*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

I'm still excited for this console. Roll on next Friday, day off and second son plus metal gear arriving plus until the postie arrives it's black flag, bf4 and fifa :D

Can't wait!

Wish there was a god of war announced already! Needs it!
Itching to play something, I keep checking the store hoping for something to throw my money at but still nothing :(

I've already played all the multiplats on my PC #1stworldproblems
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I can't believe we haven't seen anything of it!

"Thuway" the supposed industry insider said new gameplay footage would be releasing soon and it was supposed to be mind blowing.

I did call him out as being a fake. He also posted that info several weeks ago if not over a month ago.

Looks like I was right about him being a fake because no footage has appeared what so ever.
Itching to play something, I keep checking the store hoping for something to throw my money at but still nothing :(

I've already played all the multiplats on my PC #1stworldproblems

I got killzone in the glitch i posted for 85p, it's pretty decent so far, i usually don't like these types of games but I'm enjoying it.

Had I paid £53 however (the real price on the store), I probably wouldn't be enjoying it as much.

You could probably pick it up cheap on members market.
It's a terrible game, even for £0.85, what were the devs thinking when they made that pile of trash. So bored with what the PS4 has to offer I'm selling up, very disappointed.
I'll admit I'm bored with the line-up but I didn't expect anything else. Games just trickle out little by little for the first 12-18 months of a console release - it's always been that way. By that time, there is a large selection and more and more people are buying the machines, so more and more devs get involved in making games for it.

It's 1 of the things PC gamers don't have so maybe lots of PC gamers are buying their first console at launch and are annoyed at the lack of games. But it's just how consoles are and the games available this time around are certainly much better than many other console launches!!

Expectation by gamers is insane now (I include myself in there so it's not a dig - why shouldn't we expect a lot?) but it also makes us forget how bad things have been in the past.
let's not forget when consoles have launched in the past they have always had backwards compatibility.

my ps3 could play ps2 games and ps1 games iirc i had the special phat 60GB launch version (they removed the feature shortly after with a newer revision).

my ps2 could play ps1 games.

my 360 could play xbox games.

this is the first time there has been zero backwards compatibility on a new console of the recent era of console gaming. maybe if we could have played GTA V, the last of us, etc through emulation (would have cost a lot of money to develop an emulator) then it wouldn't be so bad.

but that's why they tried the Gakai cloud thing which isn't ready unfortunately.

so yeah this has been the smallest launch line up of games ever because old games are incompatible.
Bought one recently (couldn't resist any longer) with 6 games, camera and 2 controllers.

I think this is the first generation for a while I don't feel in awe. Just feels like a PS3 with slightly better graphics (I think being spoiled with a mid-high end PC spoils it). Don't regret the purchase though! I also have a Wii U (for the exclusives).

Looking forward to some of the future releases.
I'm going to continue waiting. Looking forward to playing the new infamous game. I loved the first one but I haven't played the second one yet. So may pick that up first.

Will no doubt get a PS4 when the new ufc game is released.
It's the little detaisl for me over the PS3. The way it runs smoothly, downloads/installs more than 10x as quickly (for me at least). It just feels like a far better machine.

I still use the PS3 plenty for things like YT, as the upstairs TV isn't a smart TV and also to play music etc. Using it in general though is much more of a chore than using the PS4.
(although they NEED to add folders ASAP for games)

If someone asked me though, I'd recommend they pick one up between July-September this year

I got it to enjoy what it has so far, while I finish off games on the PS3, and even on the PC if I bother to sort it out.

Looking ahead, there are so many games due out.

TowerFall Ascension PS4

SteamWorld Dig PS4
Image & Form International AB
March 19. 2014

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes PS4
March 18, 2014

Infamous: Second Son PS4
Sony Computer Entertainment
March 2014

Fez PS4
Not Available
March 25, 2014

Minecraft PS4
Not Available
March 2014

Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut PS4
Born Ready Games
March 2014

Stealth Inc. Ultimate Edition PS4
Curve Studios
March 2014

Carmageddon: Reincarnation PS4
Racing , Action
Stainless Games
Q1 2014

1001 Spikes PS4
Q1 2014

Secret Ponchos PS4
Switchblade Monkeys
Q1 2014

Road Not Taken PS4
Q1 2014

Driveclub PS4
Not Available
Q1 2014

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship EditionPS4
Platformer , Action
Q1 2014

Mercenary Kings PS4
Tribute Games
Q1 2014

Daylight PS4
April 8, 2014

LEGO: The Hobbit PS4
Warner Bros. Interactive
Q2 2014

Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn PS4
Square Enix
April 14, 2014

Trials Fusion PS4
Racing , Action
April 16, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 PS4
May 2, 2014

Child of Light PS4
April 30, 2014

Cel Damage HD PS4
Racing , Action
Finish Line Games
April 2014

Octodad: Dadliest Catch PS4
Young Horses, Inc.
April 2014

Wolfenstein: The New Order PS4
Bethesda Softworks
May 23, 2014

Watch Dogs PS4
May 27, 2014

Murdered: Soul Suspect PS4
Square Enix
June 6, 2014

The Witness PS4
Q2 2014

RBI Baseball 14 PS4
Q2 2014

Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends -- Complete Edition PS4
Tecmo KOEI
Q2 2014

PlanetSide 2 PS4
Sony Online Entertainment
Q2 2014

Ready To Run PS4
Q2 2014

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty PS4
Just Add Water Developments
Q2 2014

The Golf Club PS4
HB Studios
Q2 2014

UFC 2014 PS4
Electronic Arts
Spring 2014

The Elder Scrolls Online PS4
Bethesda Softworks
June 2014

Pavilion PS4
Visiontrick Media
Q2 2014

Titan Invasion PS4
Curve Studios
Q2 2014

MLB 14: The Show PS4
Sports , Baseball
Sony Computer Entertainment
Q2 2014

Sniper Elite III PS4
505 Games
TBA 2014

The Evil Within PS4
Bethesda Softworks
August 29, 2014

Destiny PS4
September 9, 2014

MouseCraft PS4
Curve Studios
Q3 2014

PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate PS4
Sony Computer Entertainment
Q3 2014

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number PS4
Not Available
Q3 2014

Dragon Age: Inquisition PS4
Electronic Arts
Q3 2014

The Crew PS4
Action , Racing
Q3 2014

Soul Saga: Episode I PS4
Not Available
Q3 2014
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Luckily I don't play games much these days or I would be bored as hell with the PS4 releases so far! I'm still dragging out Tomb Raider as long as possible, and am really enjoying the game. Going to make sure I finish it in time for Infamous though :)
How is Carmegeddon getting on? Is it simply a remake of the original with the same crappy graphics? Because that is what it is on android.

If wolfenstein is as good as the one released on xbox (the original console) i'm sold.

Other than that UFC is the only game i'm interested in but not willing to pay RRP for another EA title, will wait for it to come down to £20.

PSN Plus should keep me entertained in between hopefully, but i already have BF4, Fifa, War Thunder and Lego that i play regularly.
No idea my mate just e-mailed me the list as I can't access any gaming stuff at work.

Not sure if it's going to look any better or if it's just a tablet game ported over (kinda sucks if that's the case).

I'll be getting towerfall ascension for laughs when mates are over.
Destiny for sure.

Lots of the others will be rentals unless I see more about them and like the look of them.
But nontheless, still plenty of interesting things coming for me
Bought these for £27 through flubit delivered yesterday.


Hopefully delivered soon, going to use them as my gaming headset in conjunction with a belkin mic which has now increased to £10 on amazon.

Selling my wireless logitech F540 on ebay and should break even.

I do have better cans but I use them for other things and always wanted to try these bad boys out after burning them in they are supposed to be brilliant.

If the setup works well, I could look into Phillips X1's to replace the panasonics.
Just got my PS4 and it's amazing how fast the UI is over the PS3. He didn't mention it in the listing but it has CoD Ghosts on it and I'm confused how this works. It still has his account on the console (I've logged into my own and can still play it) so I'm assuming that's why?
Probably a daft question, but is it possible to share clips on PSN? I don't want to upload videos to my Facebook or Twitter. I do however want PSN friends to see them.

If so (99% sure this is the case), what's the process?
I think its only voice recordings or screenshots that you can attach - everything else has to be uploaded somewhere

ps3ud0 :cool:
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