***The Official HTC One Thread***


I wouldn't let that put you of, I 'think' there could be a hardware issue given the circumstances but that might not be right at all, it could just be a software problem and if that is the case then it is easy to fix, will be the exact same situation as the lumia 920 then and now look at it, regarded as the best camera phone ;)

If the camera isn't 'that' important to you anyway, I certainly wouldn't let it put you of what is a superb phone in pretty much every other area and besides it's not like the camera is a complete disaster in the first place anyway :p It certainly has the potential to be a lot better though as we have seen from a few photos/comparisons!

TBH Nexus the camera isn't that important to me but i've had buyers remorse and it's the perfect excuse to wait until all the problems are ironed out by then the production process will have sorted itself out and and the chances of getting a faulty unit will be far less. So I cancelled anyway and asked for a refund. P4U customer services are as good as gold and my dealings with them have been superb :)

Besides I tweeted HTC UK yesterday and they said that in a couple of months time a 64GB HTC One will be coming out so I'll sit tight and wait for that.

I just have to remain patient which isn't my strongest point!
yeah by sending it back to htc for repair/replacement or getting a new phone :) if you something inside.. like i seem to do with my micro usb port on my s2.. thank god it has philips screws and its easy to disassemble :o

You can buy the tools (usually just a screw driver and some small plastic card to help pry some parts open/off) that you need in order to remove the unibody on phones.

And as to how to do it, wait for a video/step by step guide just like there is for every other phone out there.
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TBH Nexus the camera isn't that important to me but i've had buyers remorse and it's the perfect excuse to wait until all the problems are ironed out by then the production process will have sorted itself out and and the chances of getting a faulty unit will be far less. So I cancelled anyway and asked for a refund. P4U customer services are as good as gold and my dealings with them have been superb :)

Besides I tweeted HTC UK yesterday and they said that in a couple of months time a 64GB HTC One will be coming out so I'll sit tight and wait for that.

I just have to remain patient which isn't my strongest point!

Fair enough, it is the best thing to do for now anyway and by then hopefully the GS 4 reviews will be up to give you a better idea as to which one you go for.

Hmm, interesting so 64gb is coming here after all :confused: bet that will make some people happy!

I am sure that you can cope with the nexus 4 for another month or so :p :D
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yeah by sending it back to htc for repair/replacement or getting a new phone :) if you something inside.. like i seem to do with my micro usb port on my s2.. thank god it has philips screws and its easy to disassemble :o

The HTC One X came apart fairly easily even though they said it was difficult. (Easier than most other phones in the end!) The phone will have been designed to be reasonably easy to repair, regardless of how difficult it looks to the untrained eye.

It helps I worked at an electronics factory for a few years after leaving school. :D

There looks to be a little hole at the bottom of the phone which I'm guessing will release the chassis somehow but I'm not ready to start experimenting yet!
Was going to go looking for one of these tomorrow but you three are making me paranoid (Especially Stoosh with your comments) ... and now the fact HTC_UK claim to have the 64gb version coming here in a few months ... bring it out NOW! :(
This whole launch is very reminiscent of the One X last year, good phone and some excellent features and selling points, totally ballsed up by HTC. :(
TBH Nexus the camera isn't that important to me but i've had buyers remorse and it's the perfect excuse to wait until all the problems are ironed out by then the production process will have sorted itself out and and the chances of getting a faulty unit will be far less. So I cancelled anyway and asked for a refund. P4U customer services are as good as gold and my dealings with them have been superb :)

Besides I tweeted HTC UK yesterday and they said that in a couple of months time a 64GB HTC One will be coming out so I'll sit tight and wait for that.

I just have to remain patient which isn't my strongest point!

IMHO they should have left the camera alone and just gave the basic HO 64gb as their unique feature, it woulda prolly sold shed loads to happy customers with no remorse wanting a way out of their purchase, HTC reached for the moon and failed.

Re taking the HO apart the difficulty could come with the unibody/aerial being joined.
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Was going to go looking for one of these tomorrow but you three are making me paranoid (Especially Stoosh with your comments) ... and now the fact HTC_UK claim to have the 64gb version coming here in a few months ... bring it out NOW! :(

Don't be paranoid, the internet is full of people with "issues" especially on forums.

Don't go over to XDA forums for gods sake you'll never buy any phone ever again! Those dudes buy a phone then get micrometers and feeler gauges out and hammer them to death.

The One is a lovely phone simple as that...;)
It is nowhere as bad as the one X/s launch and the problems there were with them, at least not yet.....

I haven't really read many issues at all even on xda, certainly not as much as what there was for the X and s anyway.

The only thing that reviews/people seem to be let down by is the camera, everywhere else is praising the phone in pretty much every other area even sense software! Some have battery issues and some don't, so it is the same old story in that department when it comes to every phone.

It is stupid of them to not have stated that about the 64gb model at all though, however, it wouldn't be the first time official twitter Accounts have made a mistake....
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Originally Posted by TheOtherOption Was going to go looking for one of these tomorrow but you three are making me paranoid (Especially Stoosh with your comments) ... and now the fact HTC_UK claim to have the 64gb version coming here in a few months ... bring it out NOW!

Dude just go out and buy it if you're happy with 32GB it's a lovely phone and you won't be disappointed. It's such a joy to use and its super fast too. I think HTC will wait until the 32GB is selling well and then they'll bring out the 64GB version, as I'm sure they don't want to p*ss people off who have bought the 32GB HO. I had a defective HO such is my luck and reading all the mad posts over at XDA just tipped me over the edge and I didn't want to risk getting another defective device again. (I've had major bad luck with HTC devices - especially last year with several HOX's and HOS's).

Don't be paranoid, the internet is full of people with "issues" especially on forums.

Don't go over to XDA forums for gods sake you'll never buy any phone ever again! Those dudes buy a phone then get micrometers and feeler gauges out and hammer them to death.

The One is a lovely phone simple as that...;)

So true with what you're saying about XDA, they moan about every little thing on there, it most certainly made me very paranoid and that's why I bailed on otherwise which was a damn good phone. Like I said though I rather wait a couple of months and see if HTC are true to their words in regards to the 64GB version.

Fair enough, it is the best thing to do for now anyway and by then hopefully the GS 4 reviews will be up to give you a better idea as to which one you go for.

Hmm, interesting so 64gb is coming here after all :confused: bet that will make some people happy!

I am sure that you can cope with the nexus 4 for another month or so :p :D

Wise words from a wise Dude! :D That's what HTC said! They want to get all the 32GB HO's out before they release the 64GB HO. It will be apparently released in a "few months." This is what confused me as initially at the launch of the HO the 64GB version was for the Pan Asian market.

See link below as Modaco also seem to confirm that it's coming...who knows if it pans out I'll only believe it when you can actually buy the 64GB HO in the shops!


It is nowhere as bad as the one X/s launch and the problems there were with them, at least not yet.....

I haven't really read many issues at all even on xda, certainly not as much as what there was for the X and s anyway.

The only thing that reviews/people seem to be let down by is the camera, everywhere else is praising the phone in pretty much every other area even sense software! Some have battery issues and some don't, so it is the same old story in that department when it comes to every phone.

Oh yes I remember XDA was swamped with hundreds of posts about people complaining about build quality on their HOX's and HOS's and I had similar complaints of both phones.

The camera is the only thing letting down the phone but if you don't use the camera on a phone then it shouldn't stop you from getting it. I didn't own the phone for long enough so I can't really judge how the battery performs on the HO, but everything else is spot on. If only the dreaded touch button failure didn't rear its ugly head, I would've kept the phone.

Twitter is known to throw up all sorts of info some of it's true some of it is wrong, no doubt we'll see a 64GB variant of the HO but who knows when!

In a nutshell - if camera is not important to you - go buy the phone now!
if you can live with 32GB - again go buy the phone.
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In a nutshell - if camera is not important to you - go buy the phone now!
if you can live with 32GB - again go buy the phone.

hit the nail on the head ;)

Yup for the one X, main things were:

- wifi issues
- screen issues i.e. yellow tint and/or flexing

Both of which where fixed/improved with new batches and software updates

for the one s, main things were:

- signal
- chipping on the black model

Again, both where fixed/improved, for signal either a new phone or/and software update(s) fixed/improved it and for the chipping a new design was brought out (smoother edges with a bevelled USB port)

As said, that is the price you pay these days for being an early adopter :( No different for any other phone/company, even the "mighty" apple have its problems with the iphones when first released! :p
@Nexus Thank you! :)

Yes I had all the problems described by you for both phones except for signal issues on the HOS, it was more the chipping problem.

Yes being an early adopter you have to take the rough with the smooth and unfortunately no matter how many times I tell myself to refrain from buying a phone on launch day, I just can't do it as I don't have the patience to wait! :eek: :p

I have to say that on each occasion when my phones were defective for some reason or another HTC were absolutely brilliant and provided ample support.

I would definitely go with the HTC One if you want to be different, want a good looking phone and is jam packed with features.

I really hope that the camera issue is down to software and not hardware once I hear the issue has been resolved one way or another I will not hesitate on buying the phone again. It's really that good!

On another note.....Samsung and HTC have been dissing each other on Twitter :p

How does this screen compare with the GS4? I presume it's better than the XZ and perhaps slightly dependent on your preference of e.g. colour saturation?
How does this screen compare with the GS4? I presume it's better than the XZ and perhaps slightly dependent on your preference of e.g. colour saturation?

I have no idea as I haven't seen a GS4 for real. Although it's much better than the XZ as viewing angles are far more superior and colours are accurately represented.

The HO has an exceptional screen and IMHO has raised the bar for LCD tech.
How does this screen compare with the GS4? I presume it's better than the XZ and perhaps slightly dependent on your preference of e.g. colour saturation?

gs4 will have better blacks, 0'2 bigger and thats about it really..

one will have better whites, rubbish blacks(compared to samoled)

both will be great no doubt.
Thankfully I have had no problems with my one and only 1S :p :D *touch wood* :p

haha yeah I seen that the other day! :D Surprised about Samsung, not so much htc given their tweets after the announcement of the GS 4 :p :o


Pretty much what stoosh & grudas said.

If you have seen a one x, you can expect similar colours, viewing angles on the one.

Essentially it will come down to preference and uses. I much prefer SAMOLED for the saturated colours, true blacks (although not as much of an issue for me these days especially when the UI/colour scheme is generally bright/white :() Pentile will be a non issue at 441ppi.
Just had confirmation from P4U that my new HTC One will be dispatched this evening :) (Ordered it last night) Should have it by Monday hopefully!

Seeing how well it does with power save mode On. I unplugged it on Wednesday around 11:50pm, just been using it much just to browse the net and check my emails.

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