I'm really finding it hard to find anything I like about this system. It just seems a rushed mess.
The dashboard is a complete mess, with even things like 'settings' tucked away in the Apps menu as default. The voice activation doesn't work all the time, especially when trying to get it to turn the system off.
The whole friends/lobbies/invites/online notification system is just a complete joke, regardless of if it will be fixed in an update or not. I just don't understand how they could go from a system as amazing as the 360's for this functionality to this.
Tonight for example, I'm sat playing Ghosts and then an hour or so later Oneshot mentions he has been on playing Battlefield, neither us knew the other was online and if we had would probably have had a game of FIFA together.
I think one of the guys who works for VideoGamer hit the nail on the head with this today on Twitter:
"Mad that on a more connected console I feel more alone than ever. New friends and party system seems incredibly stupid."
The games so far haven't blown me away, okay they are launch titles I understand that but its all just a bit meh for me at the moment.
Then there is the controller, at first when I held it I couldn't quite believe how good it felt, it seemed like an improvement over the 360 pad, but once I started to actually game with it I realised I just don't think it is, the shoulder buttons are just more awkward now and the tops of the analogues just seem a bit to small for my liking. I suppose it was always going to be hard to improve on perfection.
I think all this along with the graphical differences of the PS4 on certain games is just rubbing salt in the wounds.
My initial reaction after E3 was always to go with the PS4, I got swayed late on by people that I have played with regularly, maybe I should have just stuck to my gut instinct.
As of now I'm seriously considering taking ASDA up on their 'change your mind' offer and returning it, it just doesn't seem ready.