The new tomb raider game

They should have an option to turn off the physics on her Bazookaas. Must take a lot of CPU power making them move in the way they do.
PinkFloyd said:
I've downloaded it twice now, both times it has been corrupt, help ?!?!?!
really want to play this

If you've downloaded an archived file try extracting with the latest version of WinZip rather than WinRAR or any other extraction program.
Managed to get it working. Seemed the problem was were the file was.... downloaded it from the same place, didnt place it on my desktop and it worked first time... odd
Runs really well on full settings on my rig, with no fps drops.

I'm stuck on the big puzzle though with the cages and the 3 pressure points though....
Brilliant Demo, sold it to me about 5 minutes into it. Although, the box puzzle at the end of the map had me stumped for about 10 minutes lol.
Used to work for Eidos, i.e. the company that producer the Tomb Raider secrets. Apparently the guy who invented TR got absolutely nothing (and may have been sacked soon afterwards). His game was not stolen because almost all peeps who work in the games industry have to sign a contract saying that anything they create during and sometimes several months after leaving their job belongs to the said games company.
ben_j_davis said:
Used to work for Eidos, i.e. the company that producer the Tomb Raider secrets. Apparently the guy who invented TR got absolutely nothing (and may have been sacked soon afterwards). His game was not stolen because almost all peeps who work in the games industry have to sign a contract saying that anything they create during and sometimes several months after leaving their job belongs to the said games company.

Hmm sad story but not exactly a creative genius... ok lets make a game featuring a very fit 20 something lady with massive t*ts and market it at young men. Revolutionary indeed.
I'm not saying this guy came up with just the idea, i believe he was a programmer (i.e. he had begun work on it) although dont quote me on that.
ben_j_davis said:
I'm not saying this guy came up with just the idea, i believe he was a programmer (i.e. he had begun work on it) although dont quote me on that.

Hehe was only kidding. Though if he did come up with the idea i mentioned i would buyhim a drink.
FirebarUK said:
Anyone else with a Dual-Core CPU notice that you have to set the affinity to a single core otherwise the game runs at about x5 speed.

Yep this is a bug i came across, played it through like that as well, seemed more of a challenge, played it like this with benny hill music on made me laugh so hard.
William said:
The very moment the words, ragdoll and bazookas came together my penis made the credit card transaction...

Lol.. After playing it again, and studying the details a bit closer. I have come to the conclusion i am going to buy it. :o :D
Managed to get past that final bit, nice puzzle :)

all those having dual core problems, have you installed the winXP fix for dualcores? I used to get speed problems in various different games, but installed it and have had none since. Tomb Raider runs fine for me :p

think I may have to buy it.
Ive gotten past the 2 dudes i have to kill... jumped up a wall, used a pole to get to another ledge... now i have to jump and grab a vine and swing over onto another ledge to i can use the 2 other poles. However she just doesnt seem to grab the vine like she does at the start? ive tried all buttons while jumping at it and nothing works? is this a bug with the demo or what?

Also i have a SB live 5.1 and im getting a "popping" noise all the time with the audio. I have latest cert drivers and no other issues in other games. Anyone else?

Other than that i love it.. ill deff be buying this one.
I had that problem when she wouldn't grab onto the vine

You just need to time the jump correctly - you don't need to press any buttons as she'll grab onto it
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