1 Jan 2007
just wondering when will you have the DFI 965-s DARK if you are getting it

also will you have the new e6420 range on the 22 of april?

pastymuncher said:
Ooohhh that's nice. Nice layout too. Somebody actually thought about that one. Be interesting to see how much that will be.
DFI are either awesome at layout and performance or dire - no real middle ground! :rolleyes:

I loved my old SLi DR lanparty... amazing board! :D

This looks like another good one! Hope it performs well! :)

Tute said:
It looks like a nice board, but apart from layout what could it possibly offer over the DS3?

Seems a bit late really. :(

It's faster as clocks higher on the 1066 strap. Only boards to boot at high FSB and not swap to 1333 are the Abit Quad and this.
Nelly said:
Hi there,

Does this board have the option to run 1T Command rate? If so would you be able to test it, to see if it works?


hey bud,

the board a function known as 'Enhhanced Addressing', which drops memory latency by about 5ns, you could call this 1t under another name. The board can hold this function all the way to ddr1000 quite stable and will go beyond for benching. Performance at this time at high fsb appears faster than any other 965 board, the fsb advantage this board has over the 975 has it's merits to when benchmarking with lower multiplier locked cpu's.

I have just plugged my qx6700 in now and need to get some results together. Most of the benchmarking results will go up at the OCZ hwbot team section, but I will pop the links to the images back here if you are interested.

raja said:
hey bud,

the board a function known as 'Enhhanced Addressing', which drops memory latency by about 5ns, you could call this 1t under another name. The board can hold this function all the way to ddr1000 quite stable and will go beyond for benching. Performance at this time at high fsb appears faster than any other 965 board, the fsb advantage this board has over the 975 has it's merits to when benchmarking with lower multiplier locked cpu's.
H'mm sounds very insteresting, is their actually an option to change from 2T to 1T? other than that this 'Enhanced Addressing' does sound appealing.
raja said:
I have just plugged my qx6700 in now and need to get some results together. Most of the benchmarking results will go up at the OCZ hwbot team section, but I will pop the links to the images back here if you are interested.
Hehe, funnily enough thats what caught my attention when reading the OCZ forums, while I was checking for Abit AB9 QuadGT results, have you actually had any of your o/c results orthos stable 8 hours + ?

Would appreciate any more info you have, although Im not lazy can always check OCZ forums & DFI Club. :)

Another thing that does appeal to me is the actual cooling on this board, less hassle to actually setup water cooling as their is no OTES Silient cooling pipe, which I absolutly hate! :p
Nelly said:
H'mm sounds very insteresting, is their actually an option to change from 2T to 1T? other than that this 'Enhanced Addressing' does sound appealing.
Hehe, funnily enough thats what caught my attention when reading the OCZ forums, while I was checking for Abit AB9 QuadGT results, have you actually had any of your o/c results orthos stable 8 hours + ?

Would appreciate any more info you have, although Im not lazy can always check OCZ forums & DFI Club. :)

Another thing that does appeal to me is the actual cooling on this board, less hassle to actually setup water cooling as their is no OTES Silient cooling pipe, which I absolutly hate! :p

No direct 1T, though if you think about it dropping latency by 5ns is more than enough to be called a psuedo 1t.. What matters more is that it actually works..

Orthos is something I've moved away from these days, been overclocking long enough to know what works for my setup now without dumping loads of heat into my phase unit and stressing the whole shebang. Used to be an orthos freak, but these days half an hour of OCCT works well for me just to demonstrate an overclock on forums to others for the sake of information (OCCT is one tough cookie to pass), and my 24/7 point on phase is usually found by knocking around 1.6v thru my cpu and running at 4ghz on all the boards I have, they never crash. Though if you look back at my stuff on the street I was one of the biggest orthos nuts going, just moved on really, never looked back...

be cool..
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