Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes coming to PC!?

10 Apr 2012
MGS1+2 both came out on PC many years ago.

MGS1 was published by MS and is the definitive version of the game.

MGS2 was one of the first PC DVD Rom only games & used an unheard of at the time 5GB to install. Again PC version was definitive but also sluggish should be ok on modern PC's though.

Just searched for Metal Gear Solid on Steam, nothing came up. Do they not realise what an amazing opportunity it would be for the games to be released on Steam? So many great games that are not on there. :/
5 May 2011
I remember MGS4's online, I swear the people playing it are stupid (most likely post-brainexploding from the awesome storyline). I'd stand ontop of the most blatant building possible sniping and nobody would try and kill me, the amounts of free kills I racked up was ridiculous. :p

I'm not sure how long into MGO's lifespan that was, but towards the end in some games the people playing where godlike.

I remember entering tournaments and playing survival with other random players and being absolutely destroyed. Players where being (mostly on our team :p) insta-headshotted repeatedly over and over and over, think the final score was 17-2 (Team Deathmatch).

Some of the smaller quirks in the multiplayer mode where also enjoyable, like ghosts during Team Sneaking :D

Guess only time will tell when we will see the next iteration of Metal Gear Online.
9 Jan 2011
All this MGS news recently is really annoying me ......**** it! I am getting a PS3 so that I can finally play MGS4, the only one I haven't played.
4 Jan 2005
Come on guys, it's not that controversial. The stories in the games are stupid and far-reaching. Watch Guns of the Patriots' ending again. The silly little segment with Meryl and Johnny in the Arsenal Gear, their dumb 'marriage' off the back of a plane, the utterly inexplicable and baffling 'zero before ones THEREFORE ZERO IS BAD BAD BAD' *turns off oxygen* conversation between Snake and Big Boss murdering a poor old man in a wheelchair who, despite being utterly void of all self-consciousness, was responsible for the entire thing. (because he was a minor character in Snake Eater)

Also, nanomachines did it.

Fantastic series. Stupid stories. Deal with it.
2 Nov 2007
MGS1+2 both came out on PC many years ago.

MGS1 was published by MS and is the definitive version of the game.

MGS2 was one of the first PC DVD Rom only games & used an unheard of at the time 5GB to install. Again PC version was definitive but also sluggish should be ok on modern PC's though.

Neither PC version is definitive. GCN remake of MGS is the best release, the HD collection for PS3 and 360 has a better edition of MGS2.
2 Dec 2008
Heaven and Earth Temple
Graphically the PC versions maybe be better than the original console counterpart, at least with MGS2, but MGS1 was still pretty poor and quite glitchy, so "definitive version" is subjective.

The PS2 version of MGS2: Substance had an exclusive skateboarding minigame as well.
10 Apr 2012
I don't have a PS3, I meant copies on PC. :p

Why don't they bring the HD collection to PC? What could they possibly gain out of only releasing on consoles, Japanese developers are stupid, man. They all do this weird ****, release half a franchise on PC and leave the other half exclusive to consoles, makes absolutely no sense. Final Fantasy is another culprit...
2 Dec 2008
Heaven and Earth Temple
Because lack of market, sales and piracy are the usual suspects as to why it is the case.

It's not as if the console crowd is perfect either.

The Xbox crowd only got to have MGS2: Substance before, now they finally get the HD Collection, but they still miss out on the first game and MGS4.
8 Dec 2005
Just searched for Metal Gear Solid on Steam, nothing came up. Do they not realise what an amazing opportunity it would be for the games to be released on Steam? So many great games that are not on there. :/
Do not think MS or Konami will lose any sleep over it do you! Your best bet is find someone like me who owns the original on 2 CD's & ask them to sell it (mines not for sale BTW). The game requires the CD in the drive at all times during play but has no online DRM. From memory it uses Direct 3D so should still work on modern Nvidia cards (they used to still have the forceware driver ability to play 3DFX titles from this era even though MGS is not a 3DFX native title it ran very well on that card).

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10 Apr 2012
Because lack of market, sales and piracy are the usual suspects as to why it is the case.

It's not as if the console crowd is perfect either.

The Xbox crowd only got to have MGS2: Substance before, now they finally get the HD Collection, but they still miss out on the first game and MGS4.

Xbox didn't even exist when MGS1 was around, 4 was just Sony's attempt at a cheap victory over Microsoft to launch with their convulted console. There is no need to not bring the HD collection at least to PC, makes absolutely no sense, and the old piracy crap is wrong anyway, there are ways to get every single Metal Gear on PC, so pirates will pirate regardless of whether it is released, if they release it legit they'd at least get tons of sales. If they released the Metal Gear Solid saga on Steam, imagine how long that'd stay as the top seller... Mmmmmm. Kinda redundent now to state there is no market on PC, there are more intelligent capable gamers on this platform than any other.

At least now they are going the PC route, just wonder how long that'll last...

Do not think MS or Konami will lose any sleep over it do you! Your best bet is find someone like me who owns the original on 2 CD's & ask them to sell it (mines not for sale BTW). The game requires the CD in the drive at all times during play but has no online DRM. From memory it uses Direct 3D so should still work on modern Nvidia cards (they used to still have the forceware driver ability to play 3DFX titles from this era even though MGS is not a 3DFX native title it ran very well on that card).

You sir, are just crew-ell (cookie for reference). Talk about teasing. :(
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