemesis - So it seems that the 5 day turn around is working, which is a positive. However, the board not working is definitely not good. Would you be able to provide your system specification and further details? Of course you're welcome to mail me via Trust and I'll do my best to help

I have no option but to ask if you can help, have sent mail via trust explaining things.
I'm away in Cebit at the moment, but I'll respond to your mail the moment I get back - Sorry for the delay.
Any news on this yet?

It would be good to be willing to buy from Asus again, but it's not happening until evidence that you've fixed your rma process is available.
5 days?? It took ASUS 60 days to get back to me on my RMA which they ended up just refunding and not even replacing my mobo!!! 5 days is a bit of a stretch...
It took ASUS 60 days to get back to me on my RMA which they ended up just refunding and not even replacing my mobo!!!

ASUS gave you a refund on a product you purchased from a reseller? Are you sure it was not your reseller that gave you a refund?
It will have taken ASUS no longer than 5 days to deal with the RMA. Are you sure it wasn't your place of purchase delaying things?

The reports I'm seeing show that turn around is often under 3 days, let alone 5.
I can't find any evidence of that through Google at present. Well, in 2004 some people were pleased with you, and one guy managed to get an eeepc back within a couple of weeks.

It's great that you're confident in your new rma system, but there is still a distinct lack of evidence supporting it's existence. If nothing else can you provide links to threads on other forums? I'm sure you've still got my email address, feel free to send mail there if ocuk's forum rules prevent you posting here.

We're coming up for the one year anniversary of this thread. No confirmation yet is rather damning.
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