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AMD R9 290 (Non-X, Pro, etc) Owners Club

24 Dec 2004
I decided to try one more MSI gaming card before giving up completely. Funnily enough this one also has the same issue that all 3 have had before in that the heatsink does not make proper contact with some of the components on the card.

The memory chip by the PCI-e port the heatpad is raised above the chip and also this part of the VRM circuitry there is very obvious daylight through rather than a nice contact.

I have had 3 like this now my friend has just checked his and it is the same. Could people who have the MSi 290 Gaming OC edition please check there cards as I think there is issues with the heat sink fit on these cards.

This is a pic of the VRM part which is just to the left of the 8 pin power connector. The memory chip is hard to photo as the gap is smaller although obvious if you compress the heat sink you can see the pad make contact.

25 Nov 2011
What have your temperatures been like? Surely if they was a fault then you and your mate would have over heating?
If not over heating then the contact must be good enough. I'll try take a image of my two but I won't be taking them out the case.

I don't think I can take images from were you have unless I take them out.
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24 Dec 2004
What have your temperatures been like? Surely if they was a fault then you and your mate would have over heating?
If not over heating then the contact must be good enough. I'll try take a image of my two but I won't be taking them out the case.

Have not plugged it in yet. It should be making contact the component looks like part of the VRM circuit and the heat pad just hovers above enough that you can see through so no contact is being made. The lower Vram chip is the same but with a smaller gap.

It will more than likely work fine but it's hardly what you want with a £300 GPU that is known to run quite hot.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
I decided to try one more MSI gaming card before giving up completely. Funnily enough this one also has the same issue that all 3 have had before in that the heatsink does not make proper contact with some of the components on the card.

The memory chip by the PCI-e port the heatpad is raised above the chip and also this part of the VRM circuitry there is very obvious daylight through rather than a nice contact.

I have had 3 like this now my friend has just checked his and it is the same. Could people who have the MSi 290 Gaming OC edition please check there cards as I think there is issues with the heat sink fit on these cards.

This is a pic of the VRM part which is just to the left of the 8 pin power connector. The memory chip is hard to photo as the gap is smaller although obvious if you compress the heat sink you can see the pad make contact.


Christ MOOGLEYS send it back, those VRMs will be getting hotter than they would without the HS because the HS itself is blocking any airflow.
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18 Oct 2002
I decided to try one more MSI gaming card before giving up completely. Funnily enough this one also has the same issue that all 3 have had before in that the heatsink does not make proper contact with some of the components on the card.

The memory chip by the PCI-e port the heatpad is raised above the chip and also this part of the VRM circuitry there is very obvious daylight through rather than a nice contact.

I have had 3 like this now my friend has just checked his and it is the same. Could people who have the MSi 290 Gaming OC edition please check there cards as I think there is issues with the heat sink fit on these cards.

This is a pic of the VRM part which is just to the left of the 8 pin power connector. The memory chip is hard to photo as the gap is smaller although obvious if you compress the heat sink you can see the pad make contact.



Wouldn't accept that at all, shows how much they test these things if something that obvious can slip through.
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