**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Well clearly you have so little to do in your life that you have to troll the xbox one thread....

But I will bow out now before posts start to get deleted.

I posted a legitimate story from a website regarding the XB1, maybe you should learn the definition of troll.
Well an update from my friend whose Xbone had broken drive. Showed me an email today off MS, they have offered him Forza 5, Ryse, Dead Rising 3 or Zoo Tycoon for free as an complimentary for the problem. Not bad, now he can trade in some of the games back as he never opened them due to the broken drive. Guess his luck changed.
Well an update from my friend whose Xbone had broken drive. Showed me an email today off MS, they have offered him Forza 5, Ryse, Dead Rising 3 or Zoo Tycoon for free as an complimentary for the problem. Not bad, now he can trade in some of the games back as he never opened them due to the broken drive. Guess his luck changed.

That's good as mine is doing it almost every time now. Going to call them tomorrow and have a chat..
so i was onto the Microsoft live chat about my dodgy controller,they said it is a well know issue with day one consoles and i have to post them my pad and they post a new one once received. I expected a better service to be honest from Microsoft especially after spending like £500 on console and games for the controller to be faulty straight out of the box.

If you ask nicely I think they upgrade you to their premium service or sumin, where they send you the controller, once received you post back the faulty. Tell them what you said above, which is completely true and they should do it.

Especially if u have only the one controller you can't play your £500 xbox til the controller turns up... That isn't fair!
The graphics on ryse really do give me confidence to what can be done with the console. Epic game

agree`d im mind blow by the graphics of that game, also later on in the creepy forests the lighting and fog sure looks NEXT GEN to me lol
though i can detect in this game a hint of slowdown, specifically in the forests lol
agree`d im mind blow by the graphics of that game, also later on in the creepy forests the lighting and fog sure looks NEXT GEN to me lol
though i can detect in this game a hint of slowdown, specifically in the forests lol

I enjoyed Ryse it was repetitive but fun in small chunks.

P.s. - Can I have that Xbox back I sold you as mine is dying... :)
For the past three days game have been stocking bundles they go up within two minutes out of stock and every 5/10 minutes another batch goes on!

Why would they not just allow people to order the entire stock they have if it's obviously kicking about somewhere.

After planning to wait due to a work situation I made the insensible decision of purchasing a bundle I suppose it is Christmas after all 10 attempts later managed to pay without it being out of stock once again I received a confirmation email within 1 minute.

They have also changed the site stating ready to ship so if people are looking to buy Game has stock about 30 times per hour so best bet.

I went for the Xbox One Day Edition, Fifa 14 Download, Forza, Cod Ghosts, Battlefield 4.

May sell Cod as I wasn't that impressed on the 360 can never get my Cod4 fix and keep the rest!

Have I made the right decision folks, is it awesome?!
I'm really finding it hard to find anything I like about this system. It just seems a rushed mess.

The dashboard is a complete mess, with even things like 'settings' tucked away in the Apps menu as default. The voice activation doesn't work all the time, especially when trying to get it to turn the system on.

The whole friends/lobbies/invites/online notification system is just a complete joke, regardless of if it will be fixed in an update or not. I just don't understand how they could go from a system as amazing as the 360's for this functionality to this.
Tonight for example, I'm sat playing Ghosts and then an hour or so later Oneshot mentions he has been on playing Battlefield, neither us knew the other was online and if we had would probably have had a game of FIFA together.

I think one of the guys who works for VideoGamer hit the nail on the head with this today on Twitter: "Mad that on a more connected console I feel more alone than ever. New friends and party system seems incredibly stupid."

The games so far haven't blown me away, okay they are launch titles I understand that but its all just a bit meh for me at the moment.

Then there is the controller, at first when I held it I couldn't quite believe how good it felt, it seemed like an improvement over the 360 pad, but once I started to actually game with it I realised I just don't think it is, the shoulder buttons are just more awkward now and the tops of the analogues just seem a bit to small for my liking. I suppose it was always going to be hard to improve on perfection.

I think all this along with the graphical differences of the PS4 on certain games is just rubbing salt in the wounds.

My initial reaction after E3 was always to go with the PS4, I got swayed late on by people that I have played with regularly, maybe I should have just stuck to my gut instinct. :(

As of now I'm seriously considering taking ASDA up on their 'change your mind' offer and returning it, it just doesn't seem ready.
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I'm really finding it hard to find anything I like about this system. It just seems a rushed mess.

The dashboard is a complete mess, with even things like 'settings' tucked away in the Apps menu as default. The voice activation doesn't work all the time, especially when trying to get it to turn the system off.

The whole friends/lobbies/invites/online notification system is just a complete joke, regardless of if it will be fixed in an update or not. I just don't understand how they could go from a system as amazing as the 360's for this functionality to this.
Tonight for example, I'm sat playing Ghosts and then an hour or so later Oneshot mentions he has been on playing Battlefield, neither us knew the other was online and if we had would probably have had a game of FIFA together.

I think one of the guys who works for VideoGamer hit the nail on the head with this today on Twitter: "Mad that on a more connected console I feel more alone than ever. New friends and party system seems incredibly stupid."

The games so far haven't blown me away, okay they are launch titles I understand that but its all just a bit meh for me at the moment.

Then there is the controller, at first when I held it I couldn't quite believe how good it felt, it seemed like an improvement over the 360 pad, but once I started to actually game with it I realised I just don't think it is, the shoulder buttons are just more awkward now and the tops of the analogues just seem a bit to small for my liking. I suppose it was always going to be hard to improve on perfection.

I think all this along with the graphical differences of the PS4 on certain games is just rubbing salt in the wounds.

My initial reaction after E3 was always to go with the PS4, I got swayed late on by people that I have played with regularly, maybe I should have just stuck to my gut instinct. :(

As of now I'm seriously considering taking ASDA up on their 'change your mind' offer and returning it, it just doesn't seem ready.

Just return it and get a PS4, clearly from your post it's obvious u didn't want an xbox to begin with and your head always wanted the PS4 but your heart chose the Xbox because of friends. That feeling probably wont go away especially if u prefer the PS4 more when it's released this week.
Well, a few days on from launch and some of the novalty is wearing off a bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying it as a games console, but some stuff just does't work well imho, mainly:

1). Kinect. At first I thought it was cool and initially the voice recognition seemed to work ok, but the longer I've tried using it the worse it seems to be. Sure, it has bursts where it works great for a while, but then it has times where you have to repeat a command 2 or 3 times. This issue actually got me in trouble with me Mam, after 3 times shouting 'XBOX..ON' and nothing happening she told me off for shouting at it and said I was being rude to it. I tried to explain what I was trying to do and she said 'Have you tried saying please' ? lol. :p I find it easier to just use the pad now.

2). Sky TV. Unplugged after watching the F1 through it, not happy with the image quality at all.

3). Party / Friends system seems to be a big step backwards :(

On a more positive note, Forza is simply fantastic and for me worth the cost of the console by itself, such a great game :D Also Ryse is suprisingly good, it has awesome graphics in places and satisfying if somewhat shallow gameplay. BF4 is great, COD is a big improvement over 360 imho but still COD so a bit rubbish, FIFA is fun seeing as it's the first one I've played in a few years.

The game I'm having the biggest difficulty getting into is DR3, the graphics in places range from terrible PS2 era graphics (The textures on the bottom of overturned cars for example) through to just about ok. Really hasn't impressed me in the looks department and I honestly think I'm looking at a 360 game, but I keep hearing how it is a great game so I need to give it another chance I think.

I do not regret getting the XboxOne, I didn't think much of Kinect or the 'Entertainment' features before I got it so in a way it is simply meeting my expectations as a console at the moment. I am looking forward to getting the PS4 on Thursday night though and being lucky enough to have the best of both worlds.
Just return it and get a PS4, clearly from your post it's obvious u didn't want an xbox to begin with and your head always wanted the PS4 but your heart chose the Xbox because of friends. That feeling probably wont go away especially if u prefer the PS4 more when it's released this week.

Have to agree, it's obvious that the One isn't doing the job (and prob won't for a while!). Join the PS4 party :cool:
One thing that has confused me is that it does seem that the UI just doesnt work as a decent UI if Kinect wasnt there - if you didnt have that voice shortcut it looks like youd be delving into icons just to find stuff. Im not sure how good that makes Kinect if its more the case its good because it works around the UIs flaws.

Im not a massive fan of Metro as a traditional GUI, it seems to 'shine' when you have alternative access like touch or voice. The XO deserved a better UI or more thought how Metro would be best implemented...

@Faded - whatever you do, dont think the grass is automatically greener on the other side - both are gonna be fairly unpolished

ps3ud0 :cool:
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@Faded - whatever you do, dont think the grass is automatically greener on the other side - both are gonna be fairly unpolished

I'm well aware of that mate, Sony have let me down in the past with promises that were delivered way too late (PS1 compatibility for the Vita for example) so I won't be jumping into that until I see what the UK launch of the PS4 brings.

I will certainly be listening to this weeks Bombcast with interest though now they have had a fair amount of time with each console.
1). Kinect. This issue actually got me in trouble with me Mam, after 3 times shouting 'XBOX..ON' and nothing happening she told me off for shouting at it and said I was being rude to it.

Should never have read that after I took a swig of morning tea. :D

Gotta say I kinda agree... the dashboard is terrible... everything keeps moving... I keep finding myself in a party of one... I have no idea if friends are online... I can't FORCE a game to quit without starting a new one or turning the console off... BF4 doesn't work... achievements are now harder to find, look at and compare... when you switch between screens it shows you a glimpse of what you were looking at before - as if it needs to refresh... press B to go back and you generally have NO idea where it's going to take you... delete automatically recorded videos from the notifications, the notifications remain, but tell you it can't find the video... and aside from all this - the OS is STILL bloody slow to move around - I still get the annoying circle telling me stuff is loading :(

All in all they've royally screwed the OS. I blame MS division forcing Xbox division to 'look like metro'. It's kinda typical MS... get something successful that everyone likes, then force it to tow the company line - which is terrible.

I've not having buyers regret... I've still got the console for the games I want... Forza and Titanfall... it just a shame I don't enjoy the external to games experience. They'll polish the OS over time.. but I can't help feeling it wont change to radically... it will have to stay 'Metro'. :(
I can't FORCE a game to quit without starting a new one or turning the console off...

Highlight over the main tile on the UI, press "menu" and quit - that will do it for you :)


That will quit the app/game currently running; so obviously make sure it's the game you want closed that is showing, if that makes sense
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