The last game you completed, and rating.

The Witcher 2 (2nd playthrough, partnered with Roach)


The only thing that held this back in any way was slight annoyances like trying to loot a corpse as soon as you killed the enemie is impossible, for some reason the game needs like 5 to 10 seconds to calm down before the prompt appears or you have to put you sword away, move a few feet away and come back? Just got annoying, same with doors, and talking to npcs

Other than that visually my favourite pc game by a long shot, great deep political story, if you like game of thrones this is the closest you may get to it in terms of a good game ;)

I much preffered this path too, i dont know why i went with the elf when the game launched

Now on to try dragon age origins
Metro Last Light - 8

Could have been higher but absolutely infuriating in parts when it autosaves (also no manual save system) you in an area with no filters and you can do nothing but die. Literally impossible to progress, absolutely mindbogglingly badly designed. Also, the AI at times was farcical, massive mutants that can hit you with their arm about as fast as a hummingbird can flap its wings. Ludicrous and usch a lazy way to provide a challenge. Also too dark a lot of the time but looks very good in parts.
Afterfall Insanity, mostly quite nice looking but that's its only good point. The story is poor, gameplay is painful, and the controls are the only real horror to be found. 4/10
Battlefield 4 - 3/10

Only borrowed a friends copy to try the single player. Got bored about half way through, but I won't be going back so it's effectively completed for me.
The Last Of Us - 9.5/10

PS3 I know, but it was brilliant. The ending was slightly disappointing. My mate said he cried at the end (?!), so I was expecting some mind blowing twist/emotional scenes, but it was a bit flat actually. Still, getting to the end was a great experience.

Is that coming out on PC?
Tomb Raider 10/10

+ graphically mind blowing pushing modern hardware including some fancy hair tech if you like that kind of thing
+ gritty, powerful story as is the trend with these reboots
+ very little in the way of a UI
+ sounds and musical score top notch
+ very immersive environment
+ some of the best set pieces of any game I have played
+ great selection of weapons and upgrade options
+ controls all very slick and responsive
+ no loading screens
+ great lore to the island the game is set on
+ fast paced throughout

- final boss battle a little underwhelming
- a little too much fighting, too few tombs
- the tombs are very short
- overall game very short, but a lot packed in

Absolutely one of the my top 5 games of all time. Please oh please bring out another!!!
Seriously? How can you give a game 10/10 when you have cons?

Tomb Raider - no mention of the QTE's surprises me.

MGS - isn't a patch on the older MGS's - it's just a button basher to me - I much preferred the stealthier versions (and hiding in a box).

GTA4 is my last game completed - I'd give it 7/10. Downsides are that it's repetitive and simplistic. There are some great missions but there are a lot of missions whereby it's just kill everybody. The story is pretty good at times and the characters are great. I hated the social element of it though - the bowling, pool, darts, etc. should be more optional than required (for the bonuses).

Seriously? How can you give a game 10/10 when you have cons?

Tomb Raider - no mention of the QTE's surprises me.

MGS - isn't a patch on the older MGS's - it's just a button basher to me - I much preferred the stealthier versions (and hiding in a box).

GTA4 is my last game completed - I'd give it 7/10. Downsides are that it's repetitive and simplistic. There are some great missions but there are a lot of missions whereby it's just kill everybody. The story is pretty good at times and the characters are great. I hated the social element of it though - the bowling, pool, darts, etc. should be more optional than required (for the bonuses).


Every game will have a few cons and they were incredibly small in comparison to the pros. Oh and because it is my opinion ;)
Spec Ops: The Line

I thought the game was awesome, although the AI were sometimes buggy and occasionally I'd get bored in a gunfight when it seemed as though all they'd done to make this level last longer was to throw another twenty waves of terrorists at you.

It wasn't very long, and took me about 4 hours to complete, but for a genre with such fierce competition this game was genuinely an emotional roller coaster and I found myself questioning my morals on more than one occasion.

Warning: You'll feel like a dirtbag after completing.

Picked it up for £3 in the xmas sales - for that price I'd say 10/10.

If you're paying £20, I'd give it 8/10.

I'd like a little more in terms of design and use of the environment - the odd "smash the glass ceiling and bury the enemy in a pile of sand" was nice, but a little more interaction with the environment could have been so much better.

I'd pick it up next time it's on sale, definitely worth a play through!
I finished Metro Last Light last night too.

Overall I ended up feeling disappointed. The aesthetics of this game are absolutely stunning, I don't think anyone could contest that. Graphics, lighting, sound, the artistic vision, all completely wonderful and very fitting to the story-world.

However, it seemed to be to lacking something from the original. Perhaps normal mode was too easy - filters and ammo too common, enemies too fragile - but I didn't really feel the tension the setting seemed to warrant. Worse, the enemy AI was risible. The game's stealth mechanics are obviously based on light, but the enemies have no discernible intelligent patterns of behaviour in this low-light environment. They just obligingly run up to their dead colleagues' bodies waiting to get popped in the head. Or they try to search for you, but are completely unable to do so because they can't see. Even with lights on their heads, it seems. A few times I turned around from popping some bandits or Reich in the head to find another one inches behind me, just twitching from side to side muttering about finding me. Not good. Other than that the enemies (mostly the *very* similar nosalises and watchers) just blindly rush at you. In packs. Over and over again.

The populated areas are nicely done again, but you spend such little time there and they're so small and linear there isn't the sense of desperation and life there as I felt in the first. Perhaps just a case of having already seen it, but I found this aspect of the game very disappointing.

There were no sections of gameplay that compared for tension and atmosphere to the library of 2033 or that railyard place crawling with Reich, or even those moments waiting with worried comrades for a door to open to the unknown darkness. The original had a good few of these nice little moments. In LL, there seemed largely to be just a few generic bad guy bases constructed so you're pretty much funneled down corridors and choke points - or outside chapters where you're either mostly concerned with finding your way around the confusing and dark and stormy landscape or following your little companion.

The final chapter was far less climactic that the original's climb up the missile tower as well. The final boss felt very out of place, and I imagined it to be the result of a frantic last minute meeting to devise some end-game content.

I must admit I did have fun whilst I was playing, and I definitely enjoyed the aesthetic style. But I was also constantly aware of the game's shortcomings, it seemed to be over quite quickly and very soon a sensation of 'oh, that was it?' settled over me.

A solid but uninspiring 7/10 for me. Or is that too generous? Hmm. Maybe 6.5/10.
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