You've not seen some of the DVD extras have you ...
Apparantly not....
You've not seen some of the DVD extras have you ...
Your thinking of an enema. Not the same thing.
Since when was putting things inside your bum NOT gay? irrigation is a complementary therapy, and there is currently no medical or scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness
This may also yield some information.
"the California Health Department's Infectious Disease Branch stated: "The practice of colonic irrigation by chiropractors, physical therapists, or physicians should cease. Colonic irrigation can do no good, only harm." The National Council Against Health Fraud agrees"
I'm not so sure about this, while I don't plan on having one or anything like that, they reckon that the Japanese (and or other eastern countries) have a far lower bowl cancer rate than us. They reckon that the (possible) main reason for the difference is the angle of their bowels when they squat to go to the loo (stops any carcinogens in your poo getting stuck inside).
I'm not so sure about this, while I don't plan on having one or anything like that, they reckon that the Japanese (and or other eastern countries) have a far lower bowl cancer rate than us. They reckon that the (possible) main reason for the difference is the angle of their bowels when they squat to go to the loo (stops any carcinogens in your poo getting stuck inside).
Now I'd assume you'd have to have a terrible diet for that to be a problem over here, but from that point of view it seems logical that it could help some people. I mean you have some people in this country who's diet is so bad that they have complete onion bargies fermenting up their arse!
actually I have been thinking about this myself. I saw a person on 'embarrasing illnesses' have either an enema or colonic (cant remember which) and they showed the 'colon tartar' that this processe is able to loosen and expel when you next go to the toilet.
This tartar is quite a lot (about a fist size if never had 1 before) and looks like the gunk/hair that plugs seem to collect if never cleaned.
edit: although I am tentative about things going 'up the nawt' per se
Didn't some guy on TV have one, and a piece of lego was recovered that he'd swallowed as a child?
May be it was all just a bad dream.......................
You mean, washing away the mucus the colon produces to lubricate faeces and help it pass easily through the gut?