What's the biggest animal you could fight?

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9 May 2005
No need to dally! What do you think is the largest animal you could 'take' in a one-on-one fight?

My girlfriend says 'Chihuahua'.

I reckon I could take a medium-adult male red deer.

Use it's horns as handles to wrestle it to the ground.

penski said:
I reckon I could take a medium-adult male red deer.

Use it's horns as handles to wrestle it to the ground.

Deer would own you.

I reckon I could take a cow if I kicked its udder hard enough and dropped it.

Cilla Black ;)
I dunno because animals have different levels of placidness, not a chance could I take a wolf, but I could reckon I could deck a tuna.
judging by the deer i came face to face with recently (were rather small with average antlers) i would say a dear would own you / me / * :D

largest i would fight, hmm, going to have to think about that!
congratulations. You have just stopped all productivity in my office, all we are doing is debating what we could beat in a fight. Common consensus is a cow, with most girls going for a medium sized dog.
I just had a test fight with my dog and though it was touch and go for a while (pinning my head to the floor with his paw!) I won in the end. Now to try a Rotty next!
I once punched a cow full force in the face, it didn't even flinch and I mean nothing.

You would have to have a good strategy to put any cow down, you might get lucky and break it's neck but I doubt it. As soon as it felt pain it would bolt, so an eye-gouge is out.
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