I wouldn't let that put you of, I 'think' there could be a hardware issue given the circumstances but that might not be right at all, it could just be a software problem and if that is the case then it is easy to fix, will be the exact same situation as the lumia 920 then and now look at it, regarded as the best camera phone
If the camera isn't 'that' important to you anyway, I certainly wouldn't let it put you of what is a superb phone in pretty much every other area and besides it's not like the camera is a complete disaster in the first place anywayIt certainly has the potential to be a lot better though as we have seen from a few photos/comparisons!
TBH Nexus the camera isn't that important to me but i've had buyers remorse and it's the perfect excuse to wait until all the problems are ironed out by then the production process will have sorted itself out and and the chances of getting a faulty unit will be far less. So I cancelled anyway and asked for a refund. P4U customer services are as good as gold and my dealings with them have been superb

Besides I tweeted HTC UK yesterday and they said that in a couple of months time a 64GB HTC One will be coming out so I'll sit tight and wait for that.
I just have to remain patient which isn't my strongest point!