Well, just got my letter & return label this morning in the post, don't know what to do, wether to return it or not, i have my board & chip running happily at 4.6 rock stable, all my problems disappeared when i updated to the latest bios, i am not using the affected ports at the moment.
I would hate to return it only to get a board that wouldn't clock as well, or give more problems, then there is the down time, i am busy at work at the minute & really can't afford to be without it even for a day or so. (i am in N. Ireland so will probably take more than the quoted two day turn around)
Still can't see why they couldn't do an advanced swap like MSI or Gigabyte, surely it would have been more cost effective for them to have the courier call once, instead of having to collect the board then call back again within a few days with the replacement board. They wouldn't have lost as many customers either. Dosen't make much sense to me !!.
I have replaced my other two old asus boards since with MSI boards & they are running perfect, i don't think i will ever go back to asus ever again !!!.