Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (April Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 452 45.0%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 553 55.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Ah, Burnsy strikes again as I was finishing a proofread! :eek: Oh well, nvm, a few ugly commas and one typo shall remain where they are now.

Send him a memo; bonus points for mentioning that Tin Tin is Belgian. :p:D

Reposting this from the last thread, in case it gets left behind: http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/eu-referendum-factchecked/.

Donate to FullFact for an independent fact-checking mission: they are on 41% now.
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Still leaning towards the out camp, haven't found any plausible reasons or sound arguments to remain in yet other than GD/Facebook level sniping and bickering lol :D
Don't need to be tied to failing economies as they demand money from us. The EU represents corruption, poor innovation and low competition. As it draws closer our interests will be further ignored.
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I can see that the EU is 'good' for countries with weaker economies than ours however I feel the UK is able to survive/thrive on its own without European bureaucracy.
I feel that the EU has flaws and I think they are unwilling to reform - The future for the EU is uncertain and seems to be heading in a direction I do not like and as new members are shoehorned in to joining the EU the United Kingdoms influence shrinks more and more so for me my vote is OUT.
My opinion hasn't changed and is very unlikely to change before May. I believe that we're better off in the EU. It's not perfect and I'd love to see the UK take the lead on fixing what's wrong. Why throw away something that can be fixed?

I worry that the UK will never be able to take a leading role in Europe though. A significant number of British people vote for UKIP in European elections, whose MEPs have a dreadful attendance record, and thus our voice is diminished. Ultimately, that's why I'll be fairly happy even if we do vote to leave.
This. Eligible and actually will go and vote. The overclockers result at the last general election was pretty accurate.

Not really. OCuk predicted a Conservative victory but OCuk always predicts a Conservative victory.

Looking at the numbers, OCuk was significantly off on Labours share of the vote (30% vs. 18%) and the Greens/UKIP were several times more popular on OCuk than they were in the GE.
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