** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Looks good to me, Pandaria looks awesome, more like an actual place than say Northrend that just looked like a place to quest but had little about it really.

Yes, its a very simple game.

Most MMOs are after all, just for the weak minded.


This is funny :D Stuff in the endgame of wow would confuse the hell out of most gamers, so not really simple at all.
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Yes, its a very simple game.

Most MMOs are after all, just for the weak minded.


You're either a moron, which is easily believable given even your recent posting history, or a troll, the lowest form of nerd-life on the internet. Given the latter, it's laughable that someone like you would act so condescending on a topic in which you're clearly as ignorant as can be. Slow clap.

I'd really like to know more about the monk class. I'm assuming it's going to be agility-based, but what armour type? Will it be pure DPS or a tank/healer/both hybrid? Is it to be a hero class like DKs, starting at lvl X, or available from lv1?
So you pay a monthly sub of approx £9 per month, and you are expected to pay for full frice expansions of which there is now a fourth?

Greedy cash cow much?

Or should that be a greedy cash panda? :D

Bring on GW2, Wow please die now.

You mean you played a few minutes and got the whole gist of the game in that time? 7 years worth of content in that time?

7 years worth of content? U mad bro???

Its like a few months worth of content at most that people continue to grind and replay for 7 years because they are easily impressed by a cartoonish game made for 5 year olds.
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You're either a moron ..... the lowest form of nerd-life on the internet.

And then ...

I'd really like to know more about the monk class. I'm assuming it's going to be agility-based, but what armour type? Will it be pure DPS or a tank/healer/both hybrid? Is it to be a hero class like DKs, starting at lvl X, or available from lv1?

Erm ....

Monk is a mix of warrior and rogue apparently and is pretty flashy in combat.

It SOUNDS ok(ish), unfortunately so did Cataclysm and they ****** the pooch royally on that one. At least they updated the graphics so it looks like a 1990's Disney game instead of a 1980's RPG. New patch and the "sub for 12 months and we'll give you D3 for free" deal is just Blizz cutting perceived losses against SWTOR and GW2. It's a bit like watching a little girl beg and plead for sweets, promising her parents she'll tidy up and do her homework.
And then ...

Erm ....[/IMG]

You're an angry, angry man. I have no idea why you continually drop into threads about a game you hate just to slate it. Also, I'm completely happy with my being a nerd - I read fantasy, I watch sci-fi, I work in a lab and I play WoW. I also have awesome circles of friends in Kent, London and Southampton, a great family life, a wonderful girlfriend (who I met playing WoW) and a thoroughly satisfying life as a whole. I don't really see how that equates to intentionally being a p***y little whiner on an internet forum. I think it's ironic that, because I play WoW, I'm somehow seen as leading a sadder existence than someone like you or StriderX.

Just caught up with a lot of the new changes on youtube videos - gotta say, I'm not really loving the talent changes. Also not really looking forward to the waves and waves of monks that are gonna show up in every dungeon, raid and battleground for 6 months after release, but I suppose it'll balance out after a while.
I'm somehow seen as leading a sadder existence than someone like you or StriderX.

Cool story bro, but I'm not the one getting angry here, nor did I post anything insulting to you or anyone else, all I did was quote your own posts.

You're an angry, angry man.

Again ...


You're an angry, angry man. I have no idea why you continually drop into threads about a game you hate just to slate it.

I clicked on the thread to check the expansion, and it did nothing but made me laugh as most posters in this thread also did, and I posted my opinion. Why does that make you mad?

Also, FYI I have never hated WoW. I hate how much it costs, and how so many gullible addicts lap it up like crack cocaine.
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Mini Diablo for the win :D

Edit.. That looks like 3 pet per match....

Mini Diablo F
Zergling T
Baby Panda W

That would be a good match :D

I'd really like to know more about the monk class. I'm assuming it's going to be agility-based, but what armour type? Will it be pure DPS or a tank/healer/both hybrid? Is it to be a hero class like DKs, starting at lvl X, or available from lv1?

Leather and hybrid, there not a hero class, they use Chi for spells and such, and they only use weapons for finishing moves, otherwise most of the combat is done using there fists.

Sorry if this info turns out wrong, but its what I've been told

I don't know how you decided I was angry based on a post about how satisfied I am with my life, but ok - not really important. Your WoW-related posts always seem to be bilious, and it still boggles the mind why you continue to make them. I'd have thought you'd be happier staying away, like I do with the Modern Warfare or Battlefield threads, but each to their own I guess. It's easy to progress from there that you've got some need to be unpleasant. As for you being insulting:

easily impressed by a cartoonish game made for 5 year olds.

That's pretty insulting for anyone with half a mind, but if you can't see the subtext there it's your lacking, not mine.

Not too sure about the skill rebuild thing again, so soon after it was last done?
Removign the points you use in them to one skill choice per x levels stinks of simplifying it, to me that means theres going to be even less differentiating between players.

e.g. my DK Tank build is set for aggro/AoE my mates is set for full self heal/survivability, the new skill choices atm seem like we will have blood DK Tank and not a lot differentiating between builds.

Yes there were skills in many tree's that were quite simply not used, but there were other tweaks you could make to the builds by adding single points in other areas, the fine tunning on some of the builds appears to be getting removed from the redoing of skills.

I'll add to this I've not gone thru the full skill tree's yet this is just my first impression

The pokemon type thing well we will see how that goes lol, if they do add a lot more pets liek they said they woudl then that will suck for the people that have already spent time/money on getting the x amount of pet achievements. The bonus to this however is they mentioned "account pets" rather than singl char, that would be cool, especially as they mentioned hopefully the pets being able to be traded/sold might mean we get a load of pets from the statr to trade/sell as we see fit.

In reply to Bhavvs inane babblign about wow, I said I'd never play it, then me and a few mates started playing it, now we have a great little community with which we play. I have friends around the world from my playign of MMO's a lot of them have already visited the UK and I have open houses all over the place if I ever fancy visiting anywhere. Games can get to a point where it's less about the game and more about the community aspect, me and these guys haev paleyd for a long time together and gradually pick up more people as we move thru games, just so happens the game were playign at the moment is wow, wether we stay here or goto SWTOR, GW2 or another F2P Korean grindfest doesn't really matter much. Just playing gaems with me mates.

OMG NO £20 for a expansion, heaven forbid.. or actually hang on that's like a few beers and a pizza Im sure the wallet will cope lol
Leather and hybrid, there not a hero class, they use Chi for spells and such, and they only use weapons for finishing moves, otherwise most of the combat is done using there fists.

Sorry if this info turns out wrong, but its what I've been told

Aye, found a few of those points on a Youtube video. Settled a discssion between me and my gf - she was hoping for a pure DPS class :p. Dunno about the power system with the chi though, I'd liike to see it in action before I pass judgement, but I've alwaysloved monk-style classes so it'll be interesting to test the waters a bit - just after amonth or so, when the starting zones have died off a bit :)

O dear...

It's bad enough that i'm the only person in my circle of friends at Uni who plays WoW...now this...
I don't know why people are so upset about it. They were going to be the playable race in Burning Crusade until they came up with the idea of Space Goats. You were all as upset about that too.

Fact is, everyone knows they're trying to tide people over until Titan is ready in 2013/2014. That's why they're giving free Diablo 3 copies with In Game WoW items to people who pay for a 12 month sub. They just want to keep people playing. They're not interested in luring new subs into the game.

Cataclysm was a poor expansion. Same old rehashed and repainted. Mists has thrown some interesting mechanics into it. It's lazy that they've only added 1 race and created YET ANOTHER bloody sanctuary city, but at least there's interesting content.
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