What the ***? Youtube muting a mix

9 Mar 2010
Fabric Nightclub, London.
Hi guys. I've just been uploading the first episode of my new youtube series, only to be greeted with this email:

Dear DJShayper,

Your video "Your Weekly EDM Fix Ep. 1 - Glitch Hop", may have content that is owned or licensed by AEI Media Ltd. As a result, the video’s audio has been muted.

This claim is penalising your account status. Visit your Copyright Notice page for more details on the policy applied to your video.

Yours sincerely,
- The YouTube Team

This is because I used a song in a mix. Like thousands of other people on youtube, none of which have had their videos muted. Not to mention every live DJ show on there, which uses songs that other people have made anyway.

I've never had a problem before with any of my other videos, so why now, and why are they muting a video for this?

I have disputed the claim, stating that if they are going to mute/remove my video they either have to remove others as well, or they let mine stay.

Does anyone else think that their stance is ridiculous?

You're using copyrighted media, they have detected it, they have therefore disabled it. Not ridiculous at all.
You're using copyrighted media, they have detected it, they have therefore disabled it. Not ridiculous at all.

This. It's the chance you take using youtube. Plenty of videos get muted/removed/not available in certain countries because of music be it mixes, game videos, anything really.
They are just responding to a request from the media owners. If they don't they are not protected by law.
Your dispute is woeful and I expect will be rejected. Have you read the policy? Are you allowed clips or music from certain groups. I know they used to have contracts with several publishers.
The fact is that all mixes on youtube/live performances are violating the terms of copyright.

The rights holders just tend to ignore it as it's publicising their material/insignificant or whatever reasons.

That they've singled you out may suck but in the end it's their right.
Surely they should remove any live DJ show as well, as they don't use their own songs?

You would think they would, but again I would think it would be hard to police every single video placed on youtube, cant begin to imagine how many videos are present and are uploaded on a daily basis, they probably police what they can at the time when they are uploaded or over time, and the rest are reported as and when they are spotted by associates, moderators and the owners of the copyrighted material.
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By the sounds of it the audio detection systems have noticed it automatically and muted it. Live performances escape this because they don't sound just like the detectors expect, and I assume mixes also can get away through this sometimes.
The fact is that all mixes on youtube/live performances are violating the terms of copyright.

The rights holders just tend to ignore it as it's publicising their material/insignificant or whatever reasons.

Not all, I assume YouTube still hold contracts with several publishers. They certainly used to. Meaning publishers got a portion of advertising and people could use there music in videos.

YouTube along with another website has to do a few things to legally protect the selfs. They do not have to remove everything. They have to have a department to deal with copyright issues, they have to clearly have a copyright procedure and contact info and when requested they have to remove it. As long as they follow those three simple rules they are not braking any laws.
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The fact is that all mixes on youtube/live performances are violating the terms of copyright.

The rights holders just tend to ignore it as it's publicising their material/insignificant or whatever reasons.

That they've singled you out may suck but in the end it's their right.

But does that mean that every live performance at clubs/festivals should be banned because they aren't mixing their own songs? Not just talking about putting them on youtube, but actually having the event in the first place. If the rights holders are going to get ****y over one video on youtube which is also publicising their media, and making more people aware of it, then surely these festivals which are doing just the same should suffer the same restrictions then?
Here's the song if anyone wants it.
Wub wub wubbb wubbbbbbbb wubbbbbbbbb.


Your mixes suck anyway



Anyway, just had a comment posted by one of the guys at Nu: Urban:

Hi... Just to let you know we're not contesting your legality in assuming the audio, nor are we trying to prevent you from using it. We are simply stating to YouTube that some of the audio you use is ours and that we'd like to collect the YouTube audio royalty for said use. We are not wanting to interfere with anything you are doing. Thanks, Andy at Nu Urban.

Which leaves in what position? I'm confused.
Sorry, what exactly has been muted? I've skipped through and can hear everything fine or is just muted in a particular section?
Sorry, what exactly has been muted? I've skipped through and can hear everything fine or is just muted in a particular section?

Well, it was apparently muted according to the email, but since a couple of people on my facebook have said it's fine, so either they've rescinded the copyright claim to the point where the audio is allowed, or youtube are just making a bit of a ****-up :D
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