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AMD R9 290 (Non-X, Pro, etc) Owners Club

24 Dec 2004
What is your case/cooling setup like moogleys? And room temp.?

Also fan speed of the gpu?

From what I have read, it just seems like these cards run hot and the twin frzr cooler isn't the best for cooling but very good for noise levels. overclock 3d.net were getting similar temps to me at both idle and load (although no mention on case or room temp)

Fractal Arc midi with 5 x 140mm Corsair fans. I can turn the case into a wind tunnel if needed.... :)

I tried a custom profile but tbh it seemed to make little difference once the fan span up setting it higher did not drop the temp. 82.c is more than likely ok but I was only trying the card as it's going back anyway due to the heat sink issue.
24 Dec 2004
Ouch sorry moog :(
I hope your next gpu is better you seem to have terrible luck with cards

I'm so tempted to just take the cooler off and straighten it out and fit it correctly.

The problem is the company I purchased it from have said that breaking the warranty seal will invalidate any warranty with them. It looks like it could be quite an easy fix tbh. But as they have now been made aware and an RMA raised I have little choice really other than sending it back.
4 Jun 2009
@nexus you checked the heatsink/cooler is mounted correctly ?

I had a look earlier and couldn't really tell tbh, there is perhaps a small gap I think..... some pics:




I presume that is what I should be looking at?

Going to take the card out tomorrow and have a proper look.

Fractal Arc midi with 5 x 140mm Corsair fans. I can turn the case into a wind tunnel if needed.... :)

I tried a custom profile but tbh it seemed to make little difference once the fan span up setting it higher did not drop the temp. 82.c is more than likely ok but I was only trying the card as it's going back anyway due to the heat sink issue.

Most def. got good cooling then :D

I have just tried manually setting my fan:

Set to 40% - temps drop by about 2 degrees to 44
Set to 60% - temps drop to 43
Set to 80% - temps drop to 42

If I leave it at auto, the fan runs around 18%

If mine isn't seated properly either, am I still entitled to a refund/replacement despite having used the card and having sold on the AMD game codes? Bought the card on Friday.
24 Dec 2004
Nexus that looks just like mine the silver bit raises up but does not push the thermal pad onto the component to make contact. I can see light through mine.

The Memory chip closest the PCI-e slot at the bottom is the same just not as big gap but I can still see light through so no contact....
4 Jun 2009
Is it the part with a red circle around it that you are referring too?


So you advise me to get a RMA sorted as well then?

Since you have been through 3 of them and your friend has the same problem. I am not bothering with a replacement, will seek a refund and get something else :(

Problem is where do I stand since I have sold on the game codes for AMD golden reward and used the card since Friday? Think ocuk would consider this a "fault"?
4 Jun 2009
Right, I will contact ocuk tomorrow and see where I stand for getting a refund.

No point trying another MSI card since moogley has gone through 3 and his friends plus mine has the same problem.

The tri-x would be too big for my case wazza :(
24 Dec 2004
Is it the part with a red circle around it that you are referring too?

So you advise me to get a RMA sorted as well then?

Since you have been through 3 of them and your friend has the same problem. I am not bothering with a replacement, will seek a refund and get something else :(

Problem is where do I stand since I have sold on the game codes for AMD golden reward and used the card since Friday? Think ocuk would consider this a "fault"?

Yes that is it. It might be worth taking the card out and checking the memory chip as well.

Me personally it annoys the hell out of me that it is not fitted or sitting correctly. I have no idea if it even affects the card at all but it's not right and the thermal pad being there says it should be touching. Also the ram chip is the same.

I would bet that they are all like this just nobody has noticed before.

I would contact OCUK in the support forum and see what they say. Mine did not come from here this time so dealing elsewhere for mine.
11 Jul 2009
Right, I will contact ocuk tomorrow and see where I stand for getting a refund.

No point trying another MSI card since moogley has gone through 3 and his friends plus mine has the same problem.

The tri-x would be too big for my case wazza :(

ahh shame,maybe they have a bad batch? usually they are good cards,seems to me the whole cooling bracket is manufactured bent
25 Nov 2011
Yes that is it. It might be worth taking the card out and checking the memory chip as well.

Me personally it annoys the hell out of me that it is not fitted or sitting correctly. I have no idea if it even affects the card at all but it's not right and the thermal pad being there says it should be touching. Also the ram chip is the same.

I would bet that they are all like this just nobody has noticed before.

I would contact OCUK in the support forum and see what they say. Mine did not come from here this time so dealing elsewhere for mine.

But if it wasn't connected correctly wouldn't your card over heat?
24 Dec 2004
If mine don't reach passed 80c they both sit in 70s will give you guys a good idea.
Do your cards always hit into 80s no matter what?

But if it wasn't connected correctly wouldn't your card over heat?

I doubt having a small part of the VRM circuit and one memory chip not touching will make much difference to the core temps tbh. The core is making contact as is all the ram apart from one piece.
4 Jun 2009
My card idles at 45 degrees currently and my room isn't too bad temp wise atm so it could probably drop to 40 in cooler weather.

for games, it hits 85 degrees, in cooler weather, it would probably hit 80......

Going to jump on another game for 30 mins to see temps etc.

Yes that is it. It might be worth taking the card out and checking the memory chip as well.

Me personally it annoys the hell out of me that it is not fitted or sitting correctly. I have no idea if it even affects the card at all but it's not right and the thermal pad being there says it should be touching. Also the ram chip is the same.

I would bet that they are all like this just nobody has noticed before.

I would contact OCUK in the support forum and see what they say. Mine did not come from here this time so dealing elsewhere for mine.

Ok thanks.

Will have a proper look tomorrow and try to get some more photos posted.

I would imagine that this could be considered as a fault thus I should be entitled to getting a refund......

I don't think selling the AMD games on should have any input on refund stuff etc. since that is down to AMD and not MSI or ocuk.

ahh shame,maybe they have a bad batch? usually they are good cards,seems to me the whole cooling bracket is manufactured bent

No idea, I just thought the 290's ran hot regardless of cooler etc. anyway so didn't think much of my temps until moogleys posted about the problem.

What do you think I should do? Do you think it would have much impact on temps?
16 Nov 2013
Personally for the money involved any fault like this in a gpu would be a return for me, That might sound harsh but it should be made right when you get it, Plus if enough are returned the issue might get sorted properly and fixed so it doesnt happen again
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