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Love the car Xez.

One thing though, I recognise your number plate. You're not on BTTOS are you?

Nope, it could be the previous owner though. Whats that name from? Im still in contact with the previous owner and wants to buy the number plate back :p
BTTOS = Back to the old school (don't ask!)

It's a car club in Manchester, pretty sure one of the guys on there used to own your car. Been a good few years since I last looked on there but I definitely remember the plate :)
That would be him yes! Remember because it had a Back to the old school CD left in it when i bought it off him :p

I now have better photos. Curtousy of my sisters Nikon SLR Camera. She's got me some nice ones too :)



I thought about Hovis.. but thought i'd get lauged at..



Me.. somewhat out of proportion with the rest of the car :D



See Fox... it isn't Pink :p

Some Exhaust love too :)
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What's with the big grin? looks like you've killed someone and gotten away with it :p


I have also noticed the clock, that is very nerdy :p
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