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Alien Isolation Benchmark

3930K @ 4.2Ghz - Single Titan at 1226/3758 - 344.11 drivers - 1440P


I will take that for a near 2 year old card :cool:
So because I use SLI, I can't have the better AA mode? Whats that about? I'm currently forcing 8x CSAA through the nvidia CP as the rolling jaggies are doing my head in.

Seems either SLI or CF doesn't allow it :( Single card it will and it runs constantly above 60 fps on a single Titan at 1440P, so not something I am that fussed over.

You could get it very close, where you wouldn't tell the difference in game. :D

Sent you trust. not happy

You could always do it yourself. You have the bigger 290X to stomp on the pesky 980s :D
You don't want to know how long all this took. I've had enough now, time to play the damn game. :D

1/2/3/4 card benchmarks at 1080P/1440P/2160P. :cool:

I will split my posts up to make it easier for a Kaap.

[email protected]
1/2/3/4x 290X
14.9 WHQL

1x290X 1080P 1245/1625Mhz


1x290X 1440P 1230/1625Mhz


1x290X 2160P 1230/1625Mhz

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Well I got home and ran the benchmark but there's no sound save for what sounds like a machine starting up at the beginning, I've tried verifying cache etc... but got nothing, Is there meant to be sound throughout the bench ?
Yer, the 344.11 drivers (That I am using) were released on the 18th September but they have the profile for SLI, so really AMD were 11 days later with theirs and should have had the profile already, especially as AMD worked closely with the dev. If they did change the game name at the last minute, then it wouldn't work on nVidia either, so I feel someone is telling porkies :D

AMD making excuses for failures in their driver department? well I never.

At least they've not turned into an NVidia blame game for once: "It was all NVidia's fault, with Gameworks they're changing .exe's at the last minute so our drivers will suck". :p
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