New Asus 5 Day Turn Around For RMA!

Sorry ASUS you lost me for life a long time ago after i had to take legal action to get you to even respond to my requests for a gfx card warranty replacement.

You still dont seem to have the grasped that unless you can match the service offered by your competitors ( such as gigabyte ) then you arent upto scratch.

Im am however interested to know how you intend to handle RMA's where the reseller is no longer trading? in that instance the end user would have to contact asus direct, yet you dont seem to have this in place.

Its all very well saying to go back through the reseller channels but sometimes this isnt possible.

You sell boxed items with "x year warranty" on it but if you dont have an END USER rma system running then surely this is false advertising? It should say "x year warranty- assuming your reseller will deal with it for us" instead by the sounds of things.

As usual your warranty status page says "see your reseller" This is of NO USE if the reseller is out of business, wont help or is otherwise refusing to deal with the return. And trust me that happens! ( usually after the first 12months )
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Glad to hear this, ive heard some stories about the rma procedure, it didnt put me off asus products but, im glad in the event that if something does go wrong i can expect a speedy rma.
Yes what abourt graphics cards? i have sent my card off to creative computers who will send it off to europe for repair or replacement. Im into the second week already.
Yeh, dmxdex2020 was it you who replied to my thread about RMA via creative computing? im still waiting for my card also, i had a look on Asus Site, and guess what i checked my serial number, and it says Asus havent received the cards yet. !!!and the RMA request was only received yesterday for Asus, u have to search like your the dealer on there site.
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From Creative computing FAQ

Q.How long will it take?

A. Once the board is received by us it will be inspected and sent off on your behalf. Your item would normally arrive back to us within 21days, then we return it to you, the whole process usually takes 4 - 6 weeks (this is an approximate date and in some extreme cases, can take longer).
I think I'm going to have to RMA an Asus board soon, and it was purchased via OCUK a year and a half ago. So I would have to RMA it through OCUK and then they would send it to Asus? This sounds a better option to me then dealing with Asus direct.
I'm prepared for 6 weeks, like previous RMA.
What about service through THAT company from Glasgow (I can't put their name because of some s***d note in forum terms and conditions regarding to competition) ?
Why can't Asus just offer direct manufacturer warranty instead of making their customer-base go through the added hurdle of the retailer first?

When I worked in a computer shop we stopped selling Asus because their RMA service was just the worst in the industry.

Mud sticks.
I started my return of a motherboard about a month ago, though there were so additional circumstances with my board, i think OCUK forgot about it as on the 23rd brother sent an email, within an hour is was sent, too bad it was my uni address and i was at home for Christmas. Got the board today though, sent off a P5N32-E SLI and got back a P5NT WS back. All in all im a little dissapointed as the old board was essentially the Striker Extreme board, so was a great overclocker. Not sure how the replacement scheme works but i guess according to asus this is a similar board. The bios is also a little different, having to go to the jumper free area everytime is a little annoying, it was simply extreme tweaker on the P5n32. In any case while the whole process took longer than i thought, i have a "new" board and hopefully this one wont die when i use 4 DIMMs of memory.
Just to let everyone know - this is utter crap.

I have been told by OCUK that my faulty P6T-SE motherboard will take up to 6 weeks to replace, i've already been waiting 3 weeks... Asus are just straight up lying

Can you clarify your statement with details and whether the board was faulty, or the damaged was customer induced?

If you'd like to send me the information via TRUST, I'll look into it. If you bought the board from OCUK and the damage is a manufacturing fault, not customer induced then you should have had a new board by now.
It was faulty, at first the QPI data rate control wouldn't work when x6 or x8 memory multiplier was selected and then suddenly it wouldn't post... What information should I send you? Thanks for the incredibly quick reply!
Pop your name / address / any RMA reference details that you can, that'd be great.

It really shouldn't be taking 3 weeks!
I started my return of a motherboard about a month ago, though there were so additional circumstances with my board, i think OCUK forgot about it as on the 23rd brother sent an email, within an hour is was sent, too bad it was my uni address and i was at home for Christmas. Got the board today though, sent off a P5N32-E SLI and got back a P5NT WS back. All in all im a little dissapointed as the old board was essentially the Striker Extreme board, so was a great overclocker. Not sure how the replacement scheme works but i guess according to asus this is a similar board. The bios is also a little different, having to go to the jumper free area everytime is a little annoying, it was simply extreme tweaker on the P5n32. In any case while the whole process took longer than i thought, i have a "new" board and hopefully this one wont die when i use 4 DIMMs of memory.

Be thankfull that you got a replacement. Another large company I bought my board from have offered me £20.00 as a replacement for my P5N32-E Sli that no longer Boots. Not sure where to go from here to be honest. I'm livid but they are adamant that they don't have to provide any further service than this.
Cookie - I can't speak for the company that you're referring to, but that sounds a little harsh - Was the board under warranty at the time?

I may be able to help you, can you send me a mail through TRUST please?
If the boards didnt fail then i wouldnt complain, but other board companies that i have used have never failed me, even ASrock boards, which is kind of a wierd thing.
If the boards didnt fail then i wouldnt complain, but other board companies that i have used have never failed me, even ASrock boards, which is kind of a wierd thing.
Problems can happen with any motherboard it's just one of those things, Asus, Biostar, Gigabyte, MSI, Asrock %^&Y happens thats life unfortunatly. :)

It's just that some companys handle warranty better than others, one thing to note is that a certain retailor offers Insurance for peace of mind against accidental damage such as socket damage upon installation - I would like to see companys such as OcUK follow suit - makes people more confident at having a go at home builds.
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