*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

I don't get a lot of time to game what with having a 6 month old so these psn maintenance down times are really starting to annoy me. If its not the EA servers (yes I get its not Sony) messing up constantly its PSN being down for yet more maintenance. Its been off pretty much all day!

I hate to moan as well, but I agree. it's really iffy timing. they don't seem to want to upset the yanks yet don't mind upsetting us Brits or most of Europe. I guess it's a rock n and hard place, but does live have downtime like this?

it's a paid for service now, so resilience should be in place, well for ps4 ps+ subscribers at least.
so we have driveclub becoming vapourware, infamous being 3hrs long and watchdogs looking pants, this is some generation :rolleyes:

and still no ****ing 3d bluray or media functions, thanks sony, sums up that they rushed things to get the console out, without having developers in place and on board to deliver great games

Infamous is 10-12 hours long according to the dev. And will you stop bleeting on about bloody 3d blu-ray. You must be the only person alive who's actually bothered about it! :mad::mad::confused:
Infamous is 10-12 hours long according to the dev. And will you stop bleeting on about bloody 3d blu-ray. You must be the only person alive who's actually bothered about it! :mad::mad::confused:

Maybe you should stop "bleeting" about how the ps4 is a gamers system when we are now nearly 4 months out with no decent actual next gen games, it's hardly the complete system right now and Sony don't appear to be doing anything to fix it, I.e do the tiny update that enables media and 3D

I guess with the xbox being equally turd like they aren't going to bother with the lack of competition
Maybe you should stop "bleeting" about how the ps4 is a gamers system when we are now nearly 4 months out with no decent actual next gen games, it's hardly the complete system right now and Sony don't appear to be doing anything to fix it, I.e do the tiny update that enables media and 3D

I guess with the xbox being equally turd like they aren't going to bother with the lack of competition

wow you do sound angry. they are both early systems, 4 months in is not that long. these systems are meant for the next 5 - 6 years. give it some time to mature..
Maybe you should stop "bleeting" about how the ps4 is a gamers system when we are now nearly 4 months out with no decent actual next gen games, it's hardly the complete system right now and Sony don't appear to be doing anything to fix it, I.e do the tiny update that enables media and 3D

I guess with the xbox being equally turd like they aren't going to bother with the lack of competition

I haven't bleeted about anything, at all. In fact, I hardly post in this sub forum, but I do read it every day. And do you know what I see every day? Is you banging on about 3d blu-ray.

I'm just enjoying my PS4 instead of moaning about it. No console is "the complete system" at release, certainly not this gen or the last and as iv-techman says, it's very early days. On release the 360 and PS3 weren't capable of half the things they're capable of now, and the same will be said about the PS4 and XBone in the future I'm sure...including 3d blu-ray ;)
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I think the trouble is too many people reading too many articles and watching videos on the net. The PS4 isn't perfect but has as many games as any other system has had this far into its life cycle.

Infamous is looking fine it isn't 3 hours or even 5 it will be more like the standard 10-15 hours, im not sure why people seem to think this video is the whole game.

Watchdogs also is looking fine the graphics for the most part still look great (apart from that 1 dodgy car gif)and game play previews have been very positive.

People just need more patience! Its nice that you think these features are simple to implement within a small upgrade, well good for you go get a programming job.

Im sure Sony are working on bringing us some more features and id expect a fairly big patch this month or next at the latest - these things take time to program, test etc..

Let's wait and see.
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I take it MrMoonX has never bought a console at launch before?

I'd say both the PS4 & Xbone had very strong launch lineups in comparison to consoles of yesteryear. Both new consoles won't really come into their own til next year I reckon.
Infamous is 10-12 hours long according to the dev. And will you stop bleeting on about bloody 3d blu-ray. You must be the only person alive who's actually bothered about it! :mad::mad::confused:

Actually, I had to move my PS3 downstairs and unplug my PS4, put stuff through the receiver and reconfigure my system as I wanted to watch a 3D Blu-Ray this past weekend. Would be nice if PS4 actually supported it, what with it being Sony's own invention.

But then it's not like I'm doing it all the time either. I would like for it to come but I'm not gonna whine and moan about it time and time again either.
Ps3 launch, wow they were bad times TBH. Ps3 wasn't the best example of how to launch a new games console.

didn't even have trophy support, hardy any of the features we use today on Ps3 were there, and how everyone laughed at PS+ when that launched.

Ps4 has actually been a very good launch IMO. It has had quite a few good features from the go, it'll improve over time.
Infamous is 10-12 hours long according to the dev. And will you stop bleeting on about bloody 3d blu-ray. You must be the only person alive who's actually bothered about it! :mad::mad::confused:

Actually I'm waiting on the 3D Blu Ray too. I'm still using my PS3 for it at the minute, would like it on my PS4.

So, that's at least two people haa.
I guess with the xbox being equally turd like they aren't going to bother with the lack of competition

I can understand the frustration, but you bought the device on launch and it was well-publicised that 3D BD and media playback functionality wasn't present, nor was there any promise from Sony to implement those features.

As above, the PS3 launched with very basic functionality compared to what it's capable of now; no apps, no iPlayer, no trophies, you couldn't even access the XMB from in-game.

If you're not happy with the functionality or the games currently available, sell it; you'll easily get almost what you paid for it and you can buy one again when it's actually at a state that you'll be happy with. Although really, it'd have been sensible to wait for that in the first place than to buy one in anticipation of there being dozens of games and added features within three months of launch.
What im saying is I remember the 360 launch and that really wow'd with what was new.

The ps4 is a good system I just expected them to bring in what is urgently needed a little sooner. if infamous is longer than 5 hours then great, but its the only true next gen game, and even then its a sequel, I want to see something new, maybe watchdogs will deliver but im not sure.

Its all well and good saying ps3 didnt have the functions it has now on release, but these are features that have become what we expect, what we want from a console, like media functions etc. I didnt expect the PS4 to go backwards in the feature list. At the moment it isnt very next generation, its a backwards step when people still need to keep a ps3 for certain functions
Ps3 launch, wow they were bad times TBH. Ps3 wasn't the best example of how to launch a new games console.

didn't even have trophy support, hardy any of the features we use today on Ps3 were there, and how everyone laughed at PS+ when that launched.

Ps4 has actually been a very good launch IMO. It has had quite a few good features from the go, it'll improve over time.

Both launches were pretty similar for me.

My launch day PS3:
Stardust HD - Excellent shooter.
Resistance - Mediocre shooter.
Motorstrom - Fun driving game.

My PS4:
Resogun - Excellent shooter.
Killzone - Mediocre shooter.
I'm supposed to have Driveclub Sony!!!

I like being an early adopter because I think part of the fun is getting the machine, fault and all and watching it improve with each update although maybe I'm just a saddo who looks forward to firmware updates. :D
I think he paid for his PS4 with the profit he made flogging several other PS4's at launch. So for an essentially free console, he can't complain too much can he?
3D is going as I always suspected, some networks have dumped their 3D channels.

4K will be the next proper jump.

3D is not as bad as people on here make out. Sure it's not the be all and end all. But I feel it really excels in one area and is below par in every other. 3D is essentially just for movies and nature documentaries. For everything else it's below par and HD and 4K will do nicely.

I watched a football match in 3D and it was really good but the camera angle they use is all wrong and they only ever show you the side view 99% of the time, whereas on the HD channel you get a more birds eye view as well as all the other angles for replays and it zooms in and closes in on the action from other angles too.

4K is also going to be a crazy jump we don't have the bandwidth or media to support it. Broadband infrastructure needs to improve drastically especially in rural areas.

I can only see 4K being done through the internet tbh for a small niche market. Unless they make a new type of disc like Blu Ray which can support the size needed for a 3 hour long 4K movie.

Won't be too long after it takes off that 8K is right behind it either, so I won't be buying 4K in the next 8 years anyway as I have got 2 brand new top of the range 1080P panels. 8K is going to take all the problems we are currently having with the upgrade to 4K and make them even worse. What kind of storage space does a 3 hour long 8K movie require?

IMO 3D is here to stay and it's use is to be for movies and nature documentaries, for everything else it's pointless.

I think he paid for his PS4 with the profit he made flogging several other PS4's at launch. So for an essentially free console, he can't complain too much can he?

I wonder how many of his buyers want a refund now due to no 3D blu ray? :p
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