OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

Couple of things for people, Remember there is a sports forum on these boards which has a great sticky by GordyR. Nothing wrong with posting this in here but if you have specific questions to ask then the sports forum contains a few 'pros' when it comes to fitness so use it as a tool if you are ever in need of advice.

Also it might be a good idea to take a few pics of yourself, they'll serve as a great reminder of how far you've come. You never know, in 3 months time some people might start posting before and after pics just to show off.
DanH84 said:
Also it might be a good idea to take a few pics of yourself, they'll serve as a great reminder of how far you've come. You never know, in 3 months time some people might start posting before and after pics just to show off.
I've done that before and probably still have them. Might be a good idea to do it again actually. Good idea!!

[edit]This is what I have from last time

Just done some new ones, but they full body shots... urgh!
currently 21 stone.
joined a local gym this week Quest .
after consultation my trainer thinks that 2 stone in 6 months is a proper target, personally im going for more as i lost 3 stone in a lot less time a few years ago!

latest pic of me!! , im the one in the gap top
Lostkat said:
I've done that before and probably still have them. Might be a good idea to do it again actually. Good idea!!

[edit]This is what I have from last time
Just done some new ones, but they full body shots... urgh!

:eek: :eek:
Whoah, that's a big change! Just out of interest have you found it easy to keep to your current weight? The one thing that worries me is that even though I make the lifestyle changes, a few months down the line I'll pile the weight back on again.
Scuzi said:
:eek: :eek:
Whoah, that's a big change! Just out of interest have you found it easy to keep to your current weight? The one thing that worries me is that even though I make the lifestyle changes, a few months down the line I'll pile the weight back on again.
Easy to keep, but hard to move on and lose more. I didn't go back to my 'old' way of eating though. It really was a lifestyle change, but I just lapsed slightly which caused the plateau.
Morba said:
currently 21 stone.
joined a local gym this week Quest .
after consultation my trainer thinks that 2 stone in 6 months is a proper target, personally im going for more as i lost 3 stone in a lot less time a few years ago!

latest pic of me!! , im the one in the gap top

I bet you can do more than that as well. He's right to say go slow but steady but I wouldn't see a problem with you losing a consistent 2lb a week. All it takes is a bit of dedication and that would be pretty close to 4 stone which would be ace.

Lostkat - that was some really good progress you made previously. You looked fantastic.
DanH84 said:
Lostkat - that was some really good progress you made previously. You looked fantastic.
Lol, thanks. I'm still the same weight. Just need to get rid of some of the wobbley remaining bits because I never finished the job off :)
DanH84 said:
I bet you can do more than that as well. He's right to say go slow but steady but I wouldn't see a problem with you losing a consistent 2lb a week. All it takes is a bit of dedication and that would be pretty close to 4 stone which would be ace.

Lostkat - that was some really good progress you made previously. You looked fantastic.

yep. this time it would be a proper effort at life style change aswell, where as last time was atkins and 10mile on static bike 4 times a week.
the gym/health club ive joined seems fantastic. excellent staff support and facilities :]
Morba said:
yep. this time it would be a proper effort at life style change aswell, where as last time was atkins and 10mile on static bike 4 times a week.
the gym/health club ive joined seems fantastic. excellent staff support and facilities :]

I found the Atkins and the gym didn't mix well last time and quickly moved to complex carbs quite quickly, I'm planning the same thing this time around.

Piggymon said:
Oh crikey ! .. sounds ... erm ... fun ! :eek:

I have to try and find something on a Saturday , they only have pilates on a saturday at the leisure centre :/ .. the others are all either on in the daytime or evening and I do enough training in the week as it is :)
Right, sod it. I'm going to start back to Body Pump tomorrow morning. It's going to kill, me, but I used to love it :)
Matblack said:
I found the Atkins and the gym didn't mix well last time and quickly moved to complex carbs quite quickly, I'm planning the same thing this time around.


im not doing atkins this time, just cutting down on certain things that dont need to be in my diet and trying to eat more fruit.
i did atkins last time as i was being lazy and it was right for me then. now its not tho :/
i wouldnt be able to do an 11 hour shift and then 45 mins in gym on atkins, besides, once ive got fit ill be back onto the weights to tone up and get some definition.
Lostkat said:
Right, sod it. I'm going to start back to Body Pump tomorrow morning. It's going to kill, me, but I used to love it :)

\0/ :D

I saw 8st 7.5lbs this morning .. yay :p

Got my body combat in just over an hour ... hope I enjoy it
I weighed myself at the gym this morning and clocked in at 19 st 11.... ouch! I weigh more than 2 of you Piggy :p

I'm going to aim to get down to 19 stone by the end of Feb and will set future targets depending how this one goes - that works out at needing to lose 2lbs per week roughly.
PeterNem said:
I weighed myself at the gym this morning and clocked in at 19 st 11.... ouch! I weigh more than 2 of you Piggy :p

I'm going to aim to get down to 19 stone by the end of Feb and will set future targets depending how this one goes - that works out at needing to lose 2lbs per week roughly.

19s 13.5lbs this morning, broken the 20st barrier again :).

Aim to get to 19st by mid feb 3lbs a week, do able I think, staying on diet for the Liverpool meet will be a challenge, then off to Seville in early March where I will break my diet and then start Body for Life exercise and eating when I get back.

Cool, seems like I'm not the only one on a health kick at the moment then.

For the last five years (pretty much since I got my own car) I've not had any exercise at all, bar walking up and down stairs at home/work. On top of that, I smoke(d) 20 a day, and ate nothing but crap, no fruit and little veg.

Now I'm 6'5 and about 15 stone, but always looked slim due to my height, no matter what junk I ate it never really showed until recently. I've started getting pretty chubby around the belly area, and have even got a little pair of norks coming along nicely too :p . Mates of mine have noticed it, and although amusing initially, its started to annoy me now so I decided to do something about it.

I figured running was the best idea, but having got just around the corner from my house my lungs nearly disintegrated into a pile of ash so I vowed to give up smoking too, which I have now for nearly three weeks. I've kept up the running but being my height/weight, I seem to have buggered my knees from running on concrete, so am going to join the gym where a good mate of mine is the personal trainer and he's promised to sort me out.

I've also started taking fruit to work instead of chocolate and crisps, and I'm saying yes to all veg offered instead of "can't I just have more chips?".

Dons: expect a name change request to "Not so Big Chris" sometime in the next few months (hopefully).
Over Summer I went from 89 to 81 kgs, and now I'm hoping to go from 81 to about 73kgs or so by about March/April so I'm ready for Summer in style. :) I'm also planning to cycle the length of the country towards the end of the year so need the fitness!
Im currently losing weight again as part of my 3 year plan.

Year one; lose nearly 3 stone in order to then stop smoking. I lost the weight and kept it off for 6 months before actually quitting smoking.
Year two; Stop smoking (14 months now) with inevitable weight gain.
Year three (this year); Lose the 2½ stone put on through quitting smoking.

I started the new diet 2 weeks ago and have currently lost 8½lb. It always comes off quick at the start. Hopefully, by the summer with some hard work ill reach my "fighting weight" of 12st 4lb.
Lostkat said:
Look, everyone stop STRESSING about going up a lb or two at the start. It happens!! Especially if you're doing exercise etc. Weight doesn't magically fly off the second you glance at a treadmill. It takes time, and it WILL go. Just be patient :)
Yeah, plus depends when you weigh yourself. I will go down 2lbs after taking a poop.

Oh and I've been cutting for 3 weeks now. Not sure how much I've lost as I try not to weigh myself often. Just go by how I look. Aiming to have visible abs by week 10. Unless I can't be bothered and just carry on bulking.

Think I weighed about 78KG last time I checked. 180cm tall.
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I will try and join in on this i think, sounds like a bit ofan incentive if i know im going to post my results on here. Although i am by no means overweight (I'm 6'0" and 11 stone 4)i have pretty thin arms and legs so have always been a naturally thin person which is what i am happy with, but over last 6 months have put on approx 12 lbs which has almost all put itself around my waist :eek: . Would like to lose this before starting to do quite a bit more weight training back at gym, started back properly this week and have been mainly concentrating on cardio work so thats a step in right direction. My biggest problem is going to be my lifestyle change. Currently i eat probably 5 takeaways per week and drink 2 or 3 cans of stella a night, so looks like it will be cut to just weekend drinks and one or two takeaways a week to start with (gotta allow myself some pleasures :p )

Good Luck everyone.
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