OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Fuark brah, please give me your skin cleansing techniques! On seconds thoughts, don't........ Haven't started anything yet, being in the hot Maltese sunshine resulted in me breaking out in spots annoyingly!

Dunno mate, plenty of water really, about it.

And obviously wash your back in the morning.

Yes, I know you was joking. :p

Just for clarification, by working the outer bicep would that make the peak bigger?
Whilst the pics aren't great at showing it I've dropped to mid teens in bodfyfat % hence my heavy-ish weight. Want to get back up to 95kg but keeping as lean if not leaner.

Thanks though. Miss being monstrous but like being strong and lean.
Looking good brah. Nice arms, traps, delts. Good lats. Strong abdominals, good chest development. Overall would consider husbanding xox

edit: nohomo
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Body hair looks under control, do not want.

Are you actually cutting? You're looking big for 91kg!

It keeps me warm. :D

I wanted to lean down a bit. I was 105 at my biggest. I'm as lean as I want to be I think ans actually am leaner than those photos look. Got myself measured at 15.3% (only 5 poInts) which I'm happy with. Now I just want to build up strength mobility and power to weight ratio. A little lean mass wouldn't go amiss. However I don't really know what I want. Lol!
Being lean certainly makes you look big, so wouldn't worry about looking smaller.

I do like a good back ;)
Pepper your angus ff

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