I know you wasn't. I'll get scotty to run his card's and 4770k at the same clocks as my 3960 and see how his scores compare to mine.
Furry muff. Kaaps runs was four cards so maybe the difference won't be as big as i thought.
4 Core Shocker
I just ran my 4930k with 2 cores turned off so it was near enough a 3770k @4.8
Below are some runs I have done on 4 cores, if you compare them to the 6 core runs I did earlier there is quite a drop in performance.
4 stock 290Xs @1600p
4 stock 290Xs @1080p
2 290Xs @1230/1625 @1080p
As you can see from the pics I have lost 15 or more fps by turning off 2 cores.