*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Bought these for £27 through flubit delivered yesterday.


Hopefully delivered soon, going to use them as my gaming headset in conjunction with a belkin mic which has now increased to £10 on amazon.

Selling my wireless logitech F540 on ebay and should break even.

I do have better cans but I use them for other things and always wanted to try these bad boys out after burning them in they are supposed to be brilliant.

If the setup works well, I could look into Phillips X1's to replace the panasonics.
Post back when you do, am interested myself, especially how easy they are to drive. Got some brand new HD600s I need to sell as Im just not that interested in getting an amp etc for the uses I need.

ps3ud0 :cool:
Post back when you do, am interested myself, especially how easy they are to drive. Got some brand new HD600s I need to sell as Im just not that interested in getting an amp etc for the uses I need.

ps3ud0 :cool:

they don't require an amp afaik, but with any set you usually get a far better signal with an amp/dac but then you have to lug that about, etc if it's portable setup that can be stupid and expensive once you get into high end stuff.

the panasonics already have like over 100 different reviews in that link, plus many on here have them (use the search function).

theirs only one other set of cans in it's price range which comes close to it's SQ.

sending you a trust message



thats the review that is mentioned in that link, it's very in depth and has multiple pictures, etc.

he says they are very easy to drive and forgiving of the source material. that is why i have opted to use them as my gaming headset.

"Gaming & Movies:

We don't typically think of closed headphones for gaming, but if you're into immersive gaming and watching movies on headphones with some privacy, these things do it great. The soundstage gives you a good sound field to fill up. But the bass and immersion and musicality of the headphone really lends to having a really full bodied experience in games. So if you're into games like Skyrim or watching movies like Dark Knight, these headphones will give you goosebumps. Excellent for gaming (read: varieties other than competitive online-foot-step-listening) and wonderful for movies."

"Quick summary for those not interested in the long winded detail stuff:

Massive amounts of reverbing bass. They're basshead cans through and through.
Bass bleeds into mids a little, but mids are not recessed in a big way.
Treble is very smooth, rolls off, not bright or fatiguing at all.
Great soundstage for a closed headphone.
Below average isolation, the vents are numerous.
Signature: Warm, Bassy, Lush, Rich, Smooth, Detailed"

not brilliant competitive headphones, for that you would want X1's at 6 times the price.
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Japan numbers on PS4 hardware have dropped off - that might be because of supply or that Japan doesn't care - whilst available stock has increased in EU and US.

Getting ready for Second Son?
Japan numbers on PS4 hardware have dropped off - that might be because of supply or that Japan doesn't care - whilst available stock has increased in EU and US.

Getting ready for Second Son?

lack of games I'd say to cater for Japanese tastes, and I'd say stock everywhere should start to stabilise a it now. demand has to be dropping a little.

infamous second son will help. but titanfall will see a dip in ps4 interest in the us and UK for a little while , well for those with the means to play titanfall etc...

myself, gone back to ps3 as ps4 offers no racing game like gt6 or wipeout and I was missing my racing game fix sadly...
I'm interested in Second Son, but don't have it on order right now. I played Infamous 1, and thought it was OK. Couldn't get into the 2nd one because I played it not long after the first and it was too much of the same.

However it's been years now so this one should feel fresh to me, and with it being on the new consoles it gives it a bit more appeal right now with not much else available.

It'll be out when I get back from holiday so i'll check out some vids and likely pick it up

Not one i've been waiting on though - so hoping for a nice surprise
Never played infamous series but I have second son on preorder hope that wont hinder me with the storyline too much.
I remember at the time it was infamous versus prototype in the reviews so I went with prototype due to him having more powers and looking very gory:p
Never played infamous series but I have second son on preorder hope that wont hinder me with the storyline too much.
I remember at the time it was infamous versus prototype in the reviews so I went with prototype due to him having more powers and looking very gory:p

They said that not playing previous games won't affect your enjoyment of Second Son.
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