I has Sandybridge - Excellent service OCUK

21 Sep 2009
Arrived a few moments ago, top class service Overclockers :D


Got tea and curry in fridge, let the building commence :cool:

Just drinking tea and reading manuals atm, probably won't push it to 5ghz just yet, will stick to about 4.6.

Was considering getting H50, but may go full watercooled in the near future so didn't want a massive initial outlay.

oh yeah, 5ghz on air, pure jokeage
Just drinking tea and reading manuals atm, probably won't push it to 5ghz just yet, will stick to about 4.6.

Was considering getting H50, but may go full watercooled in the near future so didn't want a massive initial outlay.

oh yeah, 5ghz on air, pure jokeage

To be honest you can push it on air with reasonable temps! You would have to have a very nice CPU however :p
To be honest you can push it on air with reasonable temps! You would have to have a very nice CPU however :p

Asus reckoned 1 in 10 will do 4.8 on low voltage. So the chances of getting such a chip are pretty low ;(

That means out of the 50-60 of us whose orders were despatched only 5 - 6 will hit 4.8ghz STABLE at low volts... Personally I would be happy with 4.3ghz at medium volts.
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