Why would developers ask AMD to develop a low level API if Microsoft are already doing it, and why did Microsoft use DX11 for the XBox One, why when announcing a new API for the XBox One after it had gone on sale did they also say no to a replacement API for desktop when pushed on the question? maybe thats why Developers asked AMD to do it.
If Microsoft has a new API in development before AMD they certainly didn't have it prepared for their own console and its not what they were telling Developers.
Its only after Mantle that Microsoft suddenly decided that they had and API in development for long before AMD. (why does it take Microsoft so much longer than AMD to come up with an API)
here is what i think. Mantle was intended for that console but it had strings attached, IE that it would also become DX12, Microsoft said no, they said no for the same reason there hasn't been a new API from Microsofty for 10 years, PC Gaming has no income for them. if anything it eats into their repeat superscription Xbox Live Console system.
The only reason they gave in is because AMD released it anyway, had MS not reacted they would have lost their API monopoly.