*** 2013 Powerlifting Totals - NEW ***

Hadn't lifted heavy on the deads for a few weeks so I thought I'd see where I was:

kiwi --------------- 75+ / 130(B) / 150(B) ------- [80] ------ 355
Fire away mate, my 185 squat is in the old thread.

Hoping for a bench PB in the near future, 3 plates a side yeaaaaah buddy, watch this space.
Old stiv121 ----------- 110/ 170(B)(K) / 200(B) --------- [70.5] ----- 480

New stiv121 ----------- 120/ 170(B)(K) / 200+ --------- [71] ----- 490

It's been a good week strength wise even thou I've lost some weight, time to up the cals and try and get into the 500 total club :D:D:D:D
Cross posting complete!

icecold ------------ 140 / 230(B) / 260(B) ---- [90] ------- 630

Delvis, please update my total to something slightly less thin.flimsy.loose.
Turns out trying to be cheeky and edit it anyway despite Delves' reluctance has backfired as I can't properly cut & paste in ths stupid phone browser. I am so good.
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