Car clamped, help and advice needed quickly

15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
Hi there as i speak my car is clamped by a balif...Here is the story.

Got a letter saying i have to go to court
I gave the details of the driver with evidence
I got later from ballif saying i have to pay
I sent letter to ballif that i wasnt the driver as at the time
The ballif people said there is not much they can do but i will bent sent a document to point me in the right direction.

This morning, i was woken up by the ballif who has clamped my cart and demanded 600pounds :( , I have explained the situation to him and he's ask me to call the headoffice, which i did. Headoffices says i need to speak to him!

Now he is getting aggresive and not being helpful.....what are my options? My vehicle is got a big chain on it. I have also called the police as he dosent seem helpful. He wants a whole payment but i offered to pay via arrangement of some sort - installmentally....but he want all the monies.

If my car is towed away, it would be crushed within 5days.

In all honesty, i tried to sort this mess out as i am the registered keeper but i wasnt given an information as to what to do and now they want 600box...
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Keep on the phone until you know who to speak to.

Get that form sent to you right away, get it filled in and the problem should sort itself.

Its unfortunate your car has been clamped, but they need to take money from somewhere.

Get the correct person's details down ASAP..
If it wasn't you who the fine/charge was brought against, why are you offering to pay?

Seems to me that you were trying to escape a fine, and didn't manage it.
paradigm said:
If it wasn't you who the fine/charge was brought against, why are you offering to pay?

Seems to me that you were trying to escape a fine, and didn't manage it.

I am the registered keeper, so all fines automatically comes in my name..
Your going to have a real challeneg getting someone to own up to a couple of quid parking fine... that now owes £600.
Dont you have to be registared to clamp someone ?

Ask to see proof of this and if he isint i would go and do the same to his motor
I think the best thing to do is pay them so they go away, then take it up with the council that the fine was for.
At least you get your car back, parking fines are on the car, not the driver.
So who was driving at the time is not the councils problem, it's yours. So you need to recover the funds.
You're a potential millionnaire, I'm sure £600 is nothing to you :D

What's the car? Is it worth £600 you have to ask yourself.

Its the only way :cool:
Jonny69 said:
What's the car? Is it worth £600 you have to ask yourself.
iirc a Civi, I would say bout £1500 worth. Don't know much about it other than I liked the colour. lol.

Oh and my boat of a mondeo is faster ;)
Tesla said:
iirc a Civi, I would say bout £1500 worth. Don't know much about it other than I liked the colour. lol.

Oh and my boat of a mondeo is faster ;)

Its a GTO or FTO IIRC :)
So is it not your car or were you just not using it at the time of the ticket :confused:

TBH as far as the ticket is concerned it makes sense for them to seek the money from the registered keeper as 99% of the time that will be who caused the offence, or if not they will know the person who did and say to them pay up.

For them the easiest and most effective tool they have against any kind of motoring offence is to take the car, so you saying "But it wasn't me, chase this guy" isn't going to go down well with them because there main objective is to get the money, and they have been told to get it from you.

Not really what you want to hear but I think at this point in time your choices are pay up or lose the car :( After you have paid them you would then have to chase the money you are out of pocket from the person who commited the offence but I think the odds are stacked against you :(
Simon said:
Anyone else have no idea what is going on? Or is it just me :p

I'm a little confused... I sense "mountain of out molehill" syndrome - but I'd have to understand it first :p

Surely if he wasn't the registered keeper at the time (which is easily proved) then he can't be liable?
Is it a proper bailiff (as instructed by a court), or a company of debt collector thugs stepping right over their mark?

If it was me, I'd get hold of a grinder or gas axe, and then move it round a mates house until the storm had died down :p
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