The last game you completed, and rating.

Finished Spec Ops: The Line last night

Just as I was thinking it was a bit of a derivative cover/shooting gallery type FPS, the story goes and completely pulls the rug.

It became harrowing, affecting, uncomfortable, and turns the tables on the player in a way that, rather than feeling cheap, packs a real emotional and interrogative punch.

Feeling like this will take me a few days to get over, in fact.

Superb narrative and game direction. Have to rate it at 8 or 9... call it 8.5/10
Finished Spec Ops: The Line last night

Just as I was thinking it was a bit of a derivative cover/shooting gallery type FPS, the story goes and completely pulls the rug.

It became harrowing, affecting, uncomfortable, and turns the tables on the player in a way that, rather than feeling cheap, packs a real emotional and interrogative punch.

Feeling like this will take me a few days to get over, in fact.

Superb narrative and game direction. Have to rate it at 8 or 9... call it 8.5/10

I came across this game by accident and loved every minute of it. The ending made it better, but even during the game, it had you questioning what was going on. Played it a few times since but it just does`nt feel the same, now that you understand what it was all about.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

This was half price over the VGX weekend and i have heard several good things about it and some at giant bomb are naming it as game of the year so i gave it a go!

Nice unique experiance, and beautiful visuals! Short and sweet with a unique control scheme to control 2 characters at once making it a 1 player co-op game in a way!

Not as light hearted as the initial level may have you believe though, many suprises along the way with some really awesome back drops/settings!


And i liked the length, some may think its too short but that never comes into mind for me with these sorts of games
Completed a couple over Christmas.

Shadow Warrior: 8/10 - old-school FPS, collect the keys, kill waves of bad guys - it's like Serious Sam, with swords. Good fun and had some laughs too.

Deadpool: 8/10 - with some changes to the controls and a little work on the collisions, this would have been a 10/10 - I haven't laughed like that a game for a long time - and the ending.....well, that was the first time I applauded the finish of a game :D
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - 9/10

+ You are a pirate...need I say more :D
+ Travelling from island to island is a pleasure, who needs fast travel (even though it is an option!)
+ For the most part an engaging story
+ Graphically stunning
+ Jaw dropping weather system, especially at sea
+ Never again will water be this good in a game
+ A solid combat system, although it is in need of some innovation
+ The various settlements are beautifully designed down to the very last detail
+ A lot to do, the main story feels like a very small part
+ A wonderful soundtrack as ever in this series
+ The optional objectives are much more integrated this time around and much more achievable
+ The tutorial at the start of the game is very brief
+ Kenway is quite a likeable character
+ I quite liked the optional feedback system, although it is quite difficult to feedback using just 5 stars.

- The modern storyline, get rid of it already! Such an unnecessary, unimmersive distraction. What did it actually add?
- Some of the missions don't flow very well. Why did I get rescued from that island?
- Get rid of the tail and eavesdrop missions!

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this one and hope for a standalone Ubisoft pirate game using this engine. The short development cycle is hurting the Assassin's Creed series, but they lucked out on a great idea with this one. Hopefully the next Assassin's Creed setting is equally as engaging. I would highly recommend this game.
ive not quite completed it yet but.. sniper elite v2
metascore has it rated at 66/100, id give it closer to 80/100 myself, loving the bullet cam :D
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Outlast: 6/10

It started out well for me, the visuals and idea of the camcorder as a light source was pretty cool but thats pretty much where it ends for me, after that it was a mix of really poor a.i. and lazy repeated enemie/monster appearances and animations that it cheapened the experiance for me

The objectives were pretty bad too, activate 2 of X to progress, turn on 2 of Y and so on (very similar to my gripes with Halo 4 last year)

As a horror game it did jump me once or twice at the beginning which was great but after that the scares became predictable.

I wanted it to do more for me but i do know some that loved it so i may be wrong just opinions ofc
Mass Effect 3 dlc

Played through Omega and Citadel in the last few days. In short, they do not improve the game.



  • A few nice environments

  • Make a game about the characters- release dlc with none of the characters in it:o
  • **** was one of the least interesting characters in it anyway, and this does nothing to prove otherwise. There is another totally forgettable character as well who dies in a totally underwhelming way.
  • The main bad guy, I can't remember.
  • Has no place in the game and totally messes with the flow. Why the hell do you care about Omega with all of the other crap going on?...the conversation with **** to start the dlc should go like this: ****- "will you help me take back omega" Shepard- "are you mad, of course I won't, the galaxy is on fire ffs!"
  • It doesn't fit anywhere. I did it after the Coup, as it kind of felt like the best time to do it, but it was still out of place.
  • Reapers completely ignored, and nothing added to the main story, which really needs it!
  • **** is the main character, and the voice acting for her is absolutely awful
Awful piece of dlc. 3/10



  • Some good dialogue.
  • A new area of the Citadel with some nice new features.
  • Nice to see the whole crew together.

  • Same as Omega. Has no real place in the game. All just seems like an unnecessary diversion
  • Yet another new enemy:o...WHAT ABOUT THE REAPERS?!!
  • Main bad guys just introduced out of nowhere, with no back story. It is like it was cobbled together in a few minutes. The identity of the main bad guy is not hinted at anywhere else in the trilogy.
  • Tries far too hard to be funny at absolutely every does not work, and seems so out of place.
  • Once again, no additions to the main story at all.

Better, but doesn't fit in with the game and tries far too hard to be funny. 5/10

If I play the trilogy again, I will definitely deactivate Omega before playing 3, and possibly Citadel, though I might try it somewhere else in the game. Neither are anywhere near as good as Leviathan. They do not improve what was a very disappointing game.

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BF4- Short but sweet. Very engaging shooter with good characters but the reason behind the fighting was not clear to me. Plenty of crash-to-desktop and riddled with bugs. 6/10 (would have been 8/10 if it didn't feel like a Beta version). Yes I am on the bandwagon with BF4!

Tomb Raider - A pleasant surprise. Very good prequel that was fun from start to end. Perhaps a few of the extra characters in the story were poor. I felt it was too short to be worth full price but an absolutely excellent game for £5-6 (iirc was off MM) 8.5/10. Having never played Unchartered properly I must get into that as this game was without question heavily copied from the series.
Space Marine: I love the Warhammer universe so that was as its saving grace as the gameplay is very samey, it's overly difficult in places, it's incredibly linear and it just seems half arsed. The story was good though and I'm a bit disappointed that due to THQ folding there won't be any more as it ended on a cliffhanger. 7/10

Gone Home: Massive fan of interactive stories and atmospheric games so I loved this one from the first minute. They really nailed the house, even stuff like where certain furniture is and how the light hits it to make it look like something it isn't. The story is cliche but I still liked it anyway. 9/10

Papers, Please: This game should suck but doesn't, it's oddly enthralling and I really loved it. Hard to really say why though. 9/10
Brother: A tale Of Two Sons.

Great little platform/puzzle game with a rather unique control system whereby the left analogue stick and left trigger controls one brother and the right side the other one.

The only down side is it's very very short, it only took me 3 hours to complete ans then another hour to go through the chapters to get the achievements I missed.

It's also a little on the easy side, but non of these criticisms detract from the enjoyment really and I'd heartily recommend playing it. Provided you didn't pay any more than a fiver for it.

Overall I'd rate it 8/10
Metro Last Light 9.5/10

I was really surprised to see that the game only got around a 80/100 on Metacritic as I think other than Bioshock Infinite this is the best FPS to come out in the last year, maybe two. Other than some questionable enemy AI, maybe too much ammo and Adanced PhysX causing slowdowns (which I just turned off) I thought it was incredible.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut (played time 36hours)

Really loved this game :)
The whole futuristic theme with technology, augmentation and hacking is just perfect.
Not sure who did the music but it really effects the game.

The only downsides I had while playing was bugs and performance.
At first I had FPS drops, after messing with settings I found that disabling SSAO helped the game immensely, I even think the game looks better with it off.
There is also a registry tweak.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Eidos\Deus Ex: HRDC\AllowJobStealing = 0
Another problem seems to be getting the Pacifist achievement :(
I played the whole game without killing anyone (other than boss fights) which took longer and was much harder but never got the achievement

Overall I would give the game 9/10
Only really taking 1 point off for the bugs

I might play it on the hardest setting next as I completed it on "give me a challenge" (medium difficulty)
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