What the ***? Youtube muting a mix

I know what you mean Shayper, I was listening to a Swedish house mafia remix of every teardrop is a waterfall, was the best sound quality video I could find.

A day later it was taken down yet the other versions of the same remix still remain.

TIP: Add a small voice sample saying DJ Shayper like Pete Tong has his (just don't repeat it a million times)

Should get around it.

That's actually not a bad idea, thanks a lot :)
There's one thing I can't put my finger on, appearance wise you look like you should be listening to bands like a day to remember (From my point of view, not that there's a problem, brilliant band)

Err..he really doesn't, looks nothing like your typical ADTR fan imo.

If I only had a pic of him to go by that genre of music would probably be bottom of the list :D
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