To Laugh or Cry?

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17 Jul 2006
Hi friends,

I've just spent the afternoon backing up data off my 160GB Maxtor SATA drive.
Format E: in dos. Format complete.


That's right. Whatever I do to the disk structure, it forgets it.

I want to get rid of the 70GB of porn. Please help.

- GoldenGlory
Use a program like Clean Disk Security maybe? Just do a low-level sweep with it (else it'll take forever and put a lot of strain on the HDD).

Then format it again and see what happens.
Just leave all the porn on it, seriously, what's the worst that could happen? You will get one hillarious neutral or negative, or you will get a great positive because the person loves you for leaving 70GB of porn on their new hard disk. Either way, if they don't like it, they should be able to get rid of it.
Okay i've done a chkdsk.

WARNING! F parameter not specified.
Running CHKDSK in read-only mode.

CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 3)...
File verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 3)...
Missing object id index entry or duplicate object id dete
for file record segment 1262.
Deleting index entry desktop.ini in index $I30 of file 48
Index verification completed.

Errors found. CHKDSK cannot continue in read-only mode.

What do I do?
Úlfhednar said:
Just leave all the porn on it, seriously, what's the worst that could happen? You will get one hillarious neutral or negative, or you will get a great positive because the person loves you for leaving 70GB of porn on their new hard disk. Either way, if they don't like it, they should be able to get rid of it.

I am seriously PMSL at your post.

It has pics of my ex g/f naked. No way can I let this go unformatted.
I think the filesystem is corrupt.
lmao :D

Bit silly of you really not to sort it out before auction. There are plenty of programs which can blast your hdd with random 1's and 0's in several passes, which can meet DOD, NSA, governmental etc level of approval.

However for complete piece of mind the use of a dedicated magnetic device called a magnetic degausser is the only sure fire way, thought the condition of the disc after that would be unsuable unless it was done correctly.

Therefore whatever you erase their is always the chance with dedication software/hardware and some know how it could be retreived, albeit with limited levels of success
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Ok if this was me i wouldnt sell it its too risky, i have just made a claim for my home pc which i damadged and they wanted me to send the whole system off to be tested, needelss to say i have swapped drives for this very reason.
I'd rather not close the auction before getting to the end of this.

Anyone know what those chkdsk errors are?

I'm going to make a boot disk and try it from dos.

Wish me luck. :(
Another vote for DBAN (Dariks Boot & Nuke)

1 - Download it and burn to CD
2 - Select 7 pass option
3 - leave it overnight as it takes a while

There's no way anyone's gonna see your GF naked! after you've done this ;)
pumaz said:
Another vote for DBAN (Dariks Boot & Nuke)

1 - Download it and burn to CD
2 - Select 7 pass option
3 - leave it overnight as it takes a while

There's no way anyone's gonna see your GF naked! after you've done this ;)

Grrr was looking for the auction :D
Just recieved this question on eBay.

eBay said:
hi there, interested in the HDD, just wondering does it come with any porn on it? or will it be freshly formatted?

You guys really are funny. This is quite serious.

Gonna try a format in dos, then give DBAN a go.
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