Assetto Corsa

Does anyone have the default ColorCurves ini file and the Weather1 ini file.

Its in system/cfg.
I used a weather mod but didn't save the original ones and I really don't want to have to do a fresh install or ill lose all my car skins and settings ect.
COVER=1 ; regulates clouds transparency : 0 -> 1
CUTOFF=0.6 ; regulates other colors influencies on the cloud : 0->1 if 1 just the color of the cloud is considered, if 0 just the color effects on the clouds are considered, if 0.5 50% of cloud color and 50% of effects
COLOR=0 ; base color, the sunlight, light color and ambient will be added to this : 0 -> 1
WIDTH=2.5 ; width of the quad
HEIGHT=1.25 ; height of the quad
RADIUS=6 ; distance from the center of the skybox of the quad
NUMBER=100 ; number of clouds


Colour curves:





LOW=125, 124, 109,0.8
HIGH=120, 135, 170,3.0
Not happy with the performance with 24 cars on track. Crash, Multiple car crashes, Start smoke and it dips to 10-20FPS now and remains like that until there is a clear track.

Putting cube map to Low and 4 faces does nothing. These placebo options really need to be looked at.

Not happy with the performance with 24 cars on track. Crash, Multiple car crashes, Start smoke and it dips to 10-20FPS now and remains like that until there is a clear track.

Putting cube map to Low and 4 faces does nothing. These placebo options really need to be looked at.


what GPU you running mate?

I had my problems as you prob aware from the weekend until I managed to get crossfire working a lot better (by turning on HDR weirdly). Now its pretty much between 60 and 75 at all times with 24 cars on track everything totally maxed out apart from cube faces to medium. Not sure why my crossfire wasn't working with HDR disabled, but enabled it and it seemed to kick everything into life. If your running 2 GPUs maybe try that.
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COVER=1 ; regulates clouds transparency : 0 -> 1
CUTOFF=0.6 ; regulates other colors influencies on the cloud : 0->1 if 1 just the color of the cloud is considered, if 0 just the color effects on the clouds are considered, if 0.5 50% of cloud color and 50% of effects
COLOR=0 ; base color, the sunlight, light color and ambient will be added to this : 0 -> 1
WIDTH=2.5 ; width of the quad
HEIGHT=1.25 ; height of the quad
RADIUS=6 ; distance from the center of the skybox of the quad
NUMBER=100 ; number of clouds


Colour curves:





LOW=125, 124, 109,0.8
HIGH=120, 135, 170,3.0

Thanks for that :)
Can anyone suggest the best detail settings for me?

i5 2500k @ 4.8ghz
16GB DDR3 2100mhz
GTX 690 2GB (per core)
Samsung 240PRO SSD

Thank you!
I played pCars and AC back to back at the weekend.

AC technically very good, but it feels technical and sterile next to pCars which imo is far more immersive an experience. Driving is great but doesn't raise my heart rate in the way that pCars does.

This is just my opinion, and my feelings having played both. Everyone should try both and make their own mind up. This is going to be a great year for racing games across all platforms, so take your pick, or do as I will and buy them all ;)
Anyone tried playing this or know someone who plays this with a Steelseries Simraceway SR1 wheel?

I have a 360 pad too, which would you guys reccomend I use?

Some report massive performance increase with new Nvidia driver, particularly with SLI Its a rare case where AMD xfire runs better than Nvidia it looks like :)

@86JR - you should run all maxed out with SSAA, but its a question of VRAM, not sure if you can fit lots of SSAA only you can test it.
High reflections maps eat VRAM in particular, so try 8x SparseGridSS in nvidia inspecotr with ingame low/medium maps.

Anyone tried playing this or know someone who plays this with a Steelseries Simraceway SR1 wheel?

I have a 360 pad too, which would you guys reccomend I use?

The steel series thing looks like a gimmick, I'd go with a 360pad. But cheap wheel like DFGT will be miles better then both ;)

@hardkore - not even answering that as you must be stoned or something :D
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what GPU you running mate?

I had my problems as you prob aware from the weekend until I managed to get crossfire working a lot better (by turning on HDR weirdly). Now its pretty much between 60 and 75 at all times with 24 cars on track everything totally maxed out apart from cube faces to medium. Not sure why my crossfire wasn't working with HDR disabled, but enabled it and it seemed to kick everything into life. If your running 2 GPUs maybe try that.

670SLI. Enabling HDR or Disabling makes no difference unfortunately.


Some report massive performance increase with new Nvidia driver, particularly with SLI

It doesn't make a difference. If I start at the back or front the frames just dip down and stay bogged down for a while. I'll have a look if MSI AB can log a graph during a session.

edit - doesn't matter if I have the cubemap on low either with four faces per frame or turn of supersampling. The GPUs just drop their usage if their is a collision or those situations I explained before. Why would it do that? I have prefer maximum performance on in the nvidia settings.
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I was getting around 80fps with the max settings Sunday, with the new drivers I was touching 120fps. Excellent!

Ok G27 installed had a quick go with a Lotus, my god, I am pretty strong and have a good strong grip but the FF on the wheel nearly broke me.

Any good settings people use for the GH27 that won't bust my wrists?
Cheers Borsch I will give those settings a go, had a quick hot lap with a 458 - great fun, need to find the Leader board thing and instal it again, be nice to know where I am sitting with lap times etc.

Can see this becoming an obsession at this rate.

Wow:eek: Must try them myself then. Although manju saw no improvement... strange

Probably should add that I was alone on the track no UI. Have capped the fps at 85 now but rather dips under that with 1st person.

Quite impressed.
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I'll try the driver tonight.

Regarding steering wheel settings, I find this setting to make a pretty big difference too:

This is a very good tweak. If you quickly wiggle your steering wheel left-right-left-right you'll notice that ingame wheel very noticeably lags behind your physical one, apply this tweak and try again - now they are very nearly in sync.

This way you're in more direct control when catching slides for example, a must imho.

I've think I've finally worked out how to catch slides. You need to start turning the wheel back in the opposite direction from the slide before the tires grip. It's pretty counter intuitive because you just want to wait for it to grip, but once it does that the car just fishtails.

It takes quite a bit of practise but it'll become more natural the more you do it.
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