First impressions:
Havent played tomb raider in quite a long time, since ps1 and to be honest i've never been a fan. I found that the combat was always a random frenzy and really cut throat. Also i detested the perfect jumps you had to make i.e one pixel out and you fall to your death and have to go back 10 minutes to where you died.
Fortunately, an hour in, these problems have been ironed out, im playing with the 360 pad (which works flawlessly with this) and find the combat system is now really good, you lock on nicely and can take quite a few shots, also the game is a little more forgiving if you dont time a jump just right.
It seems like a fun action adventure, nothing more, one of those play for 30 minutes at a time games.
As for gfx, im playing 1600x1200 aa all at max and its running really nice, if i turn on the 'next gen' features the framerate falls to single figures even at lower res, still looks good even without it.
its one dvd5 and install at 7gb!