**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Tonight for example, I'm sat playing Ghosts and then an hour or so later Oneshot mentions he has been on playing Battlefield, neither us knew the other was online and if we had would probably have had a game of FIFA together.

I think one of the guys who works for VideoGamer hit the nail on the head with this today on Twitter: "Mad that on a more connected console I feel more alone than ever. New friends and party system seems incredibly stupid.".

That is the oddest thing to have done. I guess they never looked past x thousand friends and how annoying all the notifications would be. Instead they should have made that customisable. Give you notifications when someone starts playing the same game or have a favs list that would notify you. TBH I would still keep my list the size it is now or less. I don't see the need to follow 2000 people that never play anyway. It's bad enough on here when people add you then never play a game :D
For those who are struggling with the UI, I take it you are pinning your apps? Personally I think the dashboard is good, the only thing I struggled to find at the beginning was the settings page, but a quick press of whatever we're calling the start button anywhere brings the option.

The dash is equally easy to move around, kinect or controller.

Stuff like achuevements are easy to find too

Maybe its rose tinted glasses, but I am really enjoying the Xbox One. 64 player BF4, Dead Rising 3 - whats not to like :)

Not been in any parties so cant comment of that issue but does seem retarted its went backwards.
Got my One yesterday (Thanks Simon! :)) and liking it so far. The console seems meaty and well put together and no complaints with the controller (love the force feedback triggers).

Forza 5 seems pretty good, although I can understand why people are annoyed by the content etc. I havn't had a Forza game since Forza 2 so its all "new" to me (I don't know what I am missing is probably a good way of putting it). I do know my RS3 understeers just like it should. All I need is the ability to flash the high beams and I am sorted :p

Going to get DR3 this week as it looks immense fun. Looking forward to Titanfall and Desitiny in the future.

The UI is taking some getting used to but as I havn't owned a 360 for quite a while the transition isn't quite as jarring as some are experiencing. I have only used it for around and hour so far (30 minutes or so of Forza 5) so no doubt I will see some of the issues others have experienced in time.

If anyone wants to add me my Gamertag is Xaser04.
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Have to agree, it's obvious that the One isn't doing the job (and prob won't for a while!). Join the PS4 party :cool:
If he thinks the XO UI is a mess (settings are on the dedicated "menu" button on the controller when in the dashboard by the way) he's going to have a seizure trying to cope with PS4... :D
Well i'm considering selling mine now, I know it's quick but the black crush is hindering my enjoyment. I can't see it being fixed any time soon, it's going to kill me as KI is amazing. Saying that I'm all for picking one up again when the issue is resolved. Need to muse over it a little longer, but I could be bowing out of the xbone camp for a while (Not that anyone cares :p)
Well i'm considering selling mine now, I know it's quick but the black crush is hindering my enjoyment. I can't see it being fixed any time soon, it's going to kill me as KI is amazing. Saying that I'm all for picking one up again when the issue is resolved. Need to muse over it a little longer, but I could be bowing out of the xbone camp for a while (Not that anyone cares :p)
Isit that bad? You just going to stick with current gen then?
Not sure why people are slating it so much.

I'm predominantly a PC gamer, but have a 360 + ps3 anyway, but rarely played. I think the XO is refreshing, and sure there are things that need to be ironed out, but it will happen - it's not surprising to be honest.

In terms of gameplay, I got mine purely for Forza, and am not disappointed. I will be playing other games, but not decided which yet.
Isit that bad? You just going to stick with current gen then?

It's pretty bad, most wouldn't care I suppose. I'm just a sucker for the perfect picture and unfortunately the xbone cannot deliver currently. The issues kind of exploded around multiple forums, so its not a case of misconfigured displays. I've got the PS4 coming friday, vita, 3ds xl, wii u, pc. So I've got entertainment and next gen covered. :)
Not sure why people are slating it so much.

I'm predominantly a PC gamer, but have a 360 + ps3 anyway, but rarely played. I think the XO is refreshing, and sure there are things that need to be ironed out, but it will happen - it's not surprising to be honest.

In terms of gameplay, I got mine purely for Forza, and am not disappointed. I will be playing other games, but not decided which yet.

Battlefield 4 and The Division (when it comes out) :cool:
One thing that has confused me is that it does seem that the UI just doesnt work as a decent UI if Kinect wasnt there - if you didnt have that voice shortcut it looks like youd be delving into icons just to find stuff. Im not sure how good that makes Kinect if its more the case its good because it works around the UIs flaws.
You can pin anything you want to the front screen. Start dashboard is in front of you, go left for your pinned stuff, right for non pinned store and apps etc. In any area there's a dedicated "menu" button on the controller to give you context sensitive options for whatever it is you have highlighted. Still, people couldn't work out how to use windows 8 I suppose complaining about the lack of a start button despite having had one on every keyboard for the last 18 years :)

As much as I hate to say it, like anything not everyone will like change and of course you do have to get used to it over time just like 360. I don't say that in a "too stupid" way, just like anything it takes time to work out and when all you want to do is get into a game or straight to friends it's frustrating if it's not immediately obvious (and perhaps it should be although I don't think everything can be). NGE wasn't universally popular when they updated 360, no one could find where the old blades had gone for settings etc. It's just one of those things. Most of the things I've read people find annoying have a answer (like pinning etc) it just takes time to get used to it.

To be fair some just won't like it because it's "metro" and will carry over the "i'm not going to use it, it's stupid" from the PC. It's something you'll always have with any kind of change.

Give it a year and people will wonder how they ever managed to use the incredibly basic/rubbish GUI on PS3 & 360 compared to the new systems they now know.

The best UI is always the one you are used to, even if it's only because you've learnt to work around it's drawbacks and problems.

It's early days for Kinect 2, but do you know what, I think it is genuinely the start of a change, a bit like touch on tablets and laptops. There will be some bumps but already using a controller seems cumbersome for some things compared to just telling XO to do it. As the voice recognition continues to get refined it will become a natural way of working with a console, even Sony have the capabilities for PS4.

I'm old enough to remember the carnage of introducing people to a mouse for a PC :)
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