OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

Piggymon said:
Thanks SB but I'm giving all classes a wide berth from now on .... I've never really liked the idea but now I've been put off for life :/

I see where youre coming from, but if you really want to achieve something, dont let the "body beautifuls" mess it up for you. Youre not there for them, youre there for YOU remember? :)

Piggymon said:
Badminton does sound good through , I used to really enjoy it ! ... Might ask Desmo if he fancies it one night in the week :)

At least this is something just you two can do together, and it makes you work harder if the other person is winning :D
I'm going to try and lose a lot now for the summertime. I always end up losing a Stone in about 6 weeks, then putting it back on slowly over 3 months :p

For me it's going to be less bread + butter, no chocolate, and a bit more exercise. Hopefully badminton and swimming.
awww just been reading this thread, Piggymon have some more hugs from me from across the Irish sea!!! :) I would love to have access to that gym especially for free! :p
Piggymon said:
I hated every minute of it ( the 5 mins I spent in there before I walked out ) :( ... etc.
Really sorry to hear that Piggy :( I feel quite bad for encouraging you to go now. I'm sorry.

My classes are full of tanned, stick thin, godesses too, and there's me in my joggers with a bright red face, flailing around all out of time. I'm self concious at the best of times, but it always makes things worse when you feel like you're the fattest/ugliest/least co-ordinated person in the room. By some amazing feat though, I've learnt to ignore them and just get one with it. I'm there for me, not them. I'm pretty much used to being the crappest looking person in the whole of the gym too, and I really don't care anymore. I've had the mick taken out of me since I started school about how red my face goes, so it doesn't phase me anymore.

My coordination is awful, and they do just leap into a fast-paced track expecting you to follow them, but if you'd stayed more than 5 mins, you'd probably have picked it up quite quickly. Seriously! Every track is basically similar moves in different sequences etc. I just copy what the person in front of me is doing most of the time.

Anyway, I'm going to Combat tomorrow, for the first time since Christmas. I was going regularly before that. Pump doesn't seem to have done my thighs in (damn squats/lunges), so I should be alright.

Piggymon said:
I am currently at 8st 8 ... I was 8st 7 at the begnining of the week so I am feeling a little like I have taken a step backwards :/

Step away from the scales! ;) It's pointless weighing yourself more than once a week.

Anyway though, great to read everyone's efforts. I'm upping the training to be ready for an adventure race the first weekend of April. Trying to loose the some of the belly that I've never shook off - I was 18.5 stone at one point, got down to roughly 13.5 stone. There's a huge amount of personal satisfaction in going from a 42/40 inch waist down to a 34.

Oh, the comments on girls at the gym looking like they are ready to go up town... From a fully warm blooded male who has been known to think via his pants, ignore them! :D When I was at the gym, I used to have a chuckle at the girls who were worried their lippy would run as they flounced around on level 1 on a bike or cross trainer. I'd finish a session looking like I'd been dragged through a lake backwards. It's a gym, not a cat walk.
#Chri5# said:
Oh, the comments on girls at the gym looking like they are ready to go up town... From a fully warm blooded male who has been known to think via his pants, ignore them! :D When I was at the gym, I used to have a chuckle at the girls who were worried their lippy would run as they flounced around on level 1 on a bike or cross trainer. I'd finish a session looking like I'd been dragged through a lake backwards. It's a gym, not a cat walk.

Quoted for truth, not that I expect any girl to care what i think of them in the gym but I tend to find the girls who go in there and look ready to actually do some work and build up a sweat far more attractive than the ones who look as if they have touched up their make up in changing rooms. Personal opinion of course.
Piggymon said:
Might ask Desmo if he fancies it one night in the week :)
Best exercise plan ever! ;)

But seriously good luck with your target - somehow I just don't see you failing. :) And kudos for having the guts to walk into that gym when you didn't know anyone there.

And all the best of British to Kate & Matt, and everyone else that I haven't yet met.
DanH84 said:
Quoted for truth, not that I expect any girl to care what i think of them in the gym but I tend to find the girls who go in there and look ready to actually do some work and build up a sweat far more attractive than the ones who look as if they have touched up their make up in changing rooms. Personal opinion of course.
I love you :D

It makes me laugh how ladies do their hair and make-up before a class or a gym visit. Some of these women go around with their hair cascading over their shoulders, and don't even break a sweat on the machines. WTF? The point is to have a shower etc. AFTER your visit.

One lady in my class today (well, several) had her full smack on (lipstick, eyeshadow, the works) and looked like she'd just stepped out of a hair salon. Then there's me, with no make-up on, all red-faced having just come off the treadmill. Ho hum :)
Lostkat said:
Really sorry to hear that Piggy :( I feel quite bad for encouraging you to go now. I'm sorry.

Don't be daft ! .. I had planned on going for a few weeks before I even posted about it ! :)

I've never been one for classes and they have never really appealed to me but I thought I would give it a shot .. they just aren't for me. You have my utmost respect for sticking it out with all the " Gym tarts" around you :)
Do you have any other gyms or sports centre where you are Piggy? Seriously, sounds to me like you were just unlucky enough to go somewhere that had a load of gym tarts.

For instance, the amateur boxing club I go to, we welcome new people. As long as they are willing to work. Hell I was even letting somebody hit me the other night to boost their confidence a bit :D
Hopefully I can act as a bit of motivation to all of you trying to do this:

I was also carrying a few too many pounds until a couple of years ago (I peaked at about 40" round the waist!), but I am now down to about 32-33".

The changes I have noticed since I started dieting/ going to the gym have been enormous:

-People treat you completley differentley. I feel like I get more attention and respect from people now.

-It's a massive confidence boost- it affects your personality as much as your appearance

-I get a lot of attention from the fairer sex now, as opposed to none at all before. I still to this day find it a bit difficult to get used to.

-I feel a million times better, more awake and alert, and have far more energy

Basically it has changed my life more than I imagined it ever could :)

I can post some pics if anyone would like to see (before and after)
I guess it's fitting for me to post in this thread.

This time last year i was 8st 9.

I was 6ft which is the same as what i am now, so i looked very skinny.

I went on my own little bulking programme and was taking whey protein and doing heavy weight lifting.

I then stopped the weights but carried on with the eating.

Just after Christmas i weighed 12st 1.

I've cut down on the eating, have stopped taking the whey protein powder and today have worked out for the past couple of hours.

Just weighed myself and i'm 11st 3.

I have muscle but i have a sheet of unwanted body fat over my abdomen which i want to get rid of.

So hopefully i can lose 3lbs or turn that 3lbs into muscle.

Will keep this updated :)


EDIT: Don't laugh, but this is what i took last night.

You can see the muscle but it's not as defined as i'd like.

I think my overall body structure is good and should stay like it is?


Sorry that it's blurry.
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Don't think there's much to be done there, personally I'd just lift heavy and eat clean for a while. If you can put on a couple of pounds of lean muscle mass you'll probably find it easier to then shed that last little layer of bf.
Ye, tis what i was thinkin.

I'm going to start the protein powder again and am going to eat salads, fish, chicken etc... and cut out as much fat as i can.
Well, my planned gym visit today has been cancelled due to aching thighs :( Walking down the stairs is agony. I'm really energised and ready to go as well. Gutted! It was the lunges yesterday that have done it. I knew they'd kill me, and promised myself that I'd take it easy with a light barbell so that I didn't ache too much... but I obviously didn't take it easy enough. D'oh! Dead lifts and squats, I have absolutely no problems with, but lunges kill my thighs. I don't even have wimpy leg muscles either! We also did lunges straight after squats, instead of taking a break to work on arms/back so I didn't even have time to recover! Owwwwwwwww :( I'm still going back next week though. I love it :D

Bes said:
The changes I have noticed since I started dieting/ going to the gym have been enormous:

-People treat you completley differentley. I feel like I get more attention and respect from people now.

-It's a massive confidence boost- it affects your personality as much as your appearance

-I get a lot of attention from the fairer sex now, as opposed to none at all before. I still to this day find it a bit difficult to get used to.

-I feel a million times better, more awake and alert, and have far more energy

Basically it has changed my life more than I imagined it ever could :)
I completely agree with all of these! I started a new job as I was halfway through my big weightloss, and was amazed at how differently the people treated compared to when I was fat. It was quite upsetting on the one hand, because it shows how incredibly vain people can be, but it was hugely confidence boosting. I felt normal for the first time ever, and it was great! :) I also noticed that my lad mates treated me differently too. They now flirt with me and make lewd remarks, when before I was just "one of the lads" and they didn't bother. I've got used to it now, but at first it was really odd.

Until you've done it, you have no idea how much it changes your life, and it's hard to tell people just HOW much difference it makes. I'd never ever want to go back to how I was before that. My only regret is that I didn't do it much earlier in my life, because I wasted my teenaged years and the first 2 years of my Uni life not going out due to low self-confidence levels.
OK here are 2 before pics. I didn't really like having my pic taking so these are all I could find. One is me about 3 years ago and the other one is my driving license taken a few months previously

This is me as of Christmas. I have put some of the fat back on as I am currently going through a bulking phase at the gym. I will see if I can find one before I started bulking when I was thinner. PS this one looks a bit wierd as its part of a big group pic I cut out (And I was a bit drunk when it was taken :D):

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