Colonic Irrigation....

8 Nov 2003
Anyone ever had one of these? Did you feel better, more energetic etc?

Cleaning out the bowel seems like a good idea!
His partner must have a pretty long, snake like penis for it to have much effect then.
I have been reading about colon cleanses and enemas recently and it certainly seems detoxifying can have enormous health benefits.

I would like to try it but it's quite a scary prospect.
I have been reading about colon cleanses and enemas recently and it certainly seems detoxifying can have enormous health benefits.

I would like to try it but it's quite a scary prospect.

Who told you that. Some person on tv?

It's widely accepted in the medical community that it doesn't have any benefits.
No I read about it in a book about cancer.

I'd be interested to read their studies. Do you know where any are available?

This may also yield some information.

"the California Health Department's Infectious Disease Branch stated: "The practice of colonic irrigation by chiropractors, physical therapists, or physicians should cease. Colonic irrigation can do no good, only harm." The National Council Against Health Fraud agrees"
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How is getting a colonic irrigation 'gay'? Sure, it might be a waste of time but I don't see how it's gay...
I'll laugh when you get prostate cancer and refuse treatment because it'd be gay then. Everyone has a rectum because we need to pass waste. Wow. Get over this childish obsession with things being gay.
Anybody else looking at the OPs name and wondering if there is more to this thread than first meets the eyes :eek:
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