***The Official HTC One Thread***

^^ looking good, can't wait to see those S4 comparisons he talks about at the end of the Vid, I only hope the One hasn't come too late for HTC because it genuinely looks like the best phone HTC have made.
I just can't help 4MP is a backwards step for daylight photos, if you intend to make a big poster out of any shots your going to lose detail. No idea why they went this route.
Thanks for all the content Nexus :)

I also think that GSMarena must have a dodgy HO as when i switched the phone on the HTC boot up started and the jingle was so loud that it almost made me jump as I didn't expect the speakers to produce such a loud noise :eek:
The speakers are amazing its one of the main reasons I brought the phone, you get a much better experience when watching movies, youtube or listenign to music.

Finally decided to charge it :p

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More below:

Love that new slow motion editing feature! Will be extremely useful :cool:


Those tutorial type vids are excellent - really bring the advantages of the camera and share software to life, even after the dozens of reviews I've read those still illustrated new features and things I didn't quite 'get'.

I hope HTC can push these out to as many people as possible. They're presumably meant for Youtube rather than as proper TV ads?
Indeed, HTC have nailed the advertising part at long last :cool:

Also wasn't aware of some of the things that you could do i.e. choosing when the slow motion part happens.

I think they are just for youtube :( They need to cut them down a wee bit (just show the feature, don't go into depth showing every single step) and get them shown as much on TV as possible.

That is outstanding battery life there Wingz!
I'm looking to pick one of these up as soon as possible. What are the best deals people have seen?

Ideally want more than 1gb data so was going to choose 3 until I noticed they don't allow tethering. As far as I can tell its the same on tmobile? I use tethering a lot with my tablet so to not being able to tether is not an option.

Is tethering still allowed on most carriers with data limits?
I also think that GSMarena must have a dodgy HO as when i switched the phone on the HTC boot up started and the jingle was so loud that it almost made me jump as I didn't expect the speakers to produce such a loud noise :eek:

I can imagine what the HTC jingle must sound like through those loud speakers! Petrifying! :D

I just can't help 4MP is a backwards step for daylight photos, if you intend to make a big poster out of any shots your going to lose detail. No idea why they went this route.

You can take 3MP images with more detail than current 8-13MP camera phones. The lens just isn't sharp enough but it's a step in the right direction :) (miniaturise the 808 Zeiss lens please Nokia)
That jingle is incredibly loud on the S (not even on max volume), always make sure that I put the phone in silent mode first before restarting the phone :p So can only imagine what it would be like with those speakers :eek:

Once the camera software/hardware is fixed/improved, you will have a very hard time telling which photo is 4MP (unless zooming/crop in etc.) That ISO bug alone will severely impact images! Not to mention any other software niggles and then on top of that hardware issues.
I'm looking to pick one of these up as soon as possible. What are the best deals people have seen?

Ideally want more than 1gb data so was going to choose 3 until I noticed they don't allow tethering. As far as I can tell its the same on tmobile? I use tethering a lot with my tablet so to not being able to tether is not an option.

Is tethering still allowed on most carriers with data limits?

Dialaphone has some good deals on the Orange Network, £100 on quidco cashback this weekend as well. The panther contract allows tethering.
i do like it but if i was to get it i would worry about 32gb and camera.. it looks like it has nothing over current gen phones tbh :)

camera features are all software related.
By nothing "over the current gen phones", I presume that you mean the camera area?

Going by current samples etc. I agree in some ways but disagree in other ways:

- smooth video recording (only phone that matches it currently is the lumia 920 and perhaps the iphone 5 [need to see more videos by it]), not a huge difference between it and the gs 3 but it is noticeable (I also think the quality overall looks better compared to the GS 3)
- low light (only phone to match it is the lumia 920 and the GS 4 won't be able to match it due to the camera hardware, no way of getting around it with software optimisation)
- audio recording

Whilst the camera features are software related, a lot of the stuff can't be found on the market i.e. the main one for me, slow motion recording, last time I checked there was no app at all. You can get all the filter stuff via camera or gallery apps but if you use a different camera app then the dedicated image chip won't be used so you loose all the advantages of that i.e. focus speed, shutter speed etc. and the quality isn't as good either and I don't think you will see any gallery or camera app that can match zoe/live gallery, zoe relies on the dedicated image chip.
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By nothing "over the current gen phones", I presume that you mean the camera area?

Going by current samples etc. I agree in some ways but disagree in other ways:

- smooth video recording (only phone that matches it currently is the lumia 920 and perhaps the iphone 5 [need to see more videos by it]), not a huge difference between it and the gs 3 but it is noticeable
- low light (only phone to match it is the lumia 920 and the GS 4 won't be able to match it due to the camera hardware, no way of getting around it with software optimisation)
- audio recording

Whilst the camera features are software related, a lot of the stuff can't be found on the market i.e. the main one for me, slow motion recording, last time I checked there was no app at all. You can get all the filter stuff via camera or gallery apps but if you use a different camera app then the dedicated image chip won't be used so you loose all the advantages of that i.e. focus speed, shutter speed etc. and the quality isn't as good either and I don't think you will see any gallery or camera app that can match zoe/live gallery, zoe relies on the dedicated image chip.

yes, and xperia z and iphone 5 are good at low light/night shots? one looks to be more exposed and thats about it, it might be a tiny bit better than the rest at night but it also gets a - during the day with overexposed pictures(the same problem that i've noticed on oneS)

so overall there's nothing in it over current gen(s3/ones/x/iphone5)

and you have a downside of 4mpx camera and in my case it is not enough, i really am trying to justify it and i want a black one soo bad but i have feeling i wont be happy with camera and that is important for me :o
They are good, but not as good as the one (from the good samples)

Yeah the one S/X are bad when it comes to bright/white objects with sun light shining on them, it happens when you are taking a photo and have a white/bright object in the background and when taking a photo of something which is in the shade as well as bright light (this problem is quite easily fixed if you manually adjust the exposure though, generally dropping it by one on my S seems to be enough)

Don't forget this is very new tech. for htc, so with software updates, there will be improvements in areas (just like there is with any new tech. nokia didn't get it right first time either with the 920). The camera improved quite a bit with the sense V4+ update on the S/X, the white "glow"/exposure wasn't as bad, photos had more detail/looked clearer etc.
They are good, but not as good as the one (from the good samples)

Yeah the one S/X are bad when it comes to bright/white objects with sun light shining on them, it happens when you are taking a photo and have a white/bright object in the background and when taking a photo of something which is in the shade as well as bright light (this problem is quite easily fixed if you manually adjust the exposure though, generally dropping it by one on my S seems to be enough)

Don't forget this is very new tech. for htc, so with software updates, there will be improvements in areas (just like there is with any new tech. nokia didn't get it right first time either with the 920). The camera improved quite a bit with the sense V4+ update on the S/X, the white "glow"/exposure wasn't as bad, photos had more detail/looked clearer etc.

these are the main points you see.. "Good samples" how do i know all ones are like that? how do i know "my one" will be the same? its kinda like playing a game with HTC now, you're not sure what you're going to get and when you're going to get it :)

with Z/i5/S4 it'll just work. yes nokia is a good example but if i was to buy a phone now i need to know it performs the way i want it to and the way the manufacturer brags it does.

if i was to buy a new phone 6months after release i would know what to expect from it but now heck knows if its a software bug or a camera hw it self.. hoping it will get fixed doesn't sound good when spending 500+ on a new phone that i need to last at least a year.

its a bit worrying and i hope HTC Get it sorted(if its possible) ASAP and release the 64gb now, they are loosing it already with s4 just around the corner and i really want them kick sammy a bit..
I understand what grudas is getting at, when you break down the individual features they have all been improved but mostly in a fairly small way (or not at all) - your average person wouldn't truly appreciate the scale of the improvements.

I'd also like HTC to take a bite out of Samsung but I fear they won't.

All the carriers are just pushing the S4 and some don't even have a mention of the HTC One on the main pages etc. :(
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